Narrative Minutes interim-2018-iesg-14 2018-07-05 14:00
Meeting Narrative Minutes | Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF | |
Date and time | 2018-07-05 14:00 | |
Title | Narrative Minutes interim-2018-iesg-14 2018-07-05 14:00 | |
State | (None) | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2024-02-23 |
INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Narrative minutes for the 2018-07-05 IESG Teleconference These are not an official record of the meeting. Narrative Scribe: Liz Flynn, Secretariat 1. Administrivia 1.1 Roll call Amy: We've received regrets from Spencer, Sandy, Alvaro, and Ted. 1.2 Bash the agenda Amy: I did get a late breaking management item for approving experts from Alexey, which I added to the agenda. Any other changes? The only other change we have is the status change was put off again because I believe Alexey didn't get a response to the question he asked. That will be to the August telechat and we will pick that up then. 1.3 Approval of the minutes of past telechats Amy: Does anyone have an objection to the minutes of the June 21 teleconference being approved? Hearing none, we will get those posted. I also saw revised narrative minutes go out a few days ago. Any objection to approving those? Hearing none, we will get those posted. Last time I missed the approval of the BOF coordination call minutes from June 5. Any objection to approving those revised BOF coordination call minutes so we can get those posted? Hearing none, we will get those posted as well. 1.4 List of remaining action items from last telechat OUTSTANDING TASKS o Benjamin Kaduk to find an additional designated expert for the AEAD Parameters registry. Benjamin: We should leave this in progress. It sounds like Russ and Stanislav will be willing and able to do this, but I didn't send mail or anything and it's not urgent. We can finish resolving it next time. o Alexey Melnikov to find a designated expert for RFC 8323 [IANA #1108770]. Amy: This is on the agenda later as a management item so we'll call this provisionally done. o Eric Rescorla to find designated experts for RFC-ietf-oauth- discovery [IANA #1113497]. Ekr: I haven't done anything there. Amy: Okay, we'll keep that in progress. o Alexey Melnikov to find designated experts for RFC-ietf-uta-smtp- tlsrpt [IANA #1113903]. Alexey: In progress. o Ben Campbell to find designated experts for RFC 7845 [IANA #1114867]. Ben: I'm aware that's on my plate and it's in progress. Amy: It's also on as a management item. 2. Protocol actions 2.1 WG submissions 2.1.1 New items o draft-ietf-lamps-rfc5751-bis-10 - IETF stream Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) Version 4.0 Message Specification (Proposed Standard) Token: Eric Rescorla Amy: I have an open Discuss for this. Do we need to discuss that today? Ekr: No.......sorry, can we come back to this in a second? I'll be ready after this next document. Ekr: Benjamin, how do you want to proceed here? Benjamin: I don't really object to using that phrase, I just wanted to make sure there was visibility to the IESG that we were explicitly using political reasons to justify a technical decision. If we think that's okay, I think it's the first time we're going to do it. We can do that. If nobody is going to speak up and object, I can clear my Discuss. Ben: I almost hit Discuss on that same point and then I decided it's true so what can I object to? Benjamin: Right, it is true. Alissa: I don't think it's the first time we're doing it, but maybe it's the first time we're saying it. If you want to change the words it's not going to change the reality. It might be better to change the words. Ekr: I was a little sad about this rationale. I did push back on it in my review but I didn't get real pushback. Benjamin: So do we want to ask them to change the words? Warren: Doesn't that kind of make it worse if we ask people to change it? Seems more politically weird. Ekr: There are 2 pieces of text here, there's the text that says it's political and there's the text that says that their community doesn't like the NIST curves because of seeds. There are perfectly valid reasons to be using the EdDSA curves even if you have high confidence in the NIST curves. Ben: The statement that this is political is not nearly as inflammatory as the statement that the community doesn't trust NIST. And I would be hesitant to ask them to take it out because it's the reason. Ekr: I think people who think the NIST curves were good think we should be moving to the CRFG curves. Good is a complicated term. People who think the NIST curves were generated safely think we should move to CFRG curves. Ben: I suppose the text could simply say some members of the community have preference for the other curve. Ekr: I think IETF policy is a preference for the other curves. That's true. Mirja: I think there are political things involved, why people are skeptical about it. But the actual reason why it's not in the document is technical reasons, so I don't think the sentence is even true. Ekr: This text is not very clear. What is the thing that's allegedly political here? To be honest I'm not even clear about that. Clearly there must be some curve, so there are 3 choices: NIST only, CFRG only, or both. It's not entirely clear to me what they're saying is the political part of this. Is it a decision to