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Minutes interim-2023-iab-19: Wed 14:00

Meeting Minutes Internet Architecture Board (iab) IETF
Date and time 2023-06-07 14:00
Title Minutes interim-2023-iab-19: Wed 14:00
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2023-06-21

Minutes of the 2023-06-07 IAB Business Meeting

1. Administrivia 

1.1. Attendance 


  Roman Danyliw (IESG Liaison)
  Dhruv Dhody
  Liz Flynn (IETF Secretariat)
  Wes Hardaker 
  Cullen Jennings
  Suresh Krishnan 
  Mirja Kühlewind (IAB Chair)
  Cindy Morgan (IAB Executive Administrative Manager)
  Karen O'Donoghue (ISOC Liaison)
  Tommy Pauly 
  Colin Perkins (IRTF Chair)
  Greg Wood (IETF Director of Communications and Operations)
  Jiankang Yao 


  Lars Eggert (IETF Chair)
  Mallory Knodel 
  Alvaro Retana 
  David Schinazi
  Christopher Wood 
  Qin Wu 


  Jenny Bui
  Mark McFadden
  Paul Wouters

1.2. Agenda bash and announcements 

  An agenda item about the IABOPEN agenda for IETF 117 has been 

1.3. Meeting Minutes 

The following meeting minutes were approved:

  • 2023-05-17 business meeting - (draft submitted 2023-05-17) 

  • 2023-05-24 business meeting - (draft submitted 2023-05-24)

1.4. Action Item Review 


  • 2023-05-11: Cullen Jennings, Karen O'Donoghue, and others to
    look into a possible IAB Program on identity management.

  • 2023-05-17: Mirja Kühlewind to follow up about possible
    technical plenary topics for IETF 117.

  • 2023-05-24: Cindy Morgan to send an e-vote on the ICANN NomCom
    to the IAB Members who were not present during the roll call
    vote (Lars, Cullen, David, Chris).

  • 2023-05-24: Wes Hardaker to follow up with ICANN legal about
    conflicts of interest for the ICANN Nomcom Appointment.

On Hold: 

  • 2021-11-17: Mirja Kühlewind and Cindy Morgan to put together
    some options for the IAB Website revamp for the IAB to review.
    (Work progressing in the background)

  • 2023-05-11: Suresh Krishnan et al to write a draft on limited
    domains. (Check back end of June 2023)

In Progress: 

  • 2022-07-24: Mallory Knodel and Mirja Kühlewind to draft a
    document outlining the architectural principles that the IAB
    thinks are important and need to be understood when
    considering Internet governance.

  • 2023-04-19: Mallory Knodel to try and schedule a technical
    discussion on censorship.

  • 2023-05-11: Dhruv Dhody to look at the last ~10 years of IAB
    Workshops and see if there were any concrete outputs.

  • 2023-05-12: Suresh Krishnan and Alvaro Retana to refine a
    proposal for the E-Impact follow up. The intent is to then
    discuss with the  IESG about whether an IAB program or an OPS-
    focused BOF/WG is the best approach.

  • 2023-05-24: Alvaro Retana to schedule a technical discussion 
    on satellite communications.

  • 2023-05-24: Mirja Kühlewind, Dhruv Dhody, and Alvaro Retana to
    come up with a list of meetings where the IAB/IETF might want
    to do some outreach.


  • 2023-06-07: Chris Wood, Paul Wouters, and Roman Danyliw to 
    draft an IAB Response to NIST's "Addressing Visibility 
    Challenges with TLS 1.3." Deadline: 2023-06-26

  • 2023-06-07: Cullen Jennings to update the draft description 
    for the Identity Management Program and send it to the IAB for 
    review before sending it to the architecture-discuss list. 
    Deadline: 2023-06-16

  • 2023-06-07: Tommy Pauly to follow up on a possible technical
    plenary on data privacy for IETF 117.

  • 2023-06-07: Karen O'Donoghue to invite Mat Ford and Andrei
    Robachevsky to the IAB meeting on 2023-06-21 to discuss the EC
    Multistakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation.

  • 2023-06-07: Liz Flynn to request a 90-minute session for IAB 
    Open at IETF 117.

  • 2023-06-07: Cindy Morgan to announce the ICANN Nomcom 

  • 2023-06-07: Dhruv Dhody and Mallory Knodel to track adding IAB
    review of proposed WG charters to the Datatracker. 

1.5. IAB Document Status Update 

      I-D Exists, Community Review (ends 2023-06-15)
      IAB Shepherd: Mirja Kühlewind

    • draft-arkko-iab-data-minimization-principle-04
      I-D Exists, IAB stream 
      IAB Shepherd: Mirja Kühlewind

    • draft-iab-privacy-partitioning-01
      Active IAB Document
      IAB Shepherd: David Schinazi

    • draft-iab-ws-environmental-impacts-report-01
      Active IAB Document
      IAB Shepherd: Wes Hardaker
    • draft-iab-path-signals-collaboration-03
      Sent to the RFC Editor: Informational (AUTH48)
      IAB Shepherd: N/A

    • draft-iab-protocol-maintenance-12
      Sent to the RFC Editor: Informational (AUTH48)
      IAB Shepherd: Tommy Pauly	

    • A Vision Statement for the Internet (Mallory, Mirja)

1.6. WG Chartering in Progress (Initial Charters Only) 


    • BPF/eBPF (BPF)
      External Review
      IESG Telechat: 2023-06-22
      IAB Reviewer: Dhruv Dhody

    • Congestion Control Working Group (CCWG)
      External Review
      IESG Telechat: 2023-06-22
      IAB Reviewer: Mallory Knodel (as CONGRESS)

    • Machine Learning for Audio Coding (MLCODEC)
      IESG Telechat: 2023-06-08
      IAB Reviewer: Jiankang Yao

2. Response to NIST "Addressing Visibility Challenges with TLS 

  Paul Wouters reported that NIST National Cybersecurity Center of 
  Excellence (NCCoE) is soliciting comments about challenges of 
  TLS 1.3. The IAB would like to reply in the form of an IAB 
  statement. Chris Wood, Paul Wouters, and Roman Danyliw will 
  draft text. 

3. Identity Management Program 

  Cullen Jennings has been discussing an Identity Management 
  program with various interested parties. Draft text of the 
  program abstract will be finalized before the next IAB meeting 
  and then sent to the architecture-discuss mail list.

4. Update Outreach 

  Mirja Kühlewind and Dhruv Dhody have discussed formalizing an 
  outreach plan to other events and organizations. They will 
  discuss draft text of a plan with Alvaro Retana before sharing 
  with the IAB. 

5. Topics for technical plenary

  The IAB discussed several potential topics for a technical 
  plenary at IETF 117.

6. Charter Review in Datatracker

  This agenda item was deferred to the next IAB meeting. 

7. Renewing membership of EC Multistakeholder Platform on ICT 

  This agenda item was deferred to the next IAB meeting and Karen 
  O'Donoghue will invite Mat Ford and Andrei Robachevsky to the 

8. IAB Open Meeting at IETF 117 

  Suresh Krishnan volunteered to co-chair the IAB Open session at 
  IETF 117. 1.5 hours will be requested, with possibility to use a 
  1 hour slot if necessary.

9. ICANN Nomcom Appointment

  The IAB's decision was finalized via e-vote and the person 
  chosen has confirmed they can serve. Cindy Morgan will send the 
  name to ICANN today and announce to the IETF when ready.

10. Next IAB Meeting

  The next IAB meeting will be in two weeks, on 2023-06-21.