Narrative Minutes interim-2021-iesg-10 2021-05-06 14:00
Meeting Narrative Minutes | Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF | |
Date and time | 2021-05-06 14:00 | |
Title | Narrative Minutes interim-2021-iesg-10 2021-05-06 14:00 | |
State | (None) | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2024-02-23 |
INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Narrative minutes for the 2021-05-06 IESG Teleconference These are not an official record of the meeting. Narrative Scribe: Liz Flynn, Secretariat 1. Administrivia 1.1 Roll call ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Jenny Bui (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Ben Campbell (Independent Consultant) / IAB Liaison Michelle Cotton (ICANN) / IANA Liaison Roman Danyliw (CERT/SEI) / Security Area Martin Duke (F5 Networks Inc) / Transport Area Lars Eggert (NetApp) / IETF Chair, General Area Liz Flynn (AMS) / IETF Secretariat, Narrative Scribe Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison Benjamin Kaduk (Akamai Technologies) / Security Area Erik Kline (Google) / Internet Area Murray Kucherawy (Facebook) / Applications and Real-Time Area Mirja Kuehlewind (Ericsson) / IAB Chair Warren Kumari (Google) / Operations and Management Area Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Francesca Palombini (Ericsson) / Applications and Real-Time Area Alvaro Retana (Futurewei Technologies) / Routing Area John Scudder (Juniper) / Routing Area Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Eric Vyncke (Cisco) / Internet Area Robert Wilton (Cisco Systems) / Operations and Management Area REGRETS --------------------------------- Jay Daley / IETF Executive Director Zaheduzzaman (Zahed) Sarker (Ericsson) / Transport Area Martin Vigoureux (Nokia) / Routing Area OBSERVERS --------------------------------- Sara Dickinson Rene Struik Greg Wood 1.2 Bash the agenda Amy: Does anyone have anything new to add to today's agenda? Any other changes? 1.3 Approval of the minutes of past telechats Amy: Is there any objection to the minutes of the April 22 teleconference being approved? I'm hearing no objection to approving those. I also saw final narrative minutes; is there any objection to approving the April 22 narrative minutes? Hearing no objection there either so we will post both. 1.4 List of remaining action items from last telechat o Alvaro Retana, Benjamin Kaduk, and Murray Kucherawy to look at updating the I-D Checklist. Murray: We are all invited to look at the thing Robert worked on; I sent a link around. He points out that there are a couple of issues open in the tracker in his Github repo. What he's got is basically the synthesis I was talking about doing with his additional content that brings us up to date on xml2rfc and other tooling things. I read it last night top to bottom and it looks quite good. I'd imagine that within the next few days I'll last call it to the IESG. o Warren Kumari, Deborah Brungard, Stephen Farrell, and Jay Daley to investigate ways to recruit, recognize, and retain volunteers in the IETF. Warren: Apparently someone's decided that this is going to be handled by EMODIR or something, so I guess this gets removed from our to-do list. Lars: Who said this? Warren: We were having these meetings fairly regularly, then they sort of stopped, and I said when are we meeting again, and Jay said this is now going to be handled by EMODIR or something similar. Lars: I'm surprised about that, because last I heard from Jay he was planning to get that small group restarted. So maybe we should check what his plan is before we cross it off. I'm okay either way, we just have conflicting information. Warren: I thought it was doing good work. I guess let's leave it. Lars: I'll make a note to ask Jay what's going on. o Alvaro Retana, Rob Wilton, and Martin Vigoureux to draft text on the framework for a long-term future plan for the IETF. Amy: I know we talked about this at the retreat. Is this action item done? Alvaro: I'm going to say yes. The draft text is done. There will be ongoing work on this but this particular item is done. Eric V: Do we expect to have a management item for all of those subtasks? Alvaro: There's one later for Rob on the small group project assignments. I don't know if it makes sense to have individual ones or what later. o Alvaro Retana and Martin Vigoureux to draft text to update the IESG Statement on Internet Draft Authorship to include "Contributors." Alvaro: We've been talking about this. Can we have a short management item at the end to go over the last couple of comments remaining? Then we can close it after that. o Alvaro Retana and Martin Vigoureux to draft a note to wgchairs asking them to always confirm author/contributor status. o Alvaro Retana and Martin Vigoureux to draft text to include in the I-D submission tool warning about too many authors. Alvaro: The plan was to do these two after that first one on the statement, so they'll be sequential. They'll be in progress as soon as we finish the statement. o Lars Eggert to update BCP 45. Lars: That's on hold depending on what we're going to do with the IETF discuss list. That's probably going to be on hold for a while until we finish deciding what to do. Amy: Do you want us to remove it for a month and ask again in June? Lars: That would probably be good. Thank you. o John Scudder and Martin Duke to review the document shepherd templates and propose changes to include updated questions and cross-area checks. John: We have not done anything on that yet. Should have something to report next time. o Rob Wilton to draft text to expand the document shepherd write-up section on use of YANG Models. Rob: I haven't gotten to this one yet; hopefully will have an update on this next time. o Zahed Sarker and Michelle Cotton to draft text for prospective Designated Experts on the basics of the IANA request process and "how to be a designated expert." Michelle: I have some draft text ready to go; I'm just waiting for Zahed to be back working. In progress. o Michelle Cotton to add conflict of interest text to the introductory email sent to new Designated Experts. Michelle: I have some draft text circulating internally that we'll be adding to the message we send to the experts. I expect that to be done by next time. o Michelle Cotton to follow up on the documentation of IANA registries and non-IETF