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Minutes interim-2023-ufmrg-02: Fri 16:00

Meeting Minutes Usable Formal Methods Research Group (ufmrg) RG
Date and time 2023-09-01 16:00
Title Minutes interim-2023-ufmrg-02: Fri 16:00
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2023-09-01


UFMRG planning meeting for IETF-118 Training


Agenda and notes

  1. agenda bash and chairs outline the likely logistics and let folks
    ask questions about that (10 mins)

    • Two hours per session
    • Proposal: 1h lecture, 1h hands-on
    • Sign-up will be required
    • Attendants will be asked to install tools beforehand
  2. we establish the list of those who can still volunteer, for this
    time around, given the constraints from #1 (5 mins)

    • No one is present to represent RecordFlux
    • Gergely Buday cannot attend IETF to host a workshop
  3. for each technology that has someone volunteering, we get a 5 minute
    description of what might be possible, or not possible, this time
    (up to 25 mins)

    • Felix Linker presents Tamarin and could host a 2h Tamarin
      workshop, potentially together with Cas Cremers

      • Jonathan expressed that he could help
    • Nadim Kobeissi presents Verifpal and could host a workshop and
      could bring helpers with him

    • Hans-Dieter Hiep presents Coq and could host a 2h workshop and
      could bring one helper
    • Muhammad Usama Sardar present ProVerif and could host a 2h
      workshop, Nadim Kobeissi could help
  4. open discussion of HOTWO pick 2 from 5 (10 mins)

    • fairly clear consensus emerged quickly
    • show of hands tool had 11 to zero (from 16 attendees) in favour
      of tamarin/coq
    • Workshops on Tamarin and Coq will be hosted
    • chairs will follow up with volunteers
    • chairs thanked everyone for being so reasonable and
  5. AOB (10 mins)


This is the list of people who spoke about their poroposed technology
being used in Prague at the meeting:

  • Alexander Senier, RecordFlux: not present today
  • Gergely Buday, Isabelle: suggested bettter later (possibly Dublin)
  • Felix Linker, Tamarin: presented
  • Nadim Kobeissi, Verifpal: presented
  • Hans-Dieter Hiep, Coq: presented
  • Muhammad Usama Sardar, Proverif: presented

Meeting Notes

Notes have been taken as bullet points in the agenda.