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Minutes IETF121: suit: Thu 17:30

Meeting Minutes Software Updates for Internet of Things (suit) WG
Date and time 2024-11-07 17:30
Title Minutes IETF121: suit: Thu 17:30
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2024-11-08


SUIT at IETF 121 on 7 November 2024

Chairs: Akira Tsukamoto, David Waltermire
Notes: Russ Housley, Dave Thaler

SUIT Manifest Format


Submitted to IESG for Publication, but there are two DISCUSS ballot
position that need to be resolved.

Thomas Fossati: posted feedback on some problems in the examples in -28.
Should be easy to address.

Brendan Moran: will provide a more detailed update later in the agenda,
but lots of work going on this week. Thought an update already happened
on github but will check. -29 is published this week but -30 coming

[Later in the meeting, Brendan presented the document update]

Brendan Moran: IANA told Brendan what to write to address IANA review,
which is now done in -28. This should resolve Murray's DISCUSS ballot
position. Orie's should be resolved too. Not sure whether Paul Wouters
comments have been sufficiently resolved.

-29 just addressed a merge error in references section.

Github copy now addresses all of points on IANA Considerations,
including Murray's.

Deb Cooley: On Oct 25th, Paul emailed
saying it wasn't sufficient. Brendan to check and cc Deb.

SUIT Manifest Extensions for Multiple Trust Domains


Submitted to IESG for Publication, and the Security AD (Deb Cooley) has
completed the AD Review. An updated shepherd write-up is needed.

[Later in the meeting, Ken and Brendan remotely presented the document

CCDL examples were corrected; they are now valid, and a Github CI check
as added to ensure they remain correct in the github version.

Brendan explained the reasons for the references -- they are essentially
requirements related to trust docmains.

Deb: fine with keeping the reference, but would like to see more text
along the lines of what you said on slide 18.

Brendan: will get the IPR confirmation done asap

Hannes: regarding PR 24, implicit indices are surprising rather than
explicit indices. Will file issue in tracker. Affects composability of

Brendan: will fix or at least explain why it's the way it is. Yes please
file an issue.

Dave Waltermire: And mention on the mailing list.

Firmware Encryption with SUIT Manifests


Submitted to IESG for Publication. Will be seeking a new document

[Later in the meeting, Hannes presented the document update]

Recieved reviews from Martin Thomson and Ron Bonica. Comments have been
addressed, and the examples were updated. It is now ready for IESG

Hannes: Need reviewers since there were so many editorial changes.

Hannes mentioned editing tips from Martin (about tables) and Carsten
(about CDDL), which would have saved him
hours if he had known earlier.

Dave Thaler: is there somewhere that advertises such tips since they
will help many other draft authors?

Henk: Maybe add warnings (or parameters) similar to the "make fix-lint"
hint to Martin's i-d-template CI.

Deb: This draft is on telechat for November 21st. Please review quickly.
Kris Kwiatkowski offered to connect with Hannes to provide some extra
review before the telechat date.

Secure Reporting of Update Status


In WG Last Call, but it has been completed.Clarified that encryption is

[Brendan Moran presented]

No comments.

Strong Assertions of IoT Network Access Requirements


Submitted to IESG for Publication. Roman is holding the document. No one
in the room knows why.

Deb Cooley: Although it is waiting for normative referencs, Roman
doesn't need to hold it. Chairs should ask Roman to not hold or say why.
Chairs will CC Deb.

[Later in the meeting, Brendan discussed the status]

Brendan: no update to document. Held for manifest so nothing we can do
right now.

Mandatory-to-Implement Algorithms for SUIT Manifests


Brendan Moran: We need to publish this, but expect we will need a -bis

Russ Housley will document shepherd this draft.

[Later in the meeting, Brendan presented the document update]

No comments.

Update Management Extensions for SUIT Manifests


WG Consensus: Waiting for Write-Up.

Thomas Fossati is willing to be document shepherd.

[Later in the meeting, Brendan discussed the status]

Brendan: no update to document. Held for manifest so nothing we can do
right now.

Other topics?

No further topics were raised, so meeting ended 6 minutes early.