continue using NIST curves? Mandate the CFRG curves? I don't know. Benjamin: My original sense was that the political thing was the lack of confidence in the NIST curves. But as you point out we have a general preference for CFRG curves to a large extent independent of the politics. Alissa: My interpretation was that the political thing was the continued requirement to support the NIST curves. Which is not an IETF requirement, this is an external... Ekr: If I were forced to take a read on this, that's what I'd say this means too. In that case it's not clear why we'd have to say there are people who really don't like the NIST curves. Alissa: So at a minimum this is unclear. Mirja: I think it's unclear and also it's a little bit inappropriate to make a judgment about the political part in this document. If we want to do that it would be a separate document. Benjamin: Do you want me to edit my ballot position to reflect the discussion we had, or Ekr do you want to contact the authors? Ekr: I think it'd be good if you continued to take point on this. Benjamin: I don't know if it's better to do that in my ballot position or over email. Ekr: We could wait for them to respond I suppose. Also we're all going to be in the same place in a week and a half. Amy: Sounds like this is going to require a revised ID, right? Ekr: Definitely. There are other comments people had too. Amy: This is going in IESG Evaluation, Revised ID Needed. o draft-ietf-mpls-spring-entropy-label-11 - IETF stream Entropy label for SPRING tunnels (Proposed Standard) Token: Deborah Brungard Amy: I have no discusses in the tracker so unless there's an objection it looks like this one is approved. Deborah: We'll do it as Point Raised, Revised ID Needed. Amy: Approved, Announcement to be sent, Point Raised, Revised ID Needed. Deborah you can let us know when you're all set. o draft-ietf-bfd-multipoint-18 - IETF stream BFD for Multipoint Networks (Proposed Standard) Token: Martin Vigoureux Amy: I have a couple of discusses in the tracker, do we need to discuss those? Martin: Yes possibly. Thank you all for your reviews and comments. Benjamin, let me know if I'm wrong but I'm under the impression that the four points of your discuss were addressed by Greg. That requires an update to the document but you seemed to be satisfied by his proposed update. Benjamin: I believe that's correct, yes. I don't know if you wanted to have a posting approved during the blackout. Martin: Honestly for all the documents I own today there is no specific urgency, so I plan to let the authors publish after the blackout period. Benjamin: Do you want me to hold onto my Discuss until then? Martin: I'm perfectly fine with that, yes. Mirja, the authors haven't chimed in yet and I want them to. Do you want us to discuss your points today or give the opportunity to the authors to speak up before? Mirja: Did you say you replied? I didn't see that email yet. What did you say? Martin: Your first point, I was saying that the multipoint spec doesn't change the base spec, so 5880, for the setting of the desired interval. So it will be set at 1 second. So I didn't feel there was a need to explicitly restate that. Mirja: What I would like to see is to restate that it will also not change, it will always stay at one second. Martin: That's fine but I think it's already stated somewhere. I can pull out from the draft that specific text. I believe at least your concern is already addressed by the spec. Mirja: The spec read a little bit like you can actually change it. If you change it you also have to set the p-bit, which makes me think people actually could change it. Martin: Of course you can set by configuration the desired ntp interval. But because of the 5880 requirements, which is kept implicitly, it cannot be configured at a value lower than 1 second. Mirja: I would like to have that stated explicitly. Martin: On your second point, it's a bit more difficult in the sense that just like 5880, that spec doesn't make much -- on the encapsulation. If we start by specifying TTL and hop count in that spec, I think we would go beyond its scope. Mirja: I think if that is true what needs to be done here is clarify that given restrictions we have based on the base spec, this approach only applies to single hop scenarios. And that you must implement a way to ensure that the packets don't go further than 1 hop. Depending on the encapsulation used you can use the TTL or hop count. Martin: On the one hop limitation, I'm a bit concerned by that. Mirja: I can understand but that's what the base spec says. If that's not the scenario you have then you need to find another way to implement congestion control. Martin: Another way is to change the requirement of the base spec. Mirja: Yeah but then you have to find another way to implement congestion control because you cannot send random packets everywhere in the network at a fixed rate without any congestion control forever. Martin: So this is where I think we have covered by the previous situation, because I'm not sure how we can congest the network by sending a packet every 1 second. Mirja: If you do this on multiple sessions on multiple hosts it can lead to high congestion. If you do this for a thousand sessions it's a thousand packets per second. And more if you do more sessions. I'm not saying this will usually