Minutes interim-2013-iesg-10 2013-05-30 15:30
Meeting Minutes | Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF | |
Date and time | 2013-05-30 15:30 | |
Title | Minutes interim-2013-iesg-10 2013-05-30 15:30 | |
State | (None) | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2024-02-23 |
INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Minutes of the May 30, 2013 IESG Teleconference Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Jari Arkko (Ericsson) / IETF Chair, General Area Richard Barnes (BBN) / Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Stewart Bryant (Cisco) / Routing Area Gonzalo Camarillo (Ericsson) / Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Benoit Claise (Cisco) / Operations and Management Area Michelle Cotton (ICANN) / IANA Liaison Spencer Dawkins (Huawei) / Transport Area Brian Haberman (Johns Hopkins University) / Internet Area Adrian Farrel (Juniper Networks) / Routing Area Stephen Farrell (Trinity College Dublin) / Security Area Heather Flanagan / RFC Series Editor Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison Russ Housley (Vigil Security, LLC) / IAB Chair Joel Jaeggli (Zynga) / Operations and Management Area Barry Leiba (Huawei) / Applications Area Ted Lemon (Nominum) / Internet Area John Leslie / Scribe Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Carlos Pignataro (Cisco) / Scribe Pete Resnick (Qualcomm) / Applications Area Martin Stiemerling (NEC) / Transport Area Sean Turner (IECA, Inc.) / Security Area Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat REGRETS --------------------------------- Joel Halpern (Ericsson) / IAB Liaison Susan Hares / Scribe Ray Pelletier (ISOC) / IAD MINUTES --------------------------------- 1. Administrivia 1.1 Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the May 16, 2013 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. The narrative minutes for the May 16, 2013 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. 1.2 Documents Approved since the May 16, 2013 IESG Teleconference 1.2.1 Protocol Actions o draft-ietf-dhc-triggered-reconfigure-07 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-trill-fine-labeling-07 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-iid-registry-update-04 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-behave-nat64-discovery-heuristic-17 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-algo-signal-10 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-pcp-upnp-igd-interworking-10 (Proposed Standard) 1.2.2 Document Actions o draft-ietf-rtgwg-ipfrr-notvia-addresses-11 (Informational) o draft-ietf-rtgwg-ordered-fib-12 (Informational) o draft-ietf-ospf-rfc3137bis-04 (Informational) 1.3 Review of Action Items DONE: NONE IN PROGRESS: NONE NEW: NONE 2. Protocol Actions 2.1 WG Submissions 2.1.1 New Items o draft-ietf-nfsv4-rfc3530bis-26 - IETF stream Network File System (NFS) Version 4 Protocol (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 7 Token: Martin Stiemerling The document is being returned to the working group. o draft-ietf-nfsv4-rfc3530bis-dot-x-17 - IETF stream Network File System (NFS) Version 4 External Data Representation Standard (XDR) Description (Proposed Standard) - 2 of 7 Token: Martin Stiemerling The document is being returned to the working group. o draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-cs-18 - IETF stream Session Description Protocol (SDP) Extension For Setting Up Audio and Video Media Streams Over Circuit-Switched Bearers In The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 7 Token: Gonzalo Camarillo The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Richard Barnes, Stephen Farrell, and Ted Lemon.* o draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-decodability-11 - IETF stream RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for MPEG2 Transport Stream (TS) Program Specific Information (PSI) Independent Decodability Statistics Metrics reporting (Proposed Standard) - 4 of 7 Token: Gonzalo Camarillo The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Gonzalo Camarillo. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. o draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-radius-opt-12 - IETF stream RADIUS Option for DHCPv6 Relay Agent (Proposed Standard) - 5 of 7 Token: Ted Lemon The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Spencer Dawkins, Stephen Farrell, and Sean Turner.* o draft-ietf-oauth-revocation-09 - IETF stream OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation (Proposed Standard) - 6 of 7 Token: Stephen Farrell The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Richard Barnes and Barry Leiba.* o draft-ietf-ipsecme-dh-checks-04 - IETF stream Additional Diffie-Hellman Tests for IKEv2 (Proposed Standard) - 7 of 7 Token: Sean Turner The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Stephen Farrell.