Minutes interim-2021-cose-04: Wed 15:30
Meeting Minutes | CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (cose) WG Snapshot | |
Date and time | 2021-05-12 15:30 | |
Title | Minutes interim-2021-cose-04: Wed 15:30 | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | markdown | |
Last updated | 2021-05-02 |
COSE Virtual Interim
Connection details
- Date: April 14, 2021
- Time: 08-09 Pacific, 17:00 CEST:
https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=8,12,100&h=8&date=2021-04-14&sln=8-9&hf=0 - Recording link:
https://youtu.be/VFpklnT5xh4 - Slides link:
- Ivaylo Petrov, Google
- Mike Jones, Microsoft
- Peter Yee, AKAYLA
- Göran Selander, Ericsson
- John Preuß Mattsson, Ericsson
- Carsten Bormann, TZI
- Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works
- Rikard Höglund, RISE
- Thomas Fossati Arm
- Scott Rose
- Uri Blumementhal
- Oliver Fed Borchert
Action Items
- [Russ/chairs]: countersign: add to the updates 8152bis and 8152.
- [John]: Look at the PR for x509
- [Ivaylo]: Check the open issues for x509 doc.
0. Administrivia (Chairs)
- Bluesheets
- Jabber + Minutes
- Agenda Bartering
Mike Jones is taking notes
1. Document Status (Chairs)
We completed the rechartering
In RFC Editor queue
In RFC Editor queue
* https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cose-hash-algs/
In RFC Editor queue
Consensus (via Shepherd report) that document should Updates RFC8152 and rfc8152bis-struct.
2. Certificates CBOR encoding
github at: https://github.com/EricssonResearch/CBOR-certificates
Now that we've rechartered, we can adopt this document, pending working group approval.
John Mattson presented about CBOR Certificates
Issue #84 - Should a tag be defined?
A tag was recently added to the draft
Michael Richardson prefers the CBOR Sequence mechanism
Carsten: +1
This means that we would use draft-ietf-cbor-file-magic
Uri Blumenthal supported this position
Michael Richardson will create a PR doing this
Issue #68 - Using same encodings for CRLs
Michael Richardson said that CSRs are more important than CRLs
Uri talked about the disconnected case
Göran asked what would go into this draft and what would go into a separate draft
There was a discussion on using IETF-standard mechanisms versus proprietary mechanisms
3. ~~IANA registrations policies~~
4. AOB
We will schedule the next interim meetings for 1/2 hour later than this one to avoid a conflict with core interim meetings.