happen but the spec should not allow it to happen. Martin: Okay, I think maybe we will take it on the list. Even if you multiply 1 packet by a thousand you don't congest your network. Mirja: It depends on the kind of network you have and so on. I'm just relying on the base spec. If you think you need to change the base spec that's a different thing. Suresh: I want to point out something. In RFC 5883 which is the BFD multipoint spec, there's text which says the operator needs to provision this thing at the rate in which the BFD is transmitted. If text like that could work you could use that, take a look. Mirja: That could be a solution as well as some sort of egress filtering to make sure those packets don't leave the network. Suresh: That's 5883 section 2. Martin: I think the 3rd point is in the same line of ideas and I have proposed some text in response to that. You can take a look and tell me whether it's okay or not. Mirja: I think here the problem is also about a reasonable upper bound. I would rather see an upper bound or give a more explicit recommendation about what such an upper bound could be. Martin: Fixing a number is not realistic. Mirja: I know, but maybe you need more discussion about in which scenarios which ranges of numbers might be reasonable. Martin: That's why the number of initiated sessions should be defined by the operator of the network who knows its environment and is in the best position to define what should be done. Rather than setting an upper bound on implementation that could be limiting in certain environments. Ekr: Mirja, I'm trying to understand what you think would be acceptable. Is your position that you shouldn't be allowed to send packets at any rate without some sort of feedback or is it just that you think there should be some specified maximum packet rate? Mirja: There should be a specified max. And just because you can have an unspecified number of sessions there is no max anymore. Ekr: So you think there should be a global max? Mirja: It could be a global max, yeah. The recommendation we give in RFC 8085 is that if you don't have any feedback and no congestion control you should not send more than one packet per 3 seconds, so sending 1 packet per second is already higher than the recommendation we give. And then you multiply it by the number of sessions..... Martin: Even if you have 10k sessions, that's only 10k packets that are going out of your .... Mirja: I understand that this is in practice not a problem, but in theory if your network is tiny and you don't have a lot of bandwidth this can be a problem. You have to more clearly specify what the assumptions are of your deployment and where this applies. Martin: Yeah, but that would impose on the authors to list all the possible network configurations ... that doesn't seem realistic. Mirja: No, but at least providing more guidance about what needs to be considered when setting the upper bound and make sure that there is an upper bound implemented are important points. Because just saying a reasonable upper bound is completely in the blue. What's reasonable, how can I figure out what's reasonable for my network? Warren: I think there should be some advice to the operator, like if you're doing 1000 of these your control plane might become sad. I think mine's an easier one to do. But you used the example of only 1000 packets, if you have 1000 sessions at one packet per session per second, that 1000 packets generated by the control plane might make them sad. Operator, keep in mind you could shoot yourself in the foot here. Martin: Okay but every vendor that I know has an upper bound for the number of sessions it can reach, and that mostly depends on the system capabilities, not on the network in which the system would be deployed. So I'm perfectly fine saying implementation must have an upper bound, in the sense that it's not possible to create an infinite number of sessions, but giving a value for that upper bound is .... Mirja: What you can also say is they must have an upper bound, the default must be set to this value, and then explain that this value was chosen based on these considerations and give operators some idea about if they want to change it, what it should be. So not restricting what the value can be but setting a default value which is what is currently used in many cases. Martin: Okay, I'm afraid that we are moving from a protocol specification to an operational specification by giving guidance on how to configure and how many sessions and so on. That in my view is definitely not the scope of this document. Ekr: I have some sympathy for Mirja's point here. Generally I don't think we should be designing protocols which have potential to make the internet really bad, and if we do we have to have guidance about how not to make the internet really bad, like in QUIC we go to a lot of trouble to make it so you cant use QUIC as an amplifier. I don't know quite what to do here but I think we need to do something to make sure this doesn't cause congestion problems. Martin: I completely fail to understand what congestion can we generate by sending 24 bytes of data per second anywhere. Ekr: As Mirja says if you have a pile of different connections on the same bandwidth network that can certainly happen. Martin: But if that packet is creating congestion then your network