* 2.1.2 Returning Items o draft-ietf-manet-olsrv2-mib-09 - IETF stream Definition of Managed Objects for the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol version 2 (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 1 Token: Adrian Farrel The document was approved by the IESG pending a new revision to be submitted by the authors. Adrian Farrel will ask the Secretariat to send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement once the new revision has been posted. 2.2 Individual Submissions 2.2.1 New Items o draft-saintandre-impp-call-info-03 - IETF stream Instant Messaging and Presence Purpose for the Call-Info Header Field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 1 Token: Gonzalo Camarillo The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Stephen Farrell and Pete Resnick.* 2.2.2 Returning Items NONE 2.3 Status Changes 2.3.1 New Items o status-change-dkim-to-internetstandard-03 - IETF stream - 1 of 1 Change the status of DKIM (RFC 6376) to Internet Standard Token: Barry Leiba The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Barry Leiba.* 2.3.2 Returning Items NONE 3. Document Actions 3.1 WG Submissions 3.1.1 New Items o draft-ietf-bmwg-imix-genome-04 - IETF stream IMIX Genome: Specification of variable packet sizes for additional testing (Informational) - 1 of 3 Token: Joel Jaeggli The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-forces-interop-08 - IETF stream Interoperability Report for Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) (Informational) - 2 of 3 Token: Adrian Farrel The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Adrian Farrel. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. o draft-ietf-softwire-public-4over6-09 - IETF stream Public IPv4 over IPv6 Access Network (Informational) - 3 of 3 Token: Ted Lemon The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Stewart Bryant, Brian Haberman, and Sean Turner.* 3.1.2 Returning Items NONE 3.2 Individual Submissions Via AD 3.2.1 New Items o draft-sheffer-running-code-05 - IETF stream Improving Awareness of Running Code: the Implementation Status Section (Experimental) - 1 of 1 Token: Stephen Farrell Adrian Farrel formally recused himself from the discussion. The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Stewart Bryant and Benoit Claise.* 3.2.2 Returning Items NONE 3.3 Status Changes 3.3.1 New Items NONE 3.3.2 Returning Items NONE 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission Stream Documents 3.4.1 New Items o conflict-review-irtf-samrg-common-api-01 IETF conflict review for draft-irtf-samrg-common-api draft-irtf-samrg-common-api-08 A Common API for Transparent Hybrid Multicast (IRTF: Experimental) - 1 of 1 Token: Brian Haberman The IESG recommends that the RFC Editor does not publish this document. The Secretariat will send a "do not publish" message to the IRSG that includes a conflict review response and IESG Note prepared by Brian Haberman. 3.4.2 Returning Items o conflict-review-dolmatov-gost34112012-00 IETF conflict review for draft-dolmatov-gost34112012 draft-dolmatov-gost34112012-01 GOST R 34.11-2012: Hash Function (ISE: Informational) - 1 of 1 Token: Sean Turner The IESG has no problem with the RFC Editor publishing this document. The Secretariat will send a standard "no problem" message to the RFC Independent Submissions Editor that includes a conflict review response prepared by Sean Turner. 4. Working Group Actions 4.1 WG Creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF Review o SIP-TO-XMPP (stox) - 1 of 1 Token: Gonzalo Camarillo The IESG approved the draft WG charter for IETF review. The Secretariat will send a WG Review announcement, with a separate message to new-work@ietf.org. The Secretariat will place the WG on the agenda for the next IESG Teleconference (June 13, 2013). 4.1.2 Proposed for Approval o JavaScript Object Notation (json) - 1 of 1 Token: Barry Leiba The responsible Area Director will be changed to Pete Resnick. The IESG approved the charter for the new working group. The Secretariat will send a WG Action announcement. 4.2 WG Rechartering 4.2.1 Under Evaluation for IETF Review o IP Performance Metrics (ippm) - 1 of 2 Token: Martin Stiemerling The revised charter remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Stewart Bryant.* o Network Configuration (netconf) - 2 of 2 Token: Benoit Claise The IESG approved the revised charter for the working group. The Secretariat will send a WG Action: RECHARTER announcement. 4.2.2 Proposed for Approval NONE 5. IAB News We Can Use 6. Management Issues 6.1 Revised Early Allocation for draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast (Adrian Farrel) The management issue was discussed. The IESG approved the revised Early Allocation for draft-ietf-roll-trickle-mcast. 6.2 Unauthorized use of TCP option 28 (Martin Stiemerling) The management issue was discussed. The IESG approved the updated text for TCP Option 28 in the IANA TCP Option Kind Numbers registry. 7. Working Group News ----------------------------------------------- * Please see the ID Tracker (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/) for details on documents that are under discussion by the IESG.