publication streams. Michelle: I have a question for this one. We concluded that for ISE stream documents, creating IANA registries wasn't possible through expert review. I think these were discussed in the same topic. I was just double checking what exactly I needed to do here. Amy: This was one I had a question on too. I'm not entirely sure. It was non-IETF publications stream, so not just the ISE. Lars: This is also IRTF and I guess IAB? Basically whether IANA registries can be created by outside streams. Michelle: Okay, so just confirming that, making sure where the documentation is, and then coming back to you all. Lars: If it's possible and what is possible, I guess we're asking. I have a feeling we've discussed it in the past. Michelle: That's okay; this time we will discuss and document and then we won't need to discuss it again. I have my marching orders. o Rob Wilton to follow up with the IESG on small group project assignments regarding topics identified through the poll taken at the IESG retreat. Rob: I haven't done this yet but I will try to do it by the end of the week. I'll email the people who I suggested make up the teams and then check the leads of those teams. I guess the next action is probably to have those teams tracked separately on this list, but we can see. o Martin Duke to draft a proposal for 360 degree reviews of the IESG members. Martin: No progress yet. o Eric Vyncke and Francesca Palombini to draft text for guidelines/ best practices[?] for directorate reviewers. Amy: Let me know if I got the text on this one right. Eric V: This is a work in progress in the sense that Francesca and I still need to get started. Francesca: We were saying that our first action item is to go through the minutes and decide what action items could possibly be added. We can keep something there but it might get changed. o Warren Kumari to find additional designated experts for DNS EDNS0 Option Codes (OPT) [IANA #1196393]. Amy: This is on the agenda as a management item. If you've confirmed those folks are good to go we can do the approval at the end of the call. o Lars Eggert to report on the RFC 8989 experiment. Lars: That's not really for me but for the IESG to report. If you remember, RFC 8989 is the Nomcom experiment, the eligibility criteria that's going on now with the new Nomcom. Since Gabriel Montenegro was just announced as the Nomcom chair that's now underway. If you look at 8989 it defines three different paths that make you nomcom eligible. There should be more people that are eligible theoretically than under the previous non-experimental Nomcom eligibility rules, and RFC 8989 tasks the IESG with reporting to the community on whether this experiment was successful after consulting with the last Nomcom chairs, meaning Barbara and Gabriel. It says as soon as the entire 2021/2022 Nomcom is seated, so my guess is that will be May or June. I added this as a reminder to ourselves that we need to talk to the two Nomcom chairs and come back with a report to the community. That means we can probably postpone this for the next four weeks, since I don't think the Nomcom is going to be seated before then. 2. Protocol actions 2.1 WG submissions 2.1.1 New items o draft-ietf-dprive-xfr-over-tls-11 - IETF stream DNS Zone Transfer-over-TLS (Proposed Standard) Token: Eric Vyncke Amy: I have a couple of Discusses in the tracker; do we need to discuss those today? Eric: I think at least we have time for some synchronization here. First of all, thank you for all the reviewers. As always, very detailed and much appreciated. Thanks also to Sara, one of the main authors, who has joined the call today. I think I will check with Martin D as to whether this ALPN issue is solved yet? Not in a Revised ID but basically promises to fix it. I see Martin nodding. Martin: Either a SHOULD or a MUST. I think SHOULD is probably better. Eric V: And that was really a good comment. And Ben, it looks like all your Discuss points are either resolved or nearly resolved, right? Ben: Nearly. I know Sara sent mail this morning that I haven't had a chance to digest yet, but we're definitely making progress. Eric V: Okay, so we can hope to clear the Discuss sometime soon then. Ben: Yes. The ALPN thing I can clear when a new version lands, and the other topic may not require text changes after all. We'll see. Eric V: Okay, thank you both. So I would suggest, if you don't mind, to simplify we could put this in Approved, Revised ID Needed? Amy: So the Discusses are going to clear and then this will go into Approved, Announcement to be sent, Revised ID Needed? Eric: Correct. Amy: I also have to ask about the two downrefs, 6973 and 7626? Do we need to add those to the downref registry? Eric V: I need to check, I'm afraid. I will get back to you by email. o draft-ietf-core-new-block-11 - IETF stream Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Block-Wise Transfer Options for Faster Transmission (Proposed Standard) Token: Francesca Palombini Amy: I have a number of Discusses in the tracker; do we need to discuss any of those today? Francesca: Yes. Thank you everyone for the very thoughtful reviews, and the directorate review was very good as well. For Ben and John, I haven't seen any answer from the authors yet and I don't have any answer myself at the moment, so I would say for your points we should wait for the authors. Lars, I wanted to take your Discuss today. If I understand correctly you're questioning that this is not maintenance work, and it's an extension in your mind? Lars: That's not how I understand it. Typically when we talk about maintenance work it's a bis document or an updates or something. But not another mechanism to do something that the protocol is already doing. Francesca: This to me is still in charter because it's providing something. The WG realized the blockwise was not addressing a certain use case, so it's providing something that was missing from 7959, so that's why it's doing maintenance of blockwise. The fact that it's technically formulated as a CoAP extension is for deployability. It was discussed if this should be a bis document, and the WG felt this would be the best option for deployability. It's not an extension in the sense that it's not a new idea or something new to add in that world. So I guess we are disagreeing on what maintenance means, because you see it as basically