is congested already by the data traffic. Ekr: I assume the case Mirja had in mind is that you have a pile of concurrent sessions and each is generating 1 pps. Obviously this wouldn't be a problem ordinarily on a fast network, but say you have a reroute onto a slower network and now there's cascading .... I don't think it's crazy. I agree it's a little bit not obvious how that would happen in practice, but it's not crazy. Mirja: There are three ways forward. The minimum is to explain the problem, even if it's not realistic for all networks, and make the reader aware of it. Another option is to have an applicability statement and say this is environments where you can use it and where it makes sense, but even if you have an applicability statement you need a very high upper bound. The third is to address the problem by making sure this cannot happen it all. But the document needs to say more about it. Martin: Ok, point taken. I will try to work with the authors along those lines. Mirja: Thank you. Amy: It sounds like this one requires a revised ID anyway, right? Martin: Definitely. o draft-ietf-bfd-multipoint-active-tail-09 - IETF stream BFD Multipoint Active Tails. (Proposed Standard) Token: Martin Vigoureux Amy: This has a Discuss, do we need to discuss this now? Martin: No I think it's been addressed. Ben had a process Discuss because this was updating the multipoint and these two are being pushed at the same time so Ben suggested we simply use the references rather than updating. That was a valid Discuss so we will do that. I will let Ben decide whether or not that addresses his Discuss. Ben: I saw an email from the authors yesterday but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. On a quick scan it looks like it's on the right track. Martin: Thank you Ben. I'm sure that will require a revised ID. Amy: This will go into Revised ID Needed. o draft-ietf-6man-rfc6434-bis-08 - IETF stream IPv6 Node Requirements (Best Current Practice) Token: Suresh Krishnan Amy: I have a discuss, do we need to discuss today? Suresh: I think it's very clear, I'm just waiting for the authors to respond. The discuss is very reasonable. All the changes are editorial and we can do them in a revised ID. I'm just waiting for the authors to respond. Just put it in Revised ID Needed and we can pick it up. o draft-ietf-bfd-yang-16 - IETF stream YANG Data Model for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) (Proposed Standard) Token: Martin Vigoureux Martin: I'd like to start with Benjamin's. But I think it's the proposed resolution was okay. Benjamin: There was a new sentence to put in the security concerns. Martin: Yeah. So just like for the first document I'm fine if you keep the discuss until we have a new revision posted. Some of you have made comments. Some still need to be addressed but I'm sure they will be. Alissa, you have a discuss on the use of IANA. How do you want to proceed? Alissa: The question is whether the name of the module and all associated identifiers. .. if that has to be the name. I understand t hats the convention thus far but I couldn't find anything that says things hav to be named that way. Is there a possibility to change it? Martin: Honestly I don't understand the implications of changing it vs keeping it. I don't have any objection at all with changing it but then i would welcome two things: you or we decide what to put there instead and that we then define some form of policy that would apply to all future Yang documents so we have a consistent rule going forward. Alissa: That sounds like a good plan. Ignas: There doesn't appear to be any history as such. ..... [audio cut out] Martin: In the meantime, Alissa, if we change will we also apply the change to all the already registered yang modules? Or we would keep them? Alissa: I don't think it makes sense to do a retroactive change, but this was was more about changing the convention going forward. I think it just makes sense to have a neutral identifier in there that's not registry operator specific. Martin: Do you have any idea on what we could write down here? Alissa: I don't really care. I think what's trying to be conveyed by this name is not that it's managed by the registry operator but that the module will be automatically updated when a separate registry is updated. If that's actually the semantic people are going for then something like auto-update or something that signifies that wold make more sense than IANA. Maybe we should take this to email because we don't seem to have Ignas. Amy: I'm hearing this requires a revised ID on at least one of those points. This discussion is going to continue online. 