Minutes IETF118: qirg: Tue 08:30
Meeting Minutes | Quantum Internet Research Group (qirg) RG | |
Date and time | 2023-11-07 08:30 | |
Title | Minutes IETF118: qirg: Tue 08:30 | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | markdown | |
Last updated | 2023-11-21 |
1. Administrativia (5 min):
- Resolving any online issues
- RG update
- Relevance of QKD to the QIRG
- It is important to look at current deployments too
2. A multi-plane architecture for the Quantum Internet, inspired on the lessons learned from QKD deployments (20 min)
Speaker: Diego Lopez
- reflect some insights (about architecture and framework) from QKD to
entangled networks -
three main goals: Universality, Transparency, Sclability
- (took from one of the papers as a reference)
essential properties
- agility
- sustainability
- pliability
Translating networks from QKD to Quantum Internet requires a general
QKD framework - three planes: Quantum Forwarding Plane, Service Overlay Plane,
Control and Management Plane -
The CLAS Architecture
- generalizes the architecture
- strata
CLAS for quantum networks
Service Stratum
- key generation, entanglement distribution,
Quantum Forwarding Stratum
- Connectivity Stratum
Draft has a lot of TBD
shota nagayama:
- for QKD, quantumness exists only on fiber. we cannot copy and
retransmit quantum data
- focus on functions in each stratum
- stratum concerns about what it should accomodate
3. DemoQuanDT: Controlling Quantum Key Distribution Networks (20 min)
Speaker: Martin Stiemerling
- simple routing and simulation of QKD nodes
- a naive implementation of (parts) of QKDN netowrk
Some of the research questions are related to
- actual behaviour of real "complete" QKDN deplyment
- how secure are quantum links in real networks
- the need for hybrids
- centralized vs. decentralzed control/routing
authentication with Wegman-Carter hashes (deployment 2024 Bonn to
Scott: how do you know that the lessons learned from QKD are applicable
to entangled networks of the future?
A: We are also going to test entanglements but not in this project
4. The difficulty of Quantum Cryptography in presence of packet losses (20 min)
Speaker: Davide Li Calsi
Some protocols for authentication suffer from loss of information and
retransmission of the public key can leak the secret.
Remediations exists such as transmitting new qbits instead of
re-transmitting the same public key (multiple measurements are now
Scott: Where is the public key?
A: It is not a public key in the classical sense - it is called public
key because it is shared multiple times
Diego Lopez: Idea of certification, is this a first step towards
security assesmtne for quantum protocols? Encourage as a line of
working, security analysis for QKD protocols
2nd presenter: working on this.
JinHveock Choi: same team can work together
5. Quantum Internet Addressing (20 min)
Speaker: Marcello Caleffi
This talk is about the protocol stack. There are a lot of lessons
learned from QKD networks for entangled networks.
We focus on addressing (similar to the classical IP/addressing layer).
The core of the quantum internet is to be able
to entangle with the destination - which is different from the classical
case where you want to reach the destination.
In fact, you do not have a single destination, since each party
participating in the entanglement are gateways for your
Scott: no idea about advantage of having quantumness in the address.
give me a what problem might be.
A: once you have entanglement and superposition for security, I can keep
routing tables small. why do you want to restrict your addressing to be
Scott: if you want to be secure, you need to know who you are begin
secure with.
Diego: Coming back to the different stratum. This is in the quantum
stratum. (missed the point).
Marcello: most proposals focus on quantum dataplane. control plane is
classic. Personal curios in seeing of quantum control plane can provide
advantages about classical quantum plane.
Diego: You need fibers. Need classical connectivity.
Marcello: Need to have quantum links, can be mapped to classical
definition. If doing swapping, definition of connectivity changes
Diego: I am saying relationship between quantum layer patterns, and
fibers, need relationship in order to get security alligned.
JinHyeock Choi: Do you plan to use a different name for identity and
location or connectivity for quantum case?
A: Within a year that's the honest answer.
Shota Nagayama:
A: if we have quantum addresses and quantum routing tables, we need
quantum algorithm to process it and extract it. does this give an
advantage? who knows? but it's important to provide these kind of
questions to advance research. now we have a new resource quantum. how
can we use it?
6. Towards the integration of 6G and the Quantum Internet (20 min)
Speaker: Riccardo Bassoli
Rodney Van Meter: what do you think the timeframe is?
A: 3 years. we're in the first year
Wojciech: Capabilities of the quantum nodes
Riccardo Bassoli: Physics Department is designing the nodes.
7. Rodney Van Meter announcements (5 min)
Workshop for Quantum Repeaters and Networks 4 (WQRN 4) https://wqrn.org.
Quantum Communications book https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.02367.
Pitch for shared work on routing in quantum networks survey, talk to Rod
about this.