publishing documents it updates, or a bis, or obsoletes, or fixing errata, etc, whereas I also see this. I talked to the chairs and the previous AD and we all agreed that this is basically [best]. Lars: If the charter text talked about the WG maintaining the capability to transfer larger data blocks, I'd probably say you're right, but it's specifically talking about the document 7959. It says they're chartered to do maintenance on that document, which they're not doing, because they're publishing a new document and they leave the old one untouched, and they even say this document is just for that one thing. That's not an update; that's not maintenance. Francesca: Let's see. I see your point, but I think the maintenance on the document, or the maintenance on the blockwise that is defined by the document, is a thin line. I wouldn't want to stop progress of this document on this. I would be okay with doing a quick recharter of CORE. I think this is probably something that needs clarification in the charter. Lars: And what if a bigger issue comes in. I don't think this is a quick recharter. I think this is going significantly beyond what CORE is supposed to work on, which is a lightweight protocol for IoT deployments, and this is not for that use case. I would not let CORE recharter to do this stuff. Francesca: It is in scope, for a constrained IoT environment. A protocol can be used outside of the domain that it was... Lars: The entire document here doesn't even mention IoT. There's nothing in there about IoT; it just talks about loss and DOTS signaling and telemetry and stuff. Francesca: DOTS is mentioned just as an example. It describes a constrained environment, which is the domain of CORE. Ben: Can I jump in and ask a clarifying question for Lars? Are you concerned about this work being done in the WG or about it being done for CoAP at all? Lars: There are two objections and they are related. One is that I don't think this is currently in charter as it's presented here because it's not an extension, which is what the charter says. My broader issue is that I don't think CoAP should recharter or do work that turns it into a general transport protocol for the internet, specifically in this case where there's high loss. This is going quite far away from what CoAP was supposed to be and what CORE is chartered to work on. The entire CORE charter is IoT related and this is not an IoT use case. Francesca: The CORE charter is Constrained restful environments, the WG has realized that there is a use case for blockwise transport that is not addressed by the current blockwise specification. We have RFC 5218, I believe, that also points out that protocols can be used outside of what they were originally designed for. So just saying that CoAP is turning into something that it wasn't designed for is unfair. Lars: They can, but if CORE wants to do that, they have a serious recharter. If they want to say CoAP is now a protocol for the wider internet, for conditions where TCP doesn't work well, for example, they can make that case but that's not something they can just say is part of maintenance. Francesca: I don't agree with that. I think there might be a recharter to clarify what maintenance is, because as you were saying maintenance of the document vs maintenance of the technology that is defined in the document, in this case blockwise. But I think this is what CORE WG has been doing. This has always been the understanding and this is what we've been doing. I don't think this is a major rechartering. Lars: I think the CORE people need to read their charter, then, because the charter is pretty clear. It's about IOT deployments. Even if the WG all agrees they want to work on something else, as long as the charter [doesn't] change I don't think they can. Francesca: I'm interested to hear what others think as well. I have not been reading the chat. If someone wants to jump in, from the rest of the IESG... Ben: Unfortunately I don't think I've had enough caffeine yet today to be functional on this topic. I may have to read some things and participate in the email thread. Mirja: It sounds like something that should also go back to the DOTS group and figure out if there's another solution. Roman: From the DOTS discussion there was a desire to have this functionality because the story started with CoAP used as a basic 'I need help' signaling protocol. In the next evolution they realized just some more metadata would help with the 'I need help' call, and that was the insertion of telemetry. The only way to put that telemetry in there is in the signal channel and the signal channel is CoAP. There's no other place to put it because it wouldn't survive the communication if it was done via the data channel, because the data channel is RESTCONF. It's either in this channel or it's not done, is the challenge. Mirja: Could it be in the DOTS charter? Roman: That's a different level of negotiation. Personally, I don't see a reason why not, but that's up to Ben. Ben: I believe there was some consideration given about where to do this work. The DOTS telemetry use case started off and they were going to do something kind of hackish to get the higher bandwidth blockwise transfers, and then there was a discussion that we should rather do the modifications to CoAP in the CORE WG because they have the relevant expertise. Francesca: That's where blockwise for CoAP is developed, so it makes sense to me. Roman: When DOTS tried to invent some of their own chartering to prevent denial of service in 2016 when this all started, they got a lot of robust feedback that they need help from Transport. That's the motivation not to do it in the Security WG. Lars: That's a secondary concern. If CORE wants to work on this I think they need a lot more Transport help than they have currently. They have a blockwise mechanism that's been designed for IOT devices, right, that's what they currently have. But it's not fast enough for DOTS. The problem is that DOTS wants to be fast, when there are very high loss rates. One reason you have high loss rates is you're under a DDOS attack. Other reasons for high loss rates are just a lot of traffic. The only way you get through is to be very aggressive with how you transmit, which is dangerous. That's where my concern comes from. I can understand they want to be faster than what CoAP has designed, which