Minutes interim-2019-iesg-23 2019-10-31 14:00
Meeting Minutes | Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF | |
Date and time | 2019-10-31 14:00 | |
Title | Minutes interim-2019-iesg-23 2019-10-31 14:00 | |
State | (None) | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2024-02-23 |
INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Minutes of the October 31, 2019 IESG Teleconference Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Ignas Bagdonas (Equinix) / Operations and Management Area Jenny Bui (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Michelle Cotton (ICANN) / IANA Liaison Alissa Cooper (Cisco) / IETF Chair, General Area Jay Daley / IETF Executive Director Liz Flynn (AMS) / IETF Secretariat, Narrative Scribe Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison Ted Hardie (Google) / IAB Chair Benjamin Kaduk (Akamai Technologies) / Security Area Suresh Krishnan (Kaloom) / Internet Area Mirja Kuehlewind (Ericsson) / Transport Area Warren Kumari (Google) / Operations and Management Area Barry Leiba (Futurewei Technologies) / Applications and Real-Time Area Alexey Melnikov / Applications and Real-Time Area Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Alvaro Retana (Futurewei Technologies) / Routing Area Adam Roach (Mozilla) / Applications and Real-Time Area Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Eric Vyncke (Cisco) / Internet Area Magnus Westerlund (Ericsson) / Transport Area REGRETS --------------------------------- Deborah Brungard (AT&T) / Routing Area Roman Danyliw (CERT/SEI) / Security Area Heather Flanagan / RFC Series Editor Wes Hardaker (USC/ISI) / IAB Liaison Martin Vigoureux (Nokia) / Routing Area Portia Wenze-Danley (ISOC) / Interim LLC Executive Director OBSERVERS --------------------------------- Chris Box Leslie Daigle Darren Dukes Mike Jones Greg Wood MINUTES --------------------------------- 1. Administrivia 1.1 Approval of the Minutes The minutes of the October 17, 2019 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. The narrative minutes of the October 17, 2019 Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. The minutes of the IETF 106 BOF Coordination Teleconference were approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives. 1.2 Documents Approved since the October 17, 2019 IESG Teleconference 1.2.1 Protocol Actions o draft-ietf-acme-star-11 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-26 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-pce-stateful-path-protection-11 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-pce-lsp-control-request-11 (Proposed Standard) o draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bcp-07 (Best Current Practice) o draft-ietf-isis-yang-isis-cfg-42 (Proposed Standard) 1.2.2 Document Actions o draft-ietf-6tisch-architecture-28 (Informational) o draft-ietf-pce-stateful-hpce-15 (Informational) 1.3 Review of Action Items DONE: o Magnus Westerlund and Suresh Krishnan to draft an "AD Evaluation" checklist, and add it to the IESG wiki. o Mirja Kuehlewind to figure out if/how asking questions in advance can work for the IETF 106 plenary. IN PROGRESS: o Roman Danyliw to draft text to be posted on ietf.org about reporting protocol vulnerabilities via an email alias and possible procedures on how to assign triage resources. o Eric Vyncke to write up draft text for the NomCom to help them understand the rules for the NomCom. o Roman Danyliw to write up how measuring deployments could factor into WG chartering/rechartering. o Alexey Melnikov to think about how to analyze how successful WGs and protocols are and why they failed or not. o Martin Vigoureux with Wes, Alissa, and Alvaro to work on some mechanism to obtain wider or private feedback from people who are disenfranchised; anonymous flagging of offensive emails to inform leadership; more opportunities for private feedback. o Alvaro Retana with Warren, Alexey, Martin, Barry, and Roman to work on more transparency in the Datatracker about how long each phase of doc process takes / New datatracker flag to indicate who has the ball, authors or chairs. o Alissa Cooper with Warren, Wes, Mirja, Alvaro, Martin, Eric, Ted, Robin (Zhenbin), Deborah, and Roman to work on organizing how IETF work is described and presented to external audiences. o Eric Vyncke with Barry, Warren, Robin (Zhenbin), Deborah, and Alexey will work on defining Special Interest Groups. o Alexey Melnikov and Warren Kumari to add keyword tags to WG charters to identify specs that pertain to some general concept. o Alvaro Retana to work on a framework for analyzing new proposals. o Adam Roach to work on a virtual social room for remote attendees (promoting #hallway) o Alissa Cooper and Roman Danyliw to create list of questions where we need answers about IETF participation to make better operational decisions. o Warren Kumari to work on acknowledging shepherds, directorate reviewers in a more standardized/formal way. o Barry Leiba and Warren Kumari to write a more concrete proposal to create intermediate step between DISCUSS and COMMENT - "Important Points." o Barry Leiba to write a proposal to have drafts expire after 3 months rather than 6 months. o Alvaro Retana to work on early shepherding. o Alexey Melnikov to organize IoT overview discussion with interested ADs. o Ignas Bagdonas to write a draft of an IoT Systems charter. o Alexey Melnikov to find designated experts for RFC 8620 [IANA #1155192]. NEW: o Alvaro Retana and Adam Roach to look at updating the I-D Checklist. 