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Minutes IETF118: wimse: Tue 12:00

Meeting Minutes Workload Identity in Multi System Environments (wimse) WG
Date and time 2023-11-07 12:00
Title Minutes IETF118: wimse: Tue 12:00
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2023-11-07


WimSE BoF at IETF 118

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 13:00-15:00, Congress Hall 1

Note Takers: Dean H. Saxe / Rifaat Shekh-Yusef


5 Opening Chairs

  • Side meeting tomorrow at 10am.
  • Non-WG forming BoF today.
    • We'll gauge the activity today to determine next steps - BoF in
      Brisbane or creating a WG between 118 and 119

10 Standards and related work Pieter Kasselman

  • One challenge today is that customers run workloads in multiple
    clouds with no mechanisms to reason over the identity systems across
    these clouds
  • Need standards for a variety of things, eg. authN, authZ,
    federation, attestation, monitoring, worload federations, etc
  • Many existing standards that we could leverage, including other
    organizations' standards (see Pieter's slide for a description of
    the various standards)
  • Challenges: There's a gap today, even with all of the existing
    standards. When we go end-to-end the standards don't fully align

    • Client registration
    • Request binding
    • Resiliency
    • Latency
  • These standards exist, but lack clarity in how to use them in a
    composable manner.

  • How do we connect all these standards?

Request binding (Evan):

  • simplified example JWT
  • differences from regular OAuth include tightly scoped expiration,
    audience is another workload
  • Which has implication on availability and scalability
  • DPoP was considered to be applied to workload security, but it has
    some limitations:
    • JWT placement is one issue
    • htm, htu claims
    • This was not a perfect fit for SPIFFE - DPoP is HTTP centric,
      but workloads may not be HTTP centric

We needed something more flexible
Do we need a new spec for that?

10 Use cases doc Pieter Kasselman and Justin Richer

  • What's a workload?

    • a singular piece of software ... deployed with a specific
    • Which may consist of many copies of software executing the same
    • Identity is needed to allow us to identify each one of these
    • SPIFEE allows us to give identities and keys to the workloads,
      but it leaves some open questions
    • OAuth abstracts all these workloads into a resource server
    • If you explode the RS you see it represents multiple services in
      many cases. How does the leaf node understand the context of the
    • How do we cross boundaries and make sure it makes sense
    • This workload can call another workload, possibly in another
      cloud. How do we convey information between these workloads and
      across clouds? How do we reason about each workload's internal
      state? How much do the individual elements in the workload trust
      each other (see Justin's slides, how does Qux trust Baz?).
  • Use cases

    • Constrained credentials - how do we prevent token replay?
    • Cross-workload acces: because of the large number of clients,
      there is no client registration?
    • Chain of custody of requests - know who was in the path of a set
      of requests?
    • How do I make low latency/high resiliency local decisions about
    • How do we reconcile logs across these workloads, especially when
      the workload is disconnected from its control plane for an
      extended period?
    • Location authorization

10 Quick introduction to SPIFFE Evan Gilman

  • Workload identity spec lives inside the CNCF
  • AuthZ is out of scope for SPIFFE
  • SPIFFE identifiers are structured as URIs
  • Reuses existing identity documents, e.g., x509 and JWT

    • They are used separately, some people use both at the same time
  • SPIFFE has platform agnostic issuance of identities and credentials

  • Agents communicate with an SPIRE server API server
  • Support federations
  • We are not asking to move SPIFFE
  • there are gaps in the ecosystem today that SPIFFE cannot solve,
    these use cases are out of scope for SPIFFE and need a home.

15 Workload Identity BCP Hannes Tschofenig

  • there's a new draft from Hannes in datatracker
  • Workloads in distributed systsme need to access protected resources
    but we lack scalable mechanisms to enable this.
  • In OAuth we use Client Id and Client Secret
  • K8s has a control plane

    • Has agents that communicate with control plane and instantiate
  • Define profiles that could help people use the existing protocols

15 SPIFFE token group presentation Marco Marques, Charles Miers, and
Marcos Simplicio

  • Nested Token Model

    • a decentralized mechanism to locally create authenticated
    • supports extension and incremental signing (aggregation)
    • can covey multiple sets of claims in a size sensitive manner
      with cheap singature validation
    • tokens are tech agnostic, the POC uses a JSON based model
    • Minimal claims enabled to ensure interop

    • Payload, Signature, and Nested

      • Common name
      • Public Key
      • ID document
    • Signature schemes

      • ID mode backed by an ID provider (SPIRE in this case) binds
        the issuer to a unique audience

