Minutes interim-2023-iab-11: Sun 00:30
Meeting Minutes | Internet Architecture Board (iab) IETF | |
Date and time | 2023-03-26 00:30 | |
Title | Minutes interim-2023-iab-11: Sun 00:30 | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2023-04-19 |
Minutes of the 2023-03-26 IAB Business Meeting, Yokohama, Japan 1. Administrivia 1.1. Attendance Present: Jari Arkko Deborah Brungard Dhruv Dhody Lars Eggert (IETF Chair) Wes Hardaker Cullen Jennings Mallory Knodel Suresh Krishnan Mirja Kühlewind (IAB Chair) Zhenbin Li Cindy Morgan (IAB Executive Administrative Manager) Karen O'Donoghue (ISOC Liaison) Tommy Pauly Colin Perkins (IRTF Chair) Alvaro Retana David Schinazi Christopher Wood Qin Wu Jiankang Yao (remote) Regrets: Warren Kumari (IESG Liaison) Russ White 2. Executive Session: IAB Chair Selection The IAB selected Mirja Kühlewind as the IAB Chair for 2023-2024. 3. IAB Lore for New Members Cindy Morgan presented "IAB Lore for New Members." The slides are available at https://tinyurl.com/loreiab. Topics included: • IAB Mailing Lists • IAB Agendas • IAB Teleconferences • IAB Decisions • IAB Technical Programs and Administrative Support Groups • IAB Documents • IAB Role in Evaluating New Work • IAB Appointments and Confirmations • IAB Statements • IAB Workshops • IAB Breakout Room 4. Identify IAB Leads, Liaisons, etc. The IAB decided on the following IAB positions for 2023-2024: • Evolvability, Deployability, & Maintainability (EDM) IAB Leads: Tommy Pauly, David Schinazi • IAB-ISOC Policy Coordination Group IAB Lead: Alvaro Retana IAB Members: Dhruv Dhody, Lars Eggert, Mallory Knodel, Mirja Kühlewind Note: Deborah Brungard will continue as a community member. • IETF-IANA Administrative Support Group IAB Members: Lars Eggert, Cullen Jennings, Mirja Kühlewind, Jiankang Yao • IETF-IEEE Administrative Support Group IAB Lead: Russ Housley (as IETF liaison manager to IEEE-SA) • Liaison Coordinators: Wes Hardaker, Suresh Krishnan, Tommy Pauly • IAB Liaison to the IESG: Dhruv Dhody • IAB Liaison to the 2023-2024 NomCom: Suresh Krishnan • IAB Stream Representative (RSAB): Mirja Kühlewind • IAB Discussion List Moderators: Mallory Knodel, Jiankang Yao • Comms Review Team: Mirja Kühlewind, Colin Perkins • ARPA Change Control Approver: Wes Hardaker • Tools Team Liaison: Mallory Knodel • Education, Mentoring and Outreach Directorate (EMODir) Liaison: Chris Wood 5. Friday Retreat Decision The IAB agreed to contract with a hotel in Seattle for the Friday retreat venue. Cindy Morgan will ask Laura Nugent to proceed with the contract.