is maybe too restrictive for them, but it's quite dangerous to be faster when you have high loss rates because you have very little feedback on what the network is like. And that's something that Transport is looking at as a research question. I don't think we have a lot of things that we know work here. Francesca: I don't really know how to move this forward now. To me this was clearly in the scope of CORE as it is. What do you suggest, Lars? Lars: I have really no idea. The problem started, unfortunately, when DOTS chose CoAP and then decided they wanted to send more than one message. The problem is really the desire to send more than the packets when you're on high loss is really a hard problem. If you look at this IPPM document where they tried to measure access network capacity which is a whole different problem, but they also need to send a lot of traffic to get accurate measurements and there's a whole bunch of concern about that. If this was an easy problem, we would have a protocol already. But we don't have one because it's a really hard problem. Ben: Your point here is roughly that DOTS should not be trying to send very much data during attack conditions until we've made progress on that research problem? Lars: Yes. Is there any experimental evaluation of this protocol? Has somebody tried this and seen how aggressive it is and what it does if it's run in an environment where there's not a DDOS attack but just a lot of traffic? Eric V: I had that question during my evaluation, whether there are implementations. A library has been used to make some tests but as far as I know no deployments, which is also a concern of mine. John: Thank you for bringing up the E word, because I sort of had the impression that this thing just feels like an experimental document to me. I wonder if choosing experimental instead of standards track would address your concern, Lars, or if that would just be deck chair rearrangement. Francesca: I don't think this document fits in experimental. Also because there was talk of blockwise-bis, and that wouldn't make sense to me to base it on an experimental. Lars: It would make it clearer, in my mind at least, that this is not really ready to be recommended. Francesca: I understand that you have concerns, but I don't know how we solve these concerns. Is it more transport review that's needed? Lars: The charter problem is one thing, but the larger problem is that even if you solved the charter problem, if we gave this to Transport the first thing they would say is there any evaluation of this mechanism in various scenarios? How much better than the basic one is it and how much more aggressive is it? If we put it on the experimental track as John has suggested, at least we could spin the document as saying that it's being published so this question can be answered. I don't know if that's okay for DOTS though because they might want to have a normative reference to it, which they can't in a standard. Francesca: It's also always the fact that people wait to deploy a standard before they have become a standard, so it's the dog biting its own tail. Lars: It's also not clear; they're saying the basic blockwise is too slow, but they're not saying how much faster this is. Does this even solve the problem? Are we going to next year have another blockwise document that will be even more aggressive because they want to send even more data over heavy loss? Francesca: To me, all of these are kind of philosophical questions that are hard to answer and hard to find a concrete way forward. Again, I would not block this document based on the charter because in my opinion it is in charter, and in the opinion of the previous AD it's in charter. We can have a clarification of the charter if you think it's necessary. Lars: Let's put the chartering thing on the side, because that we can work through. I can abstain on it. The bigger problem is that I'm not convinced this is ready for proposed standard. I didn't look through all of the materials from previous meetings, but it's not such an old document. I haven't seen any evaluation being presented for this. I don't know if I missed it. I've no data to believe that this actually solves the problem they have with the original blockwise, and has been evaluated for safety in some scenario. Francesca: What I can answer to that is it went through WG process and IETF last call. It went through the whole process of getting here. But I understand your concerns and we should get the authors in the loop and try to work through this. Lars: Maybe because it's been hiding in CORE and not been presented in transport at all. I'm pretty sure if it had come to Transport area they would have gotten some feedback that asked for the measurements. Francesca: It did get reviewed by Transport. And the result was, I didn't look in detail through it, but it was ready with issues. Martin D: The TSVART review was ready with nits. [audio garbled] Francesca: So one concrete point I could do is try to get more transport review. Although I don't know how I would do that except from sending it to the transport directorate. Lars: You got a transport review. What I would like to see is whether there's any experimental data with this mechanism. First that it shows whether it's actually suitable for the purpose, meaning that it's faster than the existing blockwise under the scenarios it's looking at, and then also that there is some indication that they've looked at safety to competing traffic or something else when it's running in a non-attack scenario, for example. They want to use this telemetry and they might send it when they're not under attack. Without that, I think I would be fine if it went for experimental so people could run an experiment and answer these questions, but that would be another way forward. I don't think I'd go for proposed standard without that. Francesca: Okay. My view is that this really makes more sense as standards track rather than experimental. At least I have some more direction now of what needs to be done. Martin D: Yes, we did a TSVART review and obviously at least one Transport AD waved it through, that would be me. I think both of us were kind of in the weeds rather than zooming out on Lars's bigger question, which is a good question, and it happens. Yes we did approve it but I think this is one of those things where if