Minutes interim-2024-iotdir-01: Fri 15:00
Meeting Minutes | Internet of Things Directorate (iotdir) Directorate (with reviews) Snapshot | |
Date and time | 2024-03-08 15:00 | |
Title | Minutes interim-2024-iotdir-01: Fri 15:00 | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | markdown | |
Last updated | 2024-03-08 |
IoT directorate IETF 119 pre-meeting
IoT-DIR Chairs: Samita Chakrabarti, Ines Robles, Ari Keranen
Date: 8 March
Time: 3pm UTC
Schedule Duration: 1:30 minutes
Note Well
This meeting is aligned with the IETF Note Well:
Draft agenda
- Reminder on IoT directorate reviews
- Overview of the IETF/IRTF IoT groups (WG/RG chairs; 1-2 minutes per
group) - New/planned IETF/IRTF IoT activities
- Other IoT SDOs update/activities (if applicable, e.g. IoTSF, etc. )
- AOB.
Notice that we aim to record the meeting.
Attendees (16)
Recording this here since the chat didn't work...
- Ines Robles
- Ari Keränen
- Christian Amsüss
- Toerless Eckert
- Russ Housley
- Carsten Bormann
- Erik Kline
- Behcet Sarikaya
Reminder about IoT directorate reviews
AK: Sometimes we get answer to review requests from directorate members
that they "are not experts on the topic". You don't need to be expert,
or often even particularly well informed, of the topic of the draft, but
provide general review with focus on IoT-related topics. Chairs usually
try to assign reviews based on who we think would know the area best,
but sometimes such persons are already authors / active participants or
we don't find a good match and will do best-effort assignments.
Overview of the IETF/IRTF IoT groups
6TiSCH (Thomas Watteyne / Pascal Thubert)
6TiSCH is closed
6lo (Carles Gomez / Shwetha Bhandari)
6lo will meet in the next IETF
4 WG documents:
Submitted to IESG for publication (received reviews from genart
and tsvart):- IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Multicast Address Listener
Registration (draft-ietf-6lo-multicast-registration-16)
- IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Multicast Address Listener
Other WG documents:
Path-Aware Semantic Addressing (PASA) for Low power and
Lossy Networks
(draft-ietf-6lo-path-aware-semantic-addressing-04) -
Transmission of SCHC-compressed packets over IEEE 802.15.4
networks (draft-ietf-6lo-schc-15dot4-05) -
IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Registration
2 individual documents that will be presented:
- Generic Address Assignment Option for 6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery
(draft-iannone-6lo-nd-gaao-02) - Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Short-Range Optical Wireless
Communications (draft-choi-6lo-owc-02)
- Generic Address Assignment Option for 6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery
ACE (Loganaden Velvindron / Tim Hollebeek)
ANIMA (Sheng Jiang / Toerless Eckert)
ANIMA will meet in Brisbane for a 1 hour slot, Monday 17:30 - 18:80
ANIMA has continued to work through weekly side meetings and githut
issue tracking (github.com/anima-wg) on most of its active WG drafts and
closed significant number of issues. Due to logical and author
dependencies, these have ended up becoming a cluster.
- draft-ietf-anima-brski-ae-10
BRSKI with other enrollment protocols than EST (RFC7030) - draft-ietf-anima-brski-prm-12
Enrollment via a manually managed intermediary - draft-ietf-anima-constrained-voucher-24
BRSKI Enrollment modified to use CBOR - draft-ietf-anima-rfc8366bis-11
YANG data model for voucher digital artifact extended for above
In Brisbane, will ask about using CDDL as language instead of YANG
due to lack of tools for artifacts.
Adopted since IETF118 (not yet posted)
- draft-ietf-anima-brski-discovery-00
Discovery via DNS, GRASP and CBOR methods for the BRSKI variations
[missed deadline]
Passed WGLC sent to AD (some delay due to AD Change at IETF119 (from Rob
- draft-ietf-anima-jws-voucher-09
- draft-ietf-anima-brski-cloud-08
- draft-ietf-anima-grasp-distribution-11
TBD waiting for discuss with authors @ IETF119:
Limited local attendance in Brisbane, hence chairs will ask WG if a
formal interim e.g.: end of April wouldmake sense (if remote attendance
due to TZ is also not going to work well.
