Minutes interim-2014-iesg-22 2014-12-18 16:30
Meeting Minutes | Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF | |
Date and time | 2014-12-18 16:30 | |
Title | Minutes interim-2014-iesg-22 2014-12-18 16:30 | |
State | (None) | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2024-02-23 |
INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Minutes of the December 18, 2014 IESG Teleconference Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Jari Arkko (Ericsson) / IETF Chair, General Area Alia Atlas (Juniper) / Routing Area Mary Barnes / IAB Liaison Richard Barnes (Mozilla) / Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Benoit Claise (Cisco) / Operations and Management Area Alissa Cooper (Cisco) / Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Michelle Cotton (ICANN) / IANA Liaison Spencer Dawkins (Huawei) / Transport Area Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison Adrian Farrel (Juniper Networks) / Routing Area Brian Haberman (Johns Hopkins University) / Internet Area Susan Hares / Scribe Russ Housley (Vigil Security, LLC) / IAB Chair Joel Jaeggli (Fastly) / Operations and Management Area Barry Leiba (Huawei) / Applications Area John Leslie / Scribe Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Pete Resnick (Qualcomm) / Applications Area Martin Stiemerling (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) / Transport Area Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat REGRETS --------------------------------- Stephen Farrell (Trinity College Dublin) / Security Area Heather Flanagan / RFC Series Editor Nagendra Kumar / Scribe Ted Lemon (Nominum) / Internet Area Kathleen Moriarty (EMC) / Security Area Ray Pelletier (ISOC) / IAD Carlos Pignataro (Cisco) / Scribe OBSERVERS --------------------------------- Marc Blanchet Leslie Daigle Eliot Lear Matthew Miller Karen O'Donoghue Andrew Sullivan Greg Wood Dan York MINUTES --------------------------------- 1. Administrivia 1.1 Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the December 4, 2014 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. The narrative minutes of the December 4, 2014 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. 1.2 Documents Approved since the December 4, 2014 IESG Teleconference 1.2.1 Protocol Actions o draft-ietf-mpls-deprecate-bgp-entropy-label-02 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-mboned-auto-multicast-18 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-opsec-bgp-security-07 (Best Current Practice) 1.2.2 Document Actions o draft-ietf-rmcat-cc-requirements-09 (Informational) o draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-roaming-analysis-07 (Informational) o draft-ietf-tram-alpn-08 (Informational) 1.3 Review of Action Items DONE: o Barry Leiba to find additional media types IANA experts. IN PROGRESS: o Barry Leiba to find a Designated Expert for RFC 3688 [IANA #788722]. NEW: o Barry Leiba to find a Designated Expert for LDAP. 2. Protocol Actions 2.1 WG Submissions 2.1.1 New Items o draft-ietf-mpls-tp-te-mib-10 - IETF stream MPLS-TP Traffic Engineering (TE) Management Information Base (MIB) (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 3 Token: Adrian Farrel The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Benoit Claise.* o draft-ietf-json-text-sequence-11 - IETF stream JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Text Sequences (Proposed Standard) - 2 of 3 Token: Pete Resnick The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Richard Barnes.* o draft-ietf-opsawg-capwap-hybridmac-07 - IETF stream IEEE 802.11 MAC Profile for CAPWAP (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 3 Token: Benoit Claise The document was approved by the IESG pending a new revision. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement once Benoit Claise confirms that the announcement is ready to be sent. 2.1.2 Returning Items o draft-ietf-ppsp-peer-protocol-12 - IETF stream Peer-to-Peer Streaming Peer Protocol (PPSPP) (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 4 Token: Martin Stiemerling The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Richard Barnes and Kathleen Moriarty.* o draft-ietf-eman-energy-monitoring-mib-13 - IETF stream Power, Energy Monitoring and Control MIB (Proposed Standard) - 2 of 4 Token: Joel Jaeggli Benoit Claise formally recused himself from the discussion. The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-eman-energy-aware-mib-17 - IETF stream Energy Object Context MIB (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 4 Token: Joel Jaeggli Benoit Claise formally recused himself from the discussion. The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-eman-battery-mib-17 - IETF stream Definition of Managed Objects for Battery Monitoring (Proposed Standard) - 4 of 4 Token: Joel Jaeggli The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Pete Resnick.* 2.2 Individual Submissions 2.2.1 New Items o draft-josefsson-pkix-textual-09 - IETF stream Textual Encodings of PKIX, PKCS, and CMS Structures (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 1 Token: Kathleen Moriarty The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Kathleen Moriarty. The Secretariat will send an individual submission Protocol Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. 2.2.2 Returning Items NONE 2.3 Status Changes 2.3.1 New Items NONE 2.3.2 Returning Items NONE 3. Document Actions 3.1 WG Submissions 3.1.1 New Items o draft-ietf-mptcp-attacks-02 - IETF stream Analysis of MPTCP residual threats and possible fixes (Informational) - 1 of 3 Token: Martin Stiemerling The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Benoit Claise, Stephen Farrell, and Barry Leiba.* o draft-ietf-jose-cookbook-07 - IETF stream Examples of Protecting Content using JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) (Informational) - 2 of 3 Token: Kathleen Moriarty The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Kathleen Moriarty. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. o draft-ietf-ianaplan-icg-response-07 - IETF stream Draft Response to the Internet Coordination Group Request for Proposals on the IANA protocol parameters registries (Informational) - 3 of 3 Token: Jari Arkko The document was approved by the IESG pending an RFC Editor Note to be prepared by Jari Arkko. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Document Action Announcement that includes the RFC Editor Note. 3.1.2 Returning Items NONE 3.2 Individual Submissions Via AD 3.2.1 New Items NONE 3.2.2 Returning Items NONE 3.3 Status Changes 3.3.1 New Items NONE 3.3.2 Returning Items NONE 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission Stream Documents 3.4.1 New Items NONE 3.4.2 Returning Items NONE 4. Working Group Actions 4.1 WG Creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF Review NONE 4.1.2 Proposed for Approval NONE 4.2 WG Rechartering 4.2.1 Under Evaluation for IETF Review NONE 4.2.2 Proposed for Approval NONE 5. IAB News We Can Use 6. Management Issues 6.1. IESG Reorganization To-Do List and Timeline (Brian Haberman) The management issue was discussed. 6.2 ISOC-ICANN Meeting (Jari Arkko) The management issue was discussed. 7. Working Group News ----------------------------------------------- * Please see the Datatracker (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/) for details on documents that are under discussion by the IESG.