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Minutes interim-2023-iesg-08 2023-04-13 14:00

Meeting Minutes Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF
Date and time 2023-04-13 14:00
Title Minutes interim-2023-iesg-08 2023-04-13 14:00
State (None)
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2024-02-23

Minutes of the April 13, 2023 IESG Teleconference

Reported by: Jenny Bui, IETF Secretariat

Andrew Alston (Liquid Intelligent Technologies) /  Routing Area
Amanda Baber (ICANN) / IANA Liaison
Jenny Bui (AMS) / IETF Secretariat
Roman Danyliw (CERT/SEI) / Security Area
Dhruv Dhody (Huawei) / IAB Liaison
Martin Duke (Google) / Transport Area
Lars Eggert (NetApp) / IETF Chair, General Area
Liz Flynn (AMS) / IETF Secretariat, Narrative Scribe
Jim Guichard (Futurewei Technologies) / Routing Area
Erik Kline (Aalyria Technologies) / Internet Area
Murray Kucherawy (Meta) / Applications and Real-Time Area
Mirja Kuehlewind (Ericsson) / IAB Chair
Warren Kumari (Google) / Operations and Management Area
Karen Moore (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison 
Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat
Zaheduzzaman (Zahed) Sarker (Ericsson) / Transport Area
John Scudder (Juniper) / Routing Area
Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat
Eric Vyncke (Cisco) / Internet Area
Robert Wilton (Cisco Systems) / Operations and Management Area
Paul Wouters (Aiven) /  Security Area

Jay Daley / IETF Executive Director
Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison 
Francesca Palombini (Ericsson) / Applications and Real-Time Area
Sabrina Tanamal (ICANN) / IANA Liaison

Vittorio Bertocci
Chris Box
Brian Campbell
Mike Jones

1. Administrivia
1.1 Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the March 16, 2023 Teleconference were approved. The 
Secretariat will place the minutes in the public archives.

The narrative minutes of the March 16, 2023 Teleconference were
approved. The Secretariat will place the minutes in the public 

1.2 Documents Approved since the March 16, 2023 IESG Teleconference

1.2.1 Protocol Actions
o draft-ietf-extra-sieve-action-registry-06  (Proposed Standard)
o draft-ietf-mls-protocol-20  (Proposed Standard)
o draft-ietf-pim-null-register-packing-16  (Proposed Standard)
o draft-ietf-pim-assert-packing-11  (Proposed Standard)
o draft-ietf-acme-subdomains-07  (Proposed Standard)

1.2.2 Document Actions
o draft-ietf-6lo-use-cases-16  (Informational)

1.3 Review of Action Items 
o Zaheduzzaman Sarker to find designated experts for RFC 8797 (Remote 
  Direct Memory Access - Connection Manager (RDMA-CM) Private Data for 
  RPC-over-RDMA Version 1) [IANA #1268765].
o Éric Vyncke to follow-up with the tools team on auto-populating the 
  approval announcement text in the "ballot text" section (document 
  abstract, responsible AD, document shepherd).
o Warren Kumari to follow up on a bis document for RFC 8126 regarding 
  designated experts.
o Robert Wilton to draft a proposal to the tools team for what the 
  requested information regarding mail statistics should look like.
o Lars Eggert to send email to the LLC about Letters of Invitation for 
  Interim Meetings and Retreats.
o Lars Eggert and Mirja Kühlewind to figure out the start and stop 
  times each day for the 2023 retreat in Seattle.
o Roman Danyliw to find designated experts for RFC 9347, ESP 
  AGGFRAG_PAYLOAD registry [IANA #1265971]. 
o Murray Kucherawy to find designated experts for RFC 7462 (URNs for 
  the Alert-Info Header Field of the Session Initiation Protocol [SIP])
  [IANA #1266696].
o Murray Kucherawy to find designated experts for RFC-ietf-jmap-blob-18 
  (JMAP Blob management extension) [IANA #1267309].
o Murray Kucherawy to find designated experts for Structured Syntax 
  Suffixes (RFC 6838) IANA #1270651]. 

o Robert Wilton and Warren Kumari to report back to the IESG on the 
  impact of COVID-19 to the IETF in July 2023.
o The IESG and IAB to write feedback for the ICANN listening session.
2. Protocol actions
2.1 WG submissions
2.1.1 New items
  o draft-ietf-i2nsf-consumer-facing-interface-dm-28  - IETF stream
    I2NSF Consumer-Facing Interface YANG Data Model (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Roman Danyliw

The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve
points raised by Lars Eggert, Robert Wilton, and Paul Wouters.*

  o draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-15  - IETF stream
    OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application
    Layer (DPoP) (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Roman Danyliw

The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve
points raised by Roman Danyliw on behalf of IANA.*

  o draft-ietf-i2nsf-registration-interface-dm-24  - IETF stream
    I2NSF Registration Interface YANG Data Model for NSF Capability
    Registration (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Roman Danyliw

The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve
points raised by Lars Eggert, Murray Kucherawy, and Warren Kumari.*

  o draft-ietf-oauth-step-up-authn-challenge-15  - IETF stream
    OAuth 2.0 Step-up Authentication Challenge Protocol (Proposed
    Token: Roman Danyliw

The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be 
completed by Roman Danyliw. The Secretariat will send a working group 
submission Protocol Action Announcement.

