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Minutes interim-2023-iabisoc-02: Tue 13:00

Meeting Minutes IAB-ISOC Policy Coordination (iabisoc) IAB ASG
Date and time 2023-05-16 13:00
Title Minutes interim-2023-iabisoc-02: Tue 13:00
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2023-12-01

IAB-ISOC Policy Coordination Group

   Deborah Brungard
   Mallory Knodel
   Olaf Kolkman
   Mirja Kühlewind
   Cindy Morgan
   John Morris
   Karen O'Donoghue
   Colin Perkins
   Alvaro Retana
   Andrei Robachevsky
   Zahed Sarker

1. Scheduling future meetings

   The group discussed scheduling future meetings and agreed to send out
   another Doodle poll to find a recurring slot.  Karen O'Donoghue has the
   action item.

2. Topics for future discussions

   Mirja Kühlewind suggested holding a more lightweight policy meetup for
   local people in San Francisco.

   Olaf Kolkman took the action item to consider a "policy program light"
   for local policymakers to learn about the IETF and its processes.

3. IGF planning

   Olaf Kolkman provided an update on ISOC's plans for IGF sessions and
   participation. He mentioned that ISOC is planning to submit several
   proposals for town halls, workshops, and a Day Zero event.

   Mirja Kühlewind discussed the proposal for an IETF open forum at the IGF.
   She mentioned that the group is still working on the proposal but is hoping
   to finalize it soon.

4. Response to the EC on “The future of the electronic communications sector
   and its infrastructure”

   Andrei Robachevsky presented ISOC's response to the EC consultation. He
   summarized the key points of the response, which included concerns about
   the technical feasibility of the proposed changes and the potential impact
   on net neutrality.

   Mallory Knodel summarized the IAB's response to the same EC consultation.
   She mentioned that the IAB's response echoed many of the same concerns
   raised by ISOC.

5. Past Events - key takeaways

   Summaries of the WSIS Forum and OECD Ministerial will be shared with the
   mailing list.