2.1.2 Returning items NONE 2.2 Individual submissions 2.2.1 New items NONE 2.2.2 Returning items NONE 2.3 Status changes 2.3.1 New items NONE 2.3.2 Returning items NONE 3. Document actions 3.1 WG submissions 3.1.1 New items o draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc4960-errata-06 - IETF stream RFC 4960 Errata and Issues (Informational) Token: Spencer Dawkins Amy: I have no discusses so unless theres an objection now it looks like this one is approved. Hearing none, and as Spencer is not with us today, we will put this in Point Raised. Mirja: I have to double check with Spencer but I've also been talking to the authors and WG chair and they've been concerned this doesn't get published. I can see the argument about the value but I also think it's possible to use the process as we usually do. I think they are aware of that and I would recommend Spencer just publish it and hopefully we don't see that again. Ekr: I marked this Abstain but I'm sad Spencer isn't here because I think it's worth a 5 min conversation about whether or not we publish this. That's probably worth some brief discussion. Mirja: I think this is a case of they made up their own process and it worked once, so they did it again. I wouldn't want to block publication but I think they understand the IESG's position now. Adam: Between the creation of that process and the request to publish this document, there was a statement basically saying don't do this. It's not like this is a surprise. Ekr: my point is that I do object to the publication of this document and I think other people do. I marked abstain because I think that's the appropriate thing at this point and I think blocking isn't really appropriate. But I'd like Spencer to look at the things we said and come to the conclusion it shouldn't be published, not to have this go through on inertia because that's what the formal rules of the ballot say. If people want me to mark this Discuss so that happens, I'm fine with that, or we can discuss it now. Alissa: If someone wants to block the publication of this document until we have time to discuss it, Discuss is the right option. It always makes me uncomfortable when we have a bunch of people abstain and then have this discussion. Mirja: Spencer is not available this week and it will not be the first action he does, clicking publish. But I don't think this document has any harm so even if it gets published we can still discuss it afterward. It's Spencer's decision. If you just send him a mail he will wait. Ekr: My position has changed based on the fact the majority of the IESG has abstained. Mirja: The statement doesn't say you can't do it, just that we recommend you not publish these kinds of documents. Alissa: The balloting rules for an informational document are such that this is..... Ekr: I agree that in the current process, with its current ballot it can move forward. I'm now going to mark it Discuss so it cannot. Then we can discuss it. Alissa: That's better if that's .... Mirja: You can do that but I think that's kind of the wrong signal to the authors because it's a good group of authors who care very much about this protocol. They've worked with a lot of implementers and they were not aware of this process change. And to give them a lot of pushback and try to hinder the publication of this document, I think doesn't have any value besides making them frustrated about the process. And I don't know why we should do that. Ekr: My position is that this document is bad. I propose we discuss this in Montreal and once we've had this discussion I'll give it to Spencer. Mirja: But you said this document is bad in the sense that it's not helpful for you. It's not bad in the sense that it hurts or breaks anything. Alissa: There was some feedback from some of the reviewers that they felt it made it more confusing to understand if they wanted to implement the updates, how they were supposed to do it. In any event the discussion will not be in Montreal bc Spencer will not be with us, so ti will have to be after. Ekr: I'm also happy to do it over email. Mirja: The technical comment here was that there were points in this document where something is updated and then updated again alter on which makes it hard to read. If you want to discuss on that point, changing the content of the document, that's a valid point. But just the general idea of this document is not very helpful, but it's not harmful, so I don't see the point. Adam: I'm not sure that we need 100 extra pages in the RFC editor's queue in front of other documents at this point. The argument that it causes no harm after it exists as an RFC I can get behind. The fact that it's going to use resources on the way, I can see. Alissa: We put the statement out quite some time ago now and we had a bunch of documents come through shortly after we put the statement out and so we had some discussion there where the authors noted the IESG had put out this statement. Now there's been a lot of time and I think it just highlights again we all need to be keeping an eye on this in the WGs and flagging it for people as new documents come through. Because the more time that passes since the statement came out the less the argument makes sense that people didn't know or weren't aware. People should be aware. Ekr: In any case I just balloted Discuss and said I think we should discuss it, and if we discuss it and Spencer thinks we should vote yes, I will clear. I don't think that's an unreasonable burden to the authors. Mirja: I'm even more uncomfortable because this is also a milestone in the charter of the WG. They've been working on this for a while and we could have told them earlier. It's not like there were only a couple of documents right after the statement was published, it's over and over again. So if we want to stop this happening just taking a random document and saying now we don't publish it anymore is not the right way forward. Alissa: It's not a random document, we've had this discussion over and over again. Mirja: But why