Example core open issue is whether to keep YANG as data modelling for
the voucher (RFC8366) because there is still no tooling to automatically
convert YANG into the required JSON or CBOR code. BUt going away from
YANG would require to rewrite entire rfc836bis to be spec'ed into CDDL
(which supports JSON and CBOR).
ASDF (Michael Richardson / Niklas Widell)
Will not meet in Brisbane (except on the hallways)
ASDF is in the process of shipping draft-ietf-asdf-sdf-18 to the
Rechartering upcoming, with an interim focused on that scheduled
for April.
CBOR (Barry Leiba / Christian Amsüss)
CBOR will meet at IETF 119, in a 90-minute session
First 30 minutes: Tutorials on how to use CBOR in I-Ds, drop by!
(And if you're into YANG, the next 30 minutes may also be of
interest) -
Interim meetings after IETF 119
- Plan to resume in April, then continue every other Wednesday
- Alternating with the CoRE interim meetings
In RFC editor queue (EDIT): draft-ietf-cbor-time-tag-12
In IESG: those ↓ by IETF119, likely
nth WGLC active until IETF119 for
EDN: draft-ietf-cbor-edn-literals-08,
CCDL: draft-ietf-cbor-update-8610-grammar-04 and
CDDL: draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-more-control-03
(note: UNIX style documents, do one thing in a small tool)
The cluster formerly known as CDDL 2.0 (includes docs in WGLC)
- Authors still finishing draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-modules-02
CBOR core: Packed cluster:
- draft-ietf-cbor-packed-12: Continue validation
- draft-amsuess-cbor-packed-by-reference-02
CBOR core: Serialization
- draft-ietf-cbor-cde-02 (WG document: Common
deterministic encoding) - draft-bormann-cbor-det-02 (Backgrounder,
informational) - draft-mcnally-deterministic-cbor-07 (Application
Profile, unified numerics)
- draft-ietf-cbor-cde-02 (WG document: Common
How to use CBOR (cf. tutorial part)
EDN extension point usage: draft-bormann-cbor-e-ref-00
Procedural (EDN/CDDL in drafts):
CDDL ancillary
CBOR applications
inside WG
Outside CBOR WG
CoRE (Jaime Jimenez / Marco Tiloca / Carsten Bormann)
2 documents approved for publication and in the RFC Editor's Queue
- -core-target-attr (Informational) -- TI State
- -core-sid (Proposed Standard) -- EDIT state
1 document in IESG processing (Proposed Standard)
- -core-oscore-edhoc (IESG telechat: 2024-04-04)
Among the WG documents:
- 2 waiting for Shepherd Write-up (-core-oscore-groupcomm;
-core-yang-library) - 4 completed WGLC (-core-comi; -core-href; -core-groupcomm-bis;
- 2 waiting for Shepherd Write-up (-core-oscore-groupcomm;
Selected ongoing activities
Major work on the CORECONF documents
- -core-sid is now approved; PYANG needs to be updated
- Completing -core-comi, then -core-yang-library will follow
"Constrained Resource identifiers" (HREF)
- "Key update for OSCORE" (KUDOS)
- "OSCORE-capable Proxies", which includes nested OSCORE
New WG documents
- -core-groupcomm-proxy
- -core-oscore-id-update
Discussion on using mDNS for node discovery
Since IETF 118
- Regular biweekly interim meetings
- Recurring design meetings (HREF & CoRAL)
CoRE will meet at IETF 119, in a 2-hour session
Interim meetings after IETF 119
- Plan to resume on April 10, then continue every other Wednesday
- Alternating with the CBOR interim meetings
COSE (Ivaylo Petrov / Matthew A. Miller / Michael B. Jones)
(no comments)
DetNet (Lou Berger / János Farkas)
Continuing work of RAW that concluded.