we'd known this work was going on we probably would have had you go to the WG beforehand, which would have had richer and more varied feedback. Luckily Lars was there to catch it. I think there are a bunch of questions here. One is, if DOTS's requirements have changed, is CoAP even the right solution? And if not, what is the right solution? I don't think we have the answer to that either because i'nm not sure anything else we have on the shelves is the right answer either. Roman: Ben will correct me here, but ignoring some of the CoAP and transport issues, in DOTS the two issues are CoAP or RESTCONF? That's the design constraints of DOTS where they are right now. Martin D: I recognize that DOTS has an actual use case and it's a little unsatisfying to say you need to go do a research project for a bunch of years to figure out how to do this. I'm sorry this comment is not going to emerge with a clear course of action, but I think we need to have a conversation about exactly what the requirements are and maybe at the very least they can start by going to TSVWG and see if they are open to saying here's this other protocol off the shelf and if you turn these two knobs it will work, or is it too heavy to have a third transport out there? Ben: I don't know that I can authoritatively speak for DOTS, but I think if there was a third transport option that met the requirements we could at least consider using it. But I haven't really seen evidence that there is such a third transport option available right now. Martin D: More minds are better than one, we can take it to the community and see. There are other things that have different attack patterns, and satellite stuff. There is stuff out there that might fit. Maybe that's the first step. Maybe we could take this to the TSVWG, I'm happy to do it, and see what shakes out. If DOTS is open to some other solution. And if not, maybe a period of sending this draft through TSVWG while we collect some data. Is that a plan? Not in a formal last call process, but for a deeper review. Francesca: I think any way forward is good here. At the same time I feel like it's a bit disappointing to go to the authors and tell them they've gone through the whole process and past last call and the IESG sends you back to not being sure about the motivation. I foresee some frustration. Martin D: It's a real bummer, you hate to see this. It's an unfortunate thing in cross-area mission creep, where CORE was trying for something and grabbed onto something not really IOTish for valid reasons, and then things snowball from there. Francesca: I understand, but I didn't see this because to me the DOTS use case was an example of where this new blockwise could be used. Not the only use case. Since CORE standardized the original blockwise, I thought this is not unreasonable that CORE standardizes a version that solves some issues the WG has identified. Rob: There's a comment I put into my review. I roughly support what Lars says, although I don't care so much about the process side, but the question about whether this is the right thing to be doing. When I was reading the document it pulled out that this is still somewhat experimental and it's still tied to this specific use case. It has a paragraph that says it's for this specific use case and it's not intended for general usage. It also goes on to say that experience gained with this mechanism can feed future extensions of the blockwise mechanisms that will both be generally applicable and serve this particular use case. It does feel to me a bit like that paragraph is saying this is somewhat of an experiment and may feed into a future version of the blockwise mechanism that's more widely applicable. So I still wonder whether going down the experimental path would be a pragmatic way of getting this to progress. Francesca: I will talk with the chairs and authors to see if they will be happy with that. The reason why this is here is as I was saying, this was seen as the basis for a possible blockwise-bis that would obsolete the previous one. Martin D: so that would actually be the standard, right, if we end up bis-ing it? I see three possible ways forward. One is to kick this into transport for a while and poke at it with a lot of experts combing over it. The second option is to go and get some data. A third option would be just to go to Experimental to drive data collection. Is that an accurate summation of things that would solve your problem, Lars? Lars: I think that would work. I'm wondering how much energy transport would have to work on this, but you're a better judge. Martin: I could try to fast track it. I'm just trying to think of possible things that could resolve this concern. Lars: The easiest way to resolve this would be the experimental track, because it doesn't mean the WG has to go back and do a bunch fo stuff, but they need to be ok with it to be experimental. Erik K: It might take a long time in transport to "fast track" something that was a solution, but it wouldn't necessarily take long for something to get a first pass by all of the attendant experts, right? Lars: Possibly. I think the first reaction they'll have is ask for the data. That's what transport people do, they ask how it performs. Martin D: From a process perspective, yes, the easiest thing to do would be to make it experimental. From a document perspective, it's fired up for people to get data, and then when the data comes back we can look at bis-ing the other blockwise document or this one. Ben: And to get to Lars's point about whether having this mechanism be experimental would be problematic for DOTS, I expect that we can convince DOTS that the DOTS telemetry can also be experimental. We've had some hackathon experiments, for lack of a better word, that try out with it and they confirm you can do it and get the data back and forth but there's not clear evidence I know of that having the telemetry is actually important for efficient mitigation. Lars: Francesca, the first bit of my Discuss I will basically remove, given that I can see how you can read the CORE charter to see this as maintenance. So that's taken out now. Francesca: That sounds good to me. I think we have a way forward and I'll coordinate with Martin to try to bring this to TSV and also with the authors and we'll be back. I'm happy we have a constructive way forward and thank you for the discussion. I think this is useful and hopefully we'll also get good feedback and improve the document. So thank you. Lars: Thank you and sorry for creating work. Martin D: Francesca, are you not pursuing the experimental thing and we're just going to try to get this through transport, or are we doing both? Francesca: I will talk to the authors, but my expectation is that we will not. But I will talk to the authors and chairs and see if that's not going to create problems down the line. I will contact you after that. Martin D: TSVWG has an interim coming up so we could conceivably grab ten minutes there. But we can have a conversation. Amy: So I have this staying in IESG Evaluation, AD Followup. 