is it this document you want to hinder publication now? Ekr: I want to resist the notion that a Discuss until we can have a discussion with the sponsor on a telechat is hindering publication. We discuss things all the time for relatively modest reasons. I think coding this as hindering publication is not accurate. Mirja: If you are discussing a meta discuss that you can't discuss with the responsible AD that doesn't make sense to me either. Ekr: The purpose of my discuss in this case is that otherwise this document is approved. I would like to have a discussion before it is approved. Mirja: But what is the discussion about? Ekr: I think we should not publish this document and I'd like to hear Spencer's response to the various comments that have been made in the tracker. Alissa: Spencer is the only person with a Yes ballot, so we kind of need him involved in order to resolve it if there's going to be one discuss and one yes. Warren: Can someone please remind me what the actual problem with errata type documents is? I personally find them useful because I don't have to then go rummaging through 500 different places. I know there was a statement but other than the harm of taking up RFC editor time, I'm still somewhat confused about the harm in the document. Ekr: If your position is that documents which don't cause any harm should be published, I'm not sure we're on the same page. This document is being marked as a product of the IETF we think is a good thing. That's what the boilerplate means. I don't think a document that's a linear time series of diffs against the original RFC is a good thing. Warren: I thought there was actually noticeable value in that, but that's I guess where we differ. Mirja: But I don't think what you put in your discuss here is valid discuss criteria. To be honest, I don't understand why we're having this discussion because if you send Spencer an email saying can you please hold this publication until we discuss it, he will surely do it. I don't think putting a Discuss and giving the authors a signal that there's a huge issue here which might not be the case is the right thing to do. Ekr: Well fortunately the Discuss criteria don't apply to informational documents, so that's not really appropriate in this particular case. The authors have received several emails from us saying we think this is bad, I don't think a Discuss is the equivalent of me stabbing them in the eye. Ben: There's a discuss criteria for saying they haven't responded to reviews. Mirja: They did, and they took the abstains seriously. Ben: Responsiveness does not mean they responded. Alissa: If the state that this document is going into is that it will await a discussion with Spencer, they should be aware of that. We shouldn't keep them from that if that's whats going to happen. Mirja: That's Spencer's decision. Alexey: Can I just defer it? Then it will be in August on the next telechat. Suresh: I think the point is that there's a clarity issue with the document because of the time series diffs. I think that needs to get fixed. Whether or not that's a discuss... Mirja: If you want to put a discuss in for that point you can do it. But the current discuss is very inappropriate. Hitting the Defer button would have been more appropriate. Ekr: I don't agree it's inappropriate. Alissa: I think we're getting into diminishing returns here. We each have autonomy to ballot as we wish and we can disagree about whether other people's ballots are appropriate or not. Let's continue this discussion with Spencer. Amy: I'm going to put it in the substate of AD Followup, so Spencer can follow up with everybody when he is back online. 3.1.2 Returning items NONE 3.2 Individual submissions via AD 3.2.1 New items NONE 3.2.2 Returning items NONE 3.3 Status changes 3.3.1 New items 3.3.2 Returning items NONE 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission stream documents 3.4.1 New items o conflict-review-song-yeti-testbed-experience-01 IETF conflict review for draft-song-yeti-testbed-experience draft-song-yeti-testbed-experience-09 Yeti DNS Testbed (ISE: Informational) Token: Terry Manderson Amy: I have no discusses so if there's no objection it looks like the conflict review can go back to the ISE. Hearing no objection to sending this conflict review message back to the ISE so this is approved and the message can be sent. Mirja: We already discussed that somebody will talk to Adrian about some stuff. Did we ever have a returning conflict review? Is that what we want? If we send a conflict review that's what we say and it's the ISE's decision anyway to address concerns or publish anyway.... I would prefer him to try for all these things before we have the conflict review. Suresh: I think Mirja has a point. But you're going to have a 1:1 with Adrian, right Alissa? Maybe this can be a point you raise with him. Alissa: Yes, we have several things to talk about. This will be one question for him. 3.4.2 Returning items NONE 4. Working Group actions 4.1 WG creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF review NONE 4.1.2 Proposed for approval NONE 4.2 WG rechartering 4.2.1 Under evaluation for IETF review o Babel routing protocol (babel) Amy: This is ready without external review, that the changes are small enough that babel doesn't need external review. I have no blocking comments. Unless