IOTOPS (IOT Operations) (Alexey Melnikov, Henk Birkholz)
(no comments)
LAKE (Mališa Vučinić / Stephen Farrell)
(no comments)
LWIG (Mohit Sethi / Zhen Cao)
Concluded 2024-01-23.
CB: There is one more 7228bis (terminology for constrined nodes) that
has new draft, looking to put it to IoTops.
Currently not in data tracker due to DT hick-up.
EL: ADs can override publication, so if stuck, talk to your AD.
CB: yes, ADs very busy at the moment. Queued up for review according to
EL: worth rising the issue. Want this done as early as possible.
RATS (Kathleen Moriarty/ Nancy Cam-Winget / Ned Smith)
EL: Currently an independent submission for ARM's architecture as a RATS
extension. Not too late for reviews. Contact ISE to review, would love
RAW (Rick Taylor / Eve Schooler)
Concluded 2023-10-20 --> DETNET
ROLL (Dominique Barthel / Ines Robles)
- Will not meet at IETF 119
- Regular Interim Meetings every two months, next interim in April-May
(doodle to be defined) - AODV-RPL (draft-ietf-roll-aodv-rpl-18) and DAO-Projection
(draft-ietf-roll-dao-projection-34) were submitted to the IESG - RNFD (draft-ietf-roll-rnfd-02), mopex (draft-ietf-roll-mopex-07),
nsa-extension (draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension), enrollment-priority
(draft-ietf-roll-enrollment-priority-10): In progress, - Looking reviewers for enrollment-priority: please volunteer
SCHC (Alexander Pelov / Pascal Thubert)
Carles Gomez: Biweekly interims planned. Architecture draft has been
discussed ("SCHC session", "SCHC header" being discussed). Also:
protocol number, SCHC for ICMP
(newly inserted:) SCIM
EL: System for Cross Identity Management, draft-ietf-scim-devices,
extends cloud based provisioning from users to devices. Heading for
SCITT - Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust (Hannes Tschofenig/ Jon Geater)
(with an audible "c")
(no comments)
SUIT (David Waltermire)
RH: DT has retired. DW single-chairing. Almost everything in
All of the SUIT WG documents are nearing completion.
draft-ietf-suit-manifest-25: with the IESG
draft-ietf-suit-mud-08: with the IESG
draft-ietf-suit-mti-05: passed WGLC; working to shepherd writeup
draft-ietf-suit-update-management-06: passed WGLC; waiting on companion
draft-ietf-suit-trust-domains-06: passed WGLC; waiting on companion
draft-ietf-suit-firmware-encryption-19: In WGLC now
draft-ietf-suit-report-08: almost ready for WGLC
TEEP (Tiru Reddy / Nancy Cam-Winget)
(no comments, but notes were provided below:)
Will not meet at IETF 119
The protocol spec is in AD review read for IESG publication.
Informational draft
should have a WGLC to see if it is ready as well.
COIN (Jeffrey He / Eve Schooler / Marie-Jose Montpetit)
(no comments)
T2TRG (Ari Keränen / Carsten Bormann)
Not physically meeting at IETF 119. Will meet at IETF 121, possibly at
Interim meeting on IoT security in Paris on May 21/22, co-located
with the hackathon on lightweight IoT security hosted by Inria.
Registration is open!
"IoT Edge Challenges and Functions" draft in RFC editor queue (state
Three RG drafts with recent minor updates:
- "Amplification Attacks Using CoAP"
- "A Taxonomy of operational security considerations for
manufacturer installed keys and Trust Anchors" - "Guidance on RESTful Design for IoT Systems"
New/planned IETF/IRTF IoT activities
AK: BoFs? side meetings?
TE: Thursday side meeting on "Enterprise Network" -- all active
enterprises (?) looking for common design criteria for operations (?).
From low end to active devices in enteprises and campuses. Comparing
their operations challenges to IoT usage. Link?
CA: not SDO but research thing on next gen networks and security.
Bringing IETF experience to avoid re-inventing things. So far not much
online, best we have right now is COST website