2.1.2 Returning items NONE 2.2 Individual submissions 2.2.1 New items NONE 2.2.2 Returning items NONE 2.3 Status changes 2.3.1 New items NONE 2.3.2 Returning items NONE 3. Document actions 3.1 WG submissions 3.1.1 New items NONE 3.1.2 Returning items NONE 3.2 Individual submissions via AD 3.2.1 New items NONE 3.2.2 Returning items NONE 3.3 Status changes 3.3.1 New items NONE 3.3.2 Returning items NONE 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission stream documents 3.4.1 New items NONE 3.4.2 Returning items NONE 4. Working Group actions 4.1 WG creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF review NONE 4.1.2 Proposed for approval NONE 4.2 WG rechartering 4.2.1 Under evaluation for IETF review NONE 4.2.2 Proposed for approval NONE 5. IAB news we can use No news from this week. Lars: The only thing I would mention is that there's discussion of if the IAB will start some outreach activity, but there's still ongoing discussion how this intersects with EMODIR. Mirja: That's only a small group of people right now, I didn't bring it to the whole IAB. But if people are interested they can join the discussion of course. 6. Management issues 6.1 Active consent for A/V recordings during side meetings (Lars Eggert) Lars: Whenever the IETF meeting system is used, and when meetings happen in the context where people register, like the meeting week, the GDPR requirement of active consent for recording is given because there is something in the text you are shown during registration that says you agree to it. The problem is that the side meetings wiki says that the Note Well applies to side meetings. Side meetings aren't typically run using IETF infrastructure but they will still sometimes record the meeting. It was brought up that that's a GDPR problem because very few people who press the record button actually get active consent. the proposal is that we would add some text to the side meetings wiki that says "if you're convening one of these things and you want to record it, you need to inform all participants that by turning on video and audio they are being recorded and giving consent." That would get us into the clear legally and then you'd hope people would actually do it. So basically we're talking about an extra paragraph being added to the side meeting wiki template. Any feedback, or should we just do this? John: Legal thinks that that's sufficient? Lars: Yes. John: Okay. Lars: I'll work with them on exactly what text we want and circle back. thanks. 6.2 Proposed IESG statement on inclusive language (pointing to NISTIR 8366) (Lars Eggert) Lars: This is the current feeling in the community in the case of terminology. I forwarded the relevant emails. The overwhelming desire seems to be to point to this NIST document instead of chartering TERM to write our own guidance. That's fine with me if that's what the community wants to do. I said on the terminology list that I would ask the IESG to put out a statement that basically does that, and there's text you might have already reviewed for it. The plan is that once the IESG has made as statement here that we'd send a liaison statement to NIST that says we used your document in this form, thanks for making it, so they know we're doing it. People suggested that I also suggest to the RFC Editor that we add a link to this guidance to the I-D guidelines, and in Robert's I-D guidelines revision we talked about earlier, and that I also suggest to all the other owners of RFC streams that they give the same guidance to their authors, which I will do by emailing Colin and Mirja and Stephen. That would then put us in a position to abandon chartering the TERM WG. The question is, has everybody had a chance to look at the proposed IESG statement and does anybody need more time? Zahed obviously is not with us so he will need a chance. Warren: I read it and generally seems really good. My only concern is that last time we ended up in a bunch of drama because we said "The IESG believes etc" and I think if we'd said "The members of the IESG" to make it clear it's us as individuals, not a formal group. I think if we were to do that again in this document it makes the text more icky but it does avoid the 'who put you in charge' stuff. Lars: Sounds like a good suggestion. Do you want to make it in the Google doc so I can just merge it in? Warren: I tried but getting the text to flow was tricky. I'll try again and feel free to edit. Lars: Okay, will do. My plan is then tomorrow morning my time to put the text in email to the IESG list so everyone has a copy, and if we're all okay we'll make it public. Ben: One other thought about trying to avoid a backlash response, would be if we want to send a draft version of the statement to a few individuals that we know have a different perspective than we do to get an advance reaction and feedback if there are any parts that come across badly. Lars: That's a good suggestion, let's do that. Let's iterate offline on who we want to include here. Mirja: For some statements we ask on the IETF list if everyone is okay with the statement, but I actually think that's not what a statement is for because it's usually a statement from the IESG. Ben: I think asking on the IETF list as a whole is not going to avoid backlash, it's just going to move the backlash on the consultation instead of the actual statement. My plan was to just have a couple of hand-chosen individuals who we know are trying to help and will give us honest feedback without causing a big storm. 