there's an objection now it looks like the recharter is approved. Hearing no objection, this is approved. Your milestones are old milestones--do you want to update the dates or are they still working on those? Martin: I asked the chairs to take a look at the milestones and change them if needed. I think what is important is that new dates be set but I think we can always do that after the charter has been published. Amy: You definitely can, I was just pointing out that they're all out of date. Martin: Yes, I believe we can publish as is and then update them later. Amy: Great. Then the WG action announcement will be sent. o Source Packet Routing in Networking (spring) Amy: I do have a blocking comment for this rechartering effort. Do we need to discuss it? Martin: Yes, it came at the last minute. You will need to educate me on what is cryptographic assurance of the integrity of the routing information. Let me say a few words before that. Spring as you can see from the charter, spring is the central place to discuss segment routing, but it doesn't do any protocol work. At best it will do functional specs and it will be up to the different WGs to define the protocol mechanics. As an example, segment routing using MPLS labels, it's up to the former ISIS/LSR to do. The extensions of the BGPs to distribute the identifiers that then enable to build the labels .... So maybe I don't understand what you mean by cryptographic integrity and identity but I believe that it's not the responsibility of spring, it's the responsibility of the IGP to resolve that part. Spring doesn't define the targeted header and it was taken out of the charter because of that. It's being dealt with by 6man. I believe the cryptographic assurance should be handled by 6man. So while I'm very sympathetic with your expectation I'm not really sure what Spring can do beyond identifying the security aspects and putting requirements on the other WGs. Benjamin: That's a fair point. I was not entirely clear this morning that this was just a coordination point and the actual protocol descriptions would need to be in the other WGs, so thank you for the clarification. Martin: Except on very special cases which would need the agreement of the different WG chairs and ADs, spring will not do any protocol work. Suresh: One thing that might be relevant is the network programming draft. Even though it doesn't specify actual implementation it has instructions set inside and probably requires some kind of security rating. That's probably what you should spend some time on to look at it. Martin: Okay, that's a good point. Making it general to spring might be a bit difficult as I tried to say. On the other hand I agree there might be some documents in spring for which we need to take special measures. How do you think we could deal with this as part of the charter? Benjamin: One of the last comments you made in your initial statement is pretty insightful, which is that a WG in this position can describe the security properties and requirements that are needed for these other routing protocols that will be carrying its information. In particular because of the nature of the source routing the requirements might be different than some of the other traditional routing, and anything that goes wrong has local effects. With the source routing you've got the entire route described in the packet header and if something goes wrong you could have more far reaching effects. One could imagine there would be different requirements for making sure the info in the packet header is actually produced by someone who you trust to do so and that the integrity of that is maintained throughout the packet's progression through the network. So I think there's probably room in the charter for analyzing the security requirements and how they differ from the existing underlying technology that's going to be used. Martin: Okay. Mirja: Sounds like a great idea if you have more assurance about the route; this is a completely different protocol then and you probably need a new WG. Benjamin: It's possible that I should take some more time to look at this offline because I just learned several new things on the call today and it might be better for me to take more time to process it and come back with a better proposal. Martin: Okay, I'd be fine with that and I'm happy to interact with you about that. The old SR-MPLS and SR-IPv6 are about to be defined. There is no plan to define any other updated thing. The base functionality has already been defined. Alvaro has already handled the first bunch of specs from spring and also from lsr/isis. I'm not sure if we have a lot of margin to influence these base specifications concerning the security viewpoint. Benjamin: There will always be cases where pragmatic consideration causes us to go forward with something even if there's some security thing we want to do with it. In such cases we can make sure to document any security or other properties that you are maybe not sure about or not comfortable about to make sure that even if we go forward with something suboptimal we are clear about on what it does or does not do. Martin: I agree and I think that it relates to what I was saying earlier. Going forward spring could at least work on identifying all the security aspects it can and formulate relevant requirements to the WG if extensions need to be done. Suresh: If you want some pointers Martin, take a look at RFC 5095. It explains why we deprecated the type zero headers in v6 so that's something you can take as input. Martin: Benjamin, take the time you need -- not all the time you need, but some time -- I don't want this to spend a month on that but if you need to take time to take a look at spring please do, and in the meantime we can interact on that aspect and try to find a piece of text to add that would satisfy you. Benjamin: That sounds good. Amy: Sounds like the spring WG recharter is not approved and we'll be waiting for instructions from Martin. Martin: Yes and I will be waiting for Benjamin. 