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Minutes interim-2024-iesg-23: Wed 15:30

Meeting Minutes Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF
Date and time 2024-05-29 15:30
Title Minutes interim-2024-iesg-23: Wed 15:30
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2024-07-11

IETF 120 BOF Coordination Call
2024-05-29, updated 2024-06-13

Reported by: Liz Flynn, IETF Secretariat

Additional reference materials available at the datatracker


- Alissa Cooper
- Alvaro Retana
- Christopher Wood
- Cindy Morgan
- Colin Perkins
- Cullen Jennings
- David Schinazi
- Deb Cooley
- Dhruv Dhody
- Éric Vyncke
- Erik Kline
- Francesca Palombini
- Jim Guichard
- Liz Flynn
- Mahesh Jethanandani
- Matthew Bocci
- Mirja Kühlewind
- Orie Steele
- Paul Wouters
- Roman Danyliw
- Suresh Krishnan
- Tommy Pauly
- Warren Kumari
- Wes Hardaker
- Zaheduzzaman (Zahed) Sarker


- Gunter Van de Velde
- John Scudder
- Murray Kucherawy
- Qin Wu

1. A new slow start algorithm for transport layer protocol (Area: TBD)
   Responsible AD: TBD

This proposal was submitted just a few hours before the call.

Tommy Pauly noted that he had seen email about this topic 
previously and suggested that it would be a better fit in the 
congestion control WG.

Mirja Kühlewind and Colin Perkins agreed that CCWG or possibly 
ICCRG would be a good place for this work.

Zahed Sarker and Mirja Kühlewind agreed to get in touch with the 
BOF proponents and suggest they work with CCWG.

On 2024-06-13, the IESG declined the BOF proposal. The proponents 
will be submitting their draft to the Congestion Control WG.

2. SKEX (Area: SEC)
    Responsible AD: TBD

Paul Wouters noted that there has been active discussion on the 
SKEX mailing list and there seems to be energy to do a BOF but 
it's uncertain whether there is interest outside of the 

Chris Wood questioned the difference between SKEX and using TLS.

Paul Wouters and Deb Cooley agreed to speak with the proponents 
and gather more information about the proposal to evaluate its 
readiness for a BOF.

On 2024-06-13, the IESG declined the BOF proposal.

3. ISE Placeholder (Area: IAB)

This is a placeholder for a session the Independent Submissions 
Editor is planning for IETF 120 in coordination with the IAB. It 
is not actually a BOF.

4. GREEN (Area: OPS)
    Responsible AD: Mahesh Jethanandani

Mahesh Jethanandani reported that these proponents had a well 
attended side meeting at IETF 119. There is a mailing list with 
lots of discussion and several drafts have been produced that have 
been presented in various WGs. There seems to be considerable 
interest in holding a WG-forming BOF.

Suresh Krishnan noted that the scope of this work seems very large 
and should be edited down to a more clearly defined and manageable 
scope. Whoever chairs this group should be prepared to actively 
manage the scope.

Mirja Kühlewind and Zahed Sarker both agreed that the scope of 
work and its desired outputs are not clear.

Warren Kumari noted that similar discussions have been held before 
that have not resulted in much output.  Dhruv Dhody said that they 
have attended a few of their calls and the proponents are aware of 
the previous work in this area and they seem to be on the right 

The IESG provisionally approved this BOF. Mahesh Jethanandani and 
Suresh Krishnan will work with the proponents to shape their 

On 2024-06-13, the IESG approved this BOF.

   Responsible AD: Zahed Sarker

SCONEPRO had a non-WG-forming BOF at IETF 119. Zahed Sarker 
reported that he thinks they are ready for a WG-forming BOF.

David Schinazi supported this BOF and Roman Danyliw noted that 
they have an active ongoing discussion.

The IESG approved a WG-forming BOF.

6. DIEM (Area: INT)
   Responsible ADs: Éric Vyncke and Warren Kumari

Éric Vyncke thought this would be an interesting conversation for 
a non-WG-forming BOF but wasn't sure what could come of it.

Orie Steele agreed that this is an interesting idea and noted that 
there is a lot of overlap with the SEC area.

Mirja Kühlewind noted that this discussion originated in the 
policy space and the IETF might be an interesting place for this 

Alissa Cooper noted that it would be important to get the right 
people in the room for the BOF and make sure people who understand 
policy are involved.

Éric Vyncke will follow up with the proponents and see how much 
discussion takes place on their new mailing list.

On 2024-06-13, the IESG approved DIEM as a non-WG-forming BOF.

7. NASR (Area: SEC)
   Responsible AD: Deb Cooley

Jim Guichard reported that this group has had some well attended 
side meetings and discussion on a mailing list. Gunter Van de 
Velde has been working with the proponents but he is not on the 

Alvaro Retana noted that this is called secure routing but it's 
more about security than routing. Close coordination between RTG 
and SEC will be necessary.

Deb Cooley noted that there is similarity with NASR and RATS.

On 2024-06-13, the IESG approved the NASR BOF and placed it in the 
Security area.

   Responsible AD: Roman Danyliw

The IESG has agreed to run the ALLDISPATCH experiment a second 
time. It appears on the BOF list as a scheduling placeholder.

9. DELEG (Area: INT)
   Responsible AD: Warren Kumari

DELEG is in the process of WG formation and is expected to be 
approved as a WG before IETF 120. It appears on the BOF list as a 
scheduling placeholder.

10. SRV6OPS (Area: OPS)
    Responsible AD: Jim Guichard

SRV6OPS is in the process of WG formation and is expected to be 
approved as a WG before IETF 120. It appears on the BOF list as a 
scheduling placeholder.