6.3 Boilerplate text change for I-Ds (Lars Eggert) Lars: This is a suggestion from Brian Carpenter that was floated on the IETF list. It was triggered by the internet-drafts that we pulled. This was one suggestion that people seemed to be supportive of in the discussion based on clarifying that the Internet-Drafts are related to groups associated with the broader IETF and not just random other people. There were two more proposals made, one that we should stop serving individual documents from until they're adopted to signal they're not official in some sense, which didn't really get good feedback. The other was to change the naming more drastically, so not start everything with draft- but say individual, or adopted, or something. That also didn't seem to have much support. But this particular change managed to get that. The question is do we want to it? It's a pretty minor thing. Ben: Sorry to spend time on this but I have a grammar nit. The collection of drafts as a whole is used by the collection of groups, and any given individual draft is going to be one or the other, most likely, but the "or" there bothers me for some reason. Lars: It might say "an Internet-Draft is a working document of the IETF or of other associated groups or individuals." Would that work? Ben: That would address my concern. I'd want to mull it over a bit in case it gives a slightly different connotation. Warren: One thing that makes it read weird is that we have (IETF) in parentheses there. Maybe it's just the way it breaks on the line. It just reads weird. If the (IETF) were removed does that make it less strange? Ben: I propose we drop this in a Google doc to edit rather than wordsmithing on the call. Lars: This is a question for Amy, how do we actually make that change to the boilerplate? Amy: That's a really good question. I'm not sure and I'll have to ask. As you wordsmith this, we will figure it out in the background. 6.4 IETF 111 Session Start Time (Secretariat) Amy: There's been some email on this but we didn't get an actual decision. The choices are 09:00 Pacific time and 13:00 Pacific time, and we just need a decision. Martin D: We've consistently been in the middle of the day, and I would encourage us to keep with that model. If we had always been at 9 am in Prague or Bangkok or whatever, and now we haven't had Pacific time since not-Vancouver, if you suddenly change it now I don't think that is good. Francesca: Unfortunately I agree -- unfortunately because I'm going to be one of those up in the middle of the night. Martin D: Ultimately I think it's less important to correspond to any particular time in the local time zone than that we rotate everything by [about] eight hours each time. Alvaro: Eventually we're going to get back to in person and it might be more virtual than in person for a while. Then we're going to want to start at 9. Having said that, it seems like I might be in the rough as the one who keeps pushing for 9:00, so maybe we should just move on. Warren: I'm a little concerned that it feels like by moving the time around we're optimizing for where the most people are instead of rotating. Martin D: We're kind of damned if we do, damned if we don't. Rob: Before we choose one, why have we moved it from 12 to 1? Is that something we definitely want to be doing? Mirja: This time slot is particularly bad to have it in July because that's when the northern hemisphere is in summertime and the southern hemisphere is wintertime. This was supposed to be the slot that's better for Australia and New Zealand, and to make it good you have to start at 1 which is like 6 am in Australia. Warren: But why are we making it good for Australia and not Africa or Uzbekistan? We rotate through three places and optimize to the local participants each time. Lars: Apologies to the people in Australia but we don't have that many participants. But we do have a lot of participants in China and the 1:00 is a little better for them. Martin D: 12 or 13 is an all nighter in Europe either way, whereas the difference between waking up at 4 and 3 am is bigger. Mirja: It's not about how many people are where, everyone should have a chance to have one meeting at a reasonable time sometimes. Rob: Before we were optimizing for the local time the meeting would have been held in physically. Now we're doing one around the world but not that much? My concern is what's the community going to say to the time we've chosen and how are we going to justify it, and how are they going to see it as consistent? Warren: There are a lot of us in North America and Europe, so we've optimized for ourself, is what the community is going to hear. Ben: We need to have some kind of reasoning we can point to about why we did it and what exactly that is is not something I feel super strongly about. It think the point raised that when we do switch back to in person, we could see this as a chance to move back to the schedule we would have if we were in person and gradually make that transition. That's plausible reasoning to me. Alvaro: It will probably be a lot of people remote at first. Then what do we do, optimize for people who are not there, or for people who are there? That's why it makes sense to do it. But maybe we should just do midday like all the other ones and move on. Ben: If we do have this mix where some people are in person and others are mostly remote, are we going to do a six hour day or a nine hour day? A nine hour day will be lousy for the remote people. But you can't really start a nine hour day at noon. John: That's an interesting point. Has this already been covered in SHMOO? Mirja: I think the Secretariat was thinking about some of this. Martin D: The day is longer at an in person meeting. You could easily front load those two hours in the morning for a 9:30 start. Lars: We seem roughly in favor of the later time. The one thing that was discussed, I don't know on what call, if we have a hybrid meeting where a significant number of people are not present but some will be local, it will still be good to have shorter days because the local people will want to have social time like they've never had before because they're seeing their friends for the first time in two years. So a shorter day might work for them. Roman: Thats a tricky decision we'll have to think about later because that really begs the question of threshold. If the percentage is 10 onsite / 90 online we should optimize, and when do we decide that? Eric V: One step at a time. Lars: It looks like we're 2/3 to the 