4.2.2 Proposed for approval NONE 5. IAB news we can use Deborah: The only item is what Alissa sent out, the management item on the SG2 liaison. 6. Management issues 6.1 Change of Change Controller for port 631 (service "ipp") (Alexey Melnikov) Alexey: Can we please approve changing the change controller for ipp to be IESG? Amy: Any objection to that? Amy: I'm hearing no objection so it looks like that is approved. And we need to send an official note to IANA, is that right Michelle? Michelle: Yes, thank you. 6.2 IANA #1114867] Designated experts for RFC 7845 (IANA) Amy: We talked about this at the top of the call with Ben and that is on his radar to do. 6.3 SG2 liaison statement (Alissa Cooper) Alissa: I sent a mail about this a couple of days ago which had the context in it. There's a proposal to SG2 which seems problematic from a few perspectives. Folks are trying to have IANA allocate either slash 8 or slash 4 for this routing experiment hey want to relating to embedding in the v6 prefix. They have already approached IANA about this. Michelle: to clarify, we have not received the request. We're aware of it because somebody brought it to our attention but we have not been approached yet. Alissa: Sorry, I misremembered your email. In any case, you and I and Ted have been in contact already. Together with Scott Mansfield we drafted a liaison statement which we're proposing to send on behalf of Ted and myself. The IAB has already reviewed it and everybody on the IAB seemed fine with that approach and text. I wanted to see if anyone here had an objection to sending that statement. Suresh: Looks good to me, Alissa. Benjamin: The only question I had, it talked about this document to refer to some ID but it isn't clear from the context what document that is going to be. Alissa: Thank you. I'll bring that back to Ted. It might be we can be more specific, or maybe it's already referenced in the submission. Suresh: That came out of an EU research project, it's got no official standing anywhere in the IETF. Martin: Those EU projects have a tendency to be evaluated based on multiple criteria, one of them being impact. Impact can be measured by publication to SDOs, so that's also why I think there's a misunderstanding on the status of the document. They've probably published a draft and believe that is sufficient. I believe they're also publishing something at the ITU which is being discussed today or tomorrow. This is why I was also thinking one of us could reach out to them. I'm fine with sending that note to ITU. Alissa: We knew they were meeting so we wanted to get the liaison in front of the whole group. We can reach out to the authors as well so we're sure they're aware of it. Amy: Anything to record in the minutes, or just that it was discussed is sufficient? Alissa: You can record the IESG was fine with proceeding with the liaison. 6.4 IESG approval for service name registration ipps (Mirja Kuehlewind) Mirja: This is the second part of the ipp cleanup. RFC 7472 already defines the service name of ipps and it's widely used and it uses the same ports as ipp. If you look at the port registration guidelines it's not what we have recommended common practice anymore. That you use the same port for the secured and unsecured version of the protocol. We'd like to add a second entry in the registry to make sure to register the service name to reflect reality. Amy: Hearing no objection to this change, it sounds like the IESG has approved the service name registration. We'll send an official note. Was there specific wording you'd like? Mirja: "Registration of the ipps as service name for port 631 has been approved by the IESG with the IESG as the Change Controller." 6.5 Designated Expert for RFC 8323 (CoAP Signaling Codes) [IANA #1108770] (Alexey Melnikov) Amy: Any objection to approving experts Klaus Hartke and Alexander Pelov? Hearing none, those are approved. 7. Any Other Business (WG News, New Proposals, etc.) Martin: I will soon close i2rs which was supposed to be closed back in March. Ekr: People may wish to be aware that despite my telling people we wouldn't figure out how to encrypt an SNI, in May we figured out how to do that so there's a proposal in tls now for how to do it. Alissa: If anyone has any last minute agenda items for the IESG to discuss in Montreal, please send them to me or post in the wiki. Also putting together pre meeting report and blog post I usually do before each meeting. I'll send those to you for review. If you have particular hot topics in your area you think should be highlighted in such documents, send them to the list and I'll make sure they get included.