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Minutes IETF120: mls: Mon 20:00

Meeting Minutes Messaging Layer Security (mls) WG
Date and time 2024-07-22 20:00
Title Minutes IETF120: mls: Mon 20:00
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2024-08-08



Presentation 1: -architecture - Brendan McMillion / Konrad Kohbrok (30min)

Hands Question:

  • Q1: Should there be a PR to address these issues?
    Result: overwhelming yes

  • Q2: Yes for listing approaches. No for including only the problem.
    Result: 4 yes, 8 no, 5 no opinion

Extensions - Rohan Mahy (27min)

draft-barnes-mls-appsync - 15 minutes
draft-mahy-mls-semiprivatemessage - 10 minutes

SelfRemove (in draft-ietf-mls-extensions)
draft-mahy-mls-xwing (waiting on CFRG KEM combiner design team for
likely replacement)

Extensions - Richard Barnes (15min)

draft-barnes-mls-replace (15min)

Post-quantum - Britta Hale (10min)

-extensions draft - Raphael Robert (5min)

I-D: draft-ietf-mls-extensions
Github: repo


Richard to submit PR for draft-barnes-mls-addl-creds