2. Protocol actions 2.1 WG submissions 2.1.1 New items o draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-possession-10 - IETF stream Proof-of-Possession Key Semantics for CBOR Web Tokens (CWTs) (Proposed Standard) - 1 of 5 Token: Benjamin Kaduk Roman Danyliw formally recused himself from the discussion. The document was approved by the IESG pending a new revision. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement once Benjamin Kaduk confirms that the announcement is ready to be sent. o draft-ietf-6tisch-minimal-security-13 - IETF stream Minimal Security Framework for 6TiSCH (Proposed Standard) - 2 of 5 Token: Suresh Krishnan The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Benjamin Kaduk, Mirja Kuehlewind, Barry Leiba, and Adam Roach.* o draft-ietf-sipcore-digest-scheme-14 - IETF stream The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Digest Authentication Scheme (Proposed Standard) - 3 of 5 Token: Adam Roach The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be completed by Adam Roach. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement. o draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity-12 - IETF stream Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extension for LSP Diversity Constraint Signaling (Proposed Standard) - 4 of 5 Token: Deborah Brungard The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve points raised by Alissa Cooper and Suresh Krishnan.* o draft-ietf-dnsop-obsolete-dlv-01 - IETF stream Moving DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) to Historic Status (Proposed Standard) - 5 of 5 Token: Warren Kumari The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action Announcement. 2.1.2 Returning items NONE 2.2 Individual submissions 2.2.1 New items NONE 2.2.2 Returning items NONE 2.3 Status changes 2.3.1 New items NONE 2.3.2 Returning items NONE 3. Document actions 3.1 WG submissions 3.1.1 New items NONE 3.1.2 Returning items NONE 3.2 Individual submissions via AD 3.2.1 New items NONE 3.2.2 Returning items NONE 3.3 Status changes 3.3.1 New items NONE 3.3.2 Returning items o status-change-dlv-to-historic-02 - IETF stream Moving DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) to Historic Status - 1 of 1 Token: Warren Kumari The IESG agreed to change the status of RFC 5074 and RFC 4431 from Informational to Historic. The Secretariat will send a Document Action Announcement for each status change. 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission stream documents 3.4.1 New items o conflict-review-jenkins-cnsa-smime-profile-00 IETF conflict review for draft-jenkins-cnsa-smime-profile draft-jenkins-cnsa-smime-profile-01 Using Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite Algorithms in Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (ISE: Informational) - 1 of 1 Token: Benjamin Kaduk The IESG has no problem with the RFC Editor publishing this document. The Secretariat will send a standard "no problem" message to the RFC Independent Submissions Editor that includes a conflict review response prepared by Benjamin Kaduk. 3.4.2 Returning items NONE 4. Working Group actions 4.1 WG creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF review NONE 4.1.2 Proposed for approval o Media OPerationS (mops) - 1 of 1 Area: OPS (Eric Vyncke) The IESG approved the charter for the new working group pending edits to the text of the charter to be provided by Eric Vyncke. The Secretariat will send a WG Action announcement. 4.2 WG rechartering 4.2.1 Under evaluation for IETF review o EAP Method Update (emu) - 1 of 2 Area: SEC (Roman Danyliw) The IESG decided to proceed with IETF review of the revised charter. The Secretariat will send a WG Review: Recharter announcement, with a separate message to new-work@ietf.org. The Secretariat will place the WG on the agenda for the next IESG teleconference (December 5, 2019). o Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME (lamps) - 2 of 2 Area: SEC (Roman Danyliw) The IESG decided to proceed with IETF review of the revised charter. The Secretariat will send a WG Review: Recharter announcement, with a separate message to new-work@ietf.org. The Secretariat will place the WG on the agenda for the next IESG teleconference (December 5, 2019). 4.2.2 Proposed for approval NONE 5. IAB news we can use 6. Management issues 6.1 IETF Trust Appointment Process (Alissa Cooper) The management issue was discussed. 6.2 Approve shepherd write-up text (Alissa Cooper) The management issue was discussed. The IESG approved the changes to the document shepherd writeup pending an edit to be provided by Suresh Krishnan. Action item: Alvaro Retana and Adam Roach to look at updating the I-D Checklist. 6.3 Timers at IETF 106 plenary (Alissa Cooper) The management issue was discussed. 6.4 [IANA #1155192] Designated experts for RFC 8620 (IANA) The management issue was discussed. An action item to find designated experts for RFC 8620 was assigned to Alexey Melnikov prior to the start of the teleconference. 7. Any Other Business (WG News, New Proposals, etc.) ----------------------------------------------- * Please see the Datatracker (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/) for details on documents that are under discussion by the IESG.