  o draft-ietf-calext-jscontact-09  - IETF stream
    JSContact: A JSON representation of contact data (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Roman Danyliw

The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve
points raised by Roman Danyliw, Eric Vyncke, and Paul Wouters.*

  o draft-ietf-calext-jscontact-vcard-07  - IETF stream
    JSContact: Converting from and to vCard (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Roman Danyliw

The document was approved by the IESG pending a new revision. The 
Secretariat will send a working group submission Protocol Action 
Announcement once Roman Danyliw confirms that the announcement is ready 
to be sent.

  o draft-ietf-calext-vcard-jscontact-extensions-05  - IETF stream
    vCard Format Extension for JSContact (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Roman Danyliw

The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve
points raised by Roman Danyliw and Paul Wouters.*

  o draft-ietf-masque-connect-ip-09  - IETF stream
    Proxying IP in HTTP (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Martin Duke
The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve
points raised by Eric Vyncke.*

2.1.2 Returning items
  o draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https-12  - IETF stream
    Service binding and parameter specification via the DNS (DNS SVCB
    and HTTPS RRs) (Proposed Standard)
    Token: Warren Kumari

The document was approved by the IESG. The Secretariat will send a 
working group submission Protocol Action Announcement.

2.2 Individual submissions
2.2.1 New items

2.2.2 Returning items

2.3 Status changes
2.3.1 New items

2.3.2 Returning items

3. Document actions
3.1 WG submissions
3.1.1 New items
  o draft-ietf-avtext-framemarking-14  - IETF stream
    Video Frame Marking RTP Header Extension (Experimental)
    Token: Murray Kucherawy

The document remains under discussion by the IESG in order to resolve
points raised by Paul Wouters.*

  o draft-ietf-asap-siptrunkingcapability-link-03  - IETF stream
    The 'sip-trunking-capability' Link Relation Type (Informational)
    Token: Murray Kucherawy

The document was approved by the IESG pending a final check to be 
completed by Murray Kucherawy. The Secretariat will send a working 
group submission Document Action Announcement.

3.1.2 Returning items

3.2 Individual submissions via AD
3.2.1 New items

3.2.2 Returning items

3.3 Status changes
3.3.1 New items

3.3.2 Returning items

3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission stream documents
3.4.1 New items

  o conflict-review-benecke-cfbl-address-header-00
    IETF conflict review for draft-benecke-cfbl-address-header
      Complaint Feedback Loop Address Header (ISE: Experimental)
    Token: Murray Kucherawy

The IESG has no problem with the RFC Editor publishing this document.
The Secretariat will send a standard "no problem" message to the RFC
Independent Submissions Editor that includes a conflict review response

prepared by Murray Kucherawy.

3.4.2 Returning items

4. Working Group actions
4.1 WG creation
4.1.1 Proposed for IETF review

4.1.2 Proposed for approval

4.2 WG rechartering
4.2.1 Under evaluation for IETF review

  o Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption (masque)
    Area: TSV (Martin Duke)
The IESG decided to proceed with IETF review of the revised charter 
pending edits to the text of the charter to be provided by Martin Duke. 
The Secretariat will send a WG Review announcement, with a separate 
message to The Secretariat will place the WG on the 
agenda for the next IESG Teleconference (April 27, 2023).

  o Serialising Extended Data About Times and Events (sedate)
    Area: ART (Murray Kucherawy)

The revised charter remains under discussion by the IESG in order to 
resolve points raised by Robert Wilton.* 

4.2.2 Proposed for approval

5. IAB news we can use

6. Management issues

6.1 [IANA #1268765] Designated experts for RFC 8797 (Remote Direct 
Memory Access - Connection Manager (RDMA-CM) Private Data for RPC-over-
RDMA Version 1) (Zahed Sarker and IANA)

The management issue was discussed. The IESG approved Tom Talpey 
<> as the designated expert for RFC 8797 (Remote Direct 
Memory Access - Connection Manager (RDMA-CM) Private Data for RPC-over-
RDMA Version 1).

6.2 [IANA #1269969] Management Item: Acceptance of media type 
registration from standards organization Java Community Process (JCP) 

The management issue was discussed. The IESG asks IANA to process this 
media-type request, and to add this organization to the 'Standards-
related organizations that have registered Media Types in the Standards 

6.3 IESG Participation in IETF-IANA Group and IAB-ISOC Policy 
Coordination Group (Lars Eggert)

The management issue was discussed. 

o Roman Danyliw and Robert Wilton agreed to participate in the IETF-
  IANA Group. 
o Warren Kumari and Zahed Sarker agreed to participate in the IAB-ISOC 
  Policy Coordination Group.

6.4 [IANA #1270651] Designated experts for Structured Syntax Suffixes 
(RFC 6838) (IANA)

The management issue was discussed. An action item to find designated 
experts for  Structured Syntax Suffixes (RFC 6838) was assigned to 
Murray Kucherawy prior to the start of the teleconference.

6.5 ICANN Board Listening Session (Lars Eggert)

The management issue was discussed.

Action Item: The IESG and IAB to write feedback for the ICANN listening 

6.6 Executive Session (Lars Eggert)

The RSWG Chair appointment was discussed in an Executive Session.

7. Any Other Business (WG News, New Proposals, etc.)

* Please see the Datatracker (
for details on documents that are under discussion by the IESG.