        • identify and link issuer and audience
        • (see image presented in slide which shows the nested
          nature of the tokens and how they are composed across
        • ekr - what assertions can be made based upon signature
        • If one document starts as JWT and change tp CBOR, how do
          you detect that?
        • George Fletcher - there are properties of the
          transaction context that should be immutable as it
          passes through multiple services
      • What is one of the entities in the path is compromised? more
        work to be done on this

      • Anonymous mode which uses ephemeral keys and aggregation
        scheme to create smaller token signature chains

  • does not require an aud claim to bind sender/receiver

  • aggregates singatures based on Schnorr Signatue Concatenation
  • the target workload can validate all of the signatures
  • Future work: a hybrid mode

15 Token containers Justin Richer and Orie Steele

  • Token containers enable a mechanism to inlcude >1 token/request.
    HTTP only enables one
  • What if we need more than one token?

    • Workload processing
      • every stage can augment the request with additional
        attestable data
  • Back to Justin's diagram

    • Afte the gateway receives an access token, the token is no
      longer an access token when it hits foo or bar

      • it's no longer an access token, esp. with token binding
      • it's metadata about the request when passed to downstream
    • Build the system as a graph to allow additional values to the

    • Tokens contained in buckets, buckets are contained in crates.
      • reference any node in the crate via its hash
  • Interesting properties:

    • You can trim few nodes and the graph would still be valid
    • the trimmed graph can be added to and then merged back to the
      original graph
  • Orie - digital credential workflows

    • these graphs can be uses for selective disclosure
  • Roman Danyliw - what's the overlap with the SPICE BoF?

    • the data structure (crate) needs to be defined somewhere, that's
      probably in SPICE (Justin)
    • Roman - I should not try to link SPICE and WIMSE together?

      • Pieter Kasselman - these are all ways to solve different
        aspects of the use cases. Both are valid at different points
        in time.
  • If there are other ways of providing us with the same properties, we
    will consider that.

  • supply chain needs a graph structure as was described before.

  • What is the role of transparency?
    It is not clear if this is needed here?

40 Scope, charter, next steps, open discussion Chairs

  • This is not a WG yet, nor is this a WG forming BoF

    • almost everything is open for discussion
    • Proposed charter: see mailing list or Yaron's slides

      • Proposed BCPs
      • Gap-filling work
      • Standardize new solutions if gaps can't be addressed in
        other WGs and/or SDOs
    • Deliverables in priority order

      • use cases
      • best practices, informational docs that are implementable

        • note these may be point in time with a future planned
      • Architecture & Gaps

      • New standards (lowest priority)
        • Preferably relying on existing WG work
  • Ekr: The charter is open ended

    • Start with an architecture and continue from there
    • Justin - "I agree" The goal from initial conversation was to
      identify specific things and put together a BCP/architecture to
      identify where the gaps are for more work to be done.
  • Roman - charter text reads like a standing WG. Why do we need a WG
    to find out what the problems are?

  • Cullen J (Cisco) - I'm really glad to see this. Risky place for a
    blank check open charter. This could be a magnet for work rejected @
    other SDOs. BCPs are probably "usage documents"
  • Cedric Fournet - Not sure what's a workload and what is not. What is
    specific to a workload?
  • Hannes Tschoefenig - Focus on fine tuning the use cases.
  • Roman - What do we mean by "architecture"

    • Is this new architecture? existing architecture?
    • Hannes: utilize existing architecture
    • Roman: are you saying that all the deployed architecture are not

      • Yes
    • Cullen - we need a roadmap of how things are run today... this
      is more than just looking at source code

    • Roman - do we have an IETF pattern where we document the
      architecture of non-IETF standards?
    • Justin - the context gets lost over time due to institutional
      knowledge going away.

      • preventing rediscovery should be part of this work
      • what weird hacks are being done that work and need fences
        put around them
    • Pieter:

      • sometimes it is just documenting our own protocols and how
        they should be used properly
      • If a workload identity is compromised, it has a major impact
        that goes beyond what a user identity compromise entails
    • Hannes: sometimes we document what are some of the
      implementation produced but it was not documented properly for
      us to be consumed

    • AJ: I am still confused. Are we talking about Identity and
      authentication for the workload in the cloud?

    • Yes
  • Chair (Joseph Salowey) - I know we want to get to a concise charter.
    I want to understand if there is work here that is appropriate for
    the IETF?

    • Yes - 33, No 4, 61 no opinion
  • Next Question - How many people would contribute to this by
    authoring or reviewing documents?

    • Yes 30, No 10 , no opinion 58

Is this SEC or ART area?

Orie: Feels like ART becuase we are talking about documeting what's out

Ekr: it depends on what we will be doing.

Francesca: There is lots of interest but the scope is not clear yet.