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Minutes interim-2021-qirg-02: Wed 13:00

Meeting Minutes Quantum Internet Research Group (qirg) RG
Date and time 2021-09-22 13:00
Title Minutes interim-2021-qirg-02: Wed 13:00
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2021-09-23

# QIRG Seminar: Wolfgang Duer

## Q&A

Tobias Guggemos: can you use these entanglement networks for QKD without the
problem of trusted repeater nodes?

WD: Yes, because you share a fully entangled state with a certain fidelity.

Matteo Pompili: do the resource plots take into account the way and resources
used for creating the entangled states?

WD: No, the resources shown are for storage, not for the intermediate states -
only long time memory qubits. Building up is a different problem.

Tim Coopmans: On the long-range communication slides - what is the scaling with?

WD: It is scaling of resources and it is constant.

Liang Jiang: One potential application is a quantum random access memory. Would
be interesting to extend this to the quantum network context.

WD: Haven't thought about this, but sounds like a good idea. Quantum control -
not new, some people are discussing in other contexts as well.

Wojciech Kozlowski: Does the good resource scaling also happen if you scale the
number of requests?

WD: what is important if the requests are individual or parallel. Yes it does
scale. Though the advantage does reduce with the demand size and at a certain
point it is better to have a Bell-pair based network.

Tim Coopmans: I did not fully understand the part about optimization. Should we
in practice perform optimization over purification protocols and protocols to
produce GHZ states - will this be different from a Bell pair network?

WD: Depending on what state you want to produce you will have a different
optimization. However, here we look at optimizing for long-term storage rather
than generation/creation. I.e. how many long-lived qubits do you need for your