1:00. Do we want to bike shed on 11 / 12 / 1? Roman: Can we ask whether anyone would change their mind if we have a 12 option? Rob: I vote for 12. I'm still concerned that we are optimizing for fairness to individual participants rather than optimizing for the IETF to be able to get the most practical work done. I worry whether that's really good strategy. Warren: +1 Eric V: That's my concern as well. Rob: Having the most participants able to participate in the meeting seems maybe better than us optimizing for being fair. I know that seems harsh. Lars: I'm going back and forth between the two options as well. I don't think there's a right or wrong decision here, we just need to decide something. Rob: I'm not sure whether an in person meeting will go forward in the fall or not. John: What should we optimize for, is it getting work done or at the risk of using a bad word, virtue signaling? By the way, I voted for the virtue signaling. Lars: Does anybody remember if a previous IESG has made a commitment to starting at a particular time? For virtual meetings. Ben: For the virtual meetings, I don't think we specifically promised to do so. We attempted to be consistent for at least the first three. Mirja: I think we've used slots between 11, 12, or 1 local time. Alvaro: We did afternoon slots because we were trying to be consistent. The first one, 107, where we only had a few sessions, we optimized for some of the people who were going to participate which was why it was a late start time in Pacific. Some of the BOFs were specifically people in Australia/NZ who were going to participate. That's why we made the first one midday and then we just stayed there. The original justification was fine for that one meeting, but flawed for the rest. But as I said before, it's probably easier now to justify that we're going to start midday local time just because we've done it the whole time. And we can figure out what we're going to do later when we go back to in person. Martin D: When you're at home in real life sometimes people really can't do stuff in the morning to drop kids off at school or the evening for the same reason, or they can't get away from their day job and they'd like to have an evening. If I could do this over again I'd say let's just alternate between 0:00, 8:00, and 16:00 UTC and rotate without thinking about time zones. Without that, using the continental rotation as a proxy for that and staying at roughly noon local time is the best approximation. Roman: I hear the argument and support that. We don't know what the future is going o look like and we don't know how we're going to play the hybrid. To me that's the argument for a 12 or 1 and not a 9. Lars: So it sounds like the midday starting time is what we want to go with. Let's fine tune between 11, 12 and 1. Mirja: I made a proposal to the SHMOO list that there are three time slots around the world that are optimized for one or the other participants. This time slot is particularly bad for the Southern Hemisphere in winter. But that would be at 1. Martin D: Can you explain that? Mirja: Because of summer and winter the difference is bigger. In winter the time difference is two hours less. Lars: It sounds like you want to move us away from the 1:00 again. Mirja: The consequence of what I'm saying is that this time should be the one that's a good time for Australia and I don't think 5 am is good. That's why I propose 1, because it's 6 am. Erik K: Isn't the periodic Asian time zone better for Australia? Mirja: I'd have to look it up. The three time slots I proposed are not equally distributed because people are not equally distributed. Lars: Does anyone want to make an argument for not picking 1 pm? Martin D: There are a lot in the chat. Lars: [The slack poll is] 6 to 3 for the 12:00. That would be fine by me too. Mirja: I don't have a super strong opinion, just providing the reasoning why I proposed 1. Roman: I chose 12 primarily on the argument that we're rotating time zones and tie it roughly to the local time. Starting at 12 means we'll finish mostly in the business day of the West coast. 9 to 5 or 10 to 6 is the work day. Mirja: But we've used different starting times in previous meetings. Whenever we did a time shift forward or back it was to optimize for a non local time zone. This argument of tying it to the local time zone makes no sense to me at all. Just because we have been tied to the local time zone over the last 4 meetings we should stick to it. Lars: In the announcement we can say that we reserve the right to not stick to it next time. The [slack poll] is slightly in favor of 12. Francesca: I just want to repeat what I wrote in the chat. Between 12 and 1, I pick 12, even though it's worse for Australia, because if participants don't join the whole day but just some sessions at the beginning or the end, this could work for everybody else as well. Lars: Okay, 12 noon going once, going twice. 12 noon local time it is. Does the Secretariat need us to write text of the announcement or do you guys have something? Liz: I think these things are generally better coming from you, either the IESG as a whole or you as chair, since you all are the ones making the decision, not the Secretariat. Lars: That's fine. I'll find Alissa's last announcement, stick in in a Google doc, and you can all look at it and I'll send it tomorrow. 6.5 [IANA #1196393] Additional designated experts for DNS EDNS0 Option Codes (OPT) (IANA) Amy: Three people have been suggested to be secondary designated experts for this registry. Are there any objections to approving these three? I'm hearing no objection, so we will send official note to IANA and mark this action item as done. 6.6 IESG Statement on Internet-Draft Authorship (Alvaro Retana) The IESG reviewed four comments on Alvaro's draft text and finalized the text. 7. Any Other Business (WG News, New Proposals, etc.) Francesca: There is a charter coming your way in the next telechat for a working group called SEDATE (Serializing Extended Data About Times and Events). You'll see that next week. It's a charter for a WG that needs to collaborate with ECMA and ISO 154. I'll probably have questions about liaisons and how to set that up. Heads up. This was discussed in DISPATCH and there was interest. It was uncontroversial enough that the proponents just came with a charter and did not go through a BOF.