Narrative Minutes interim-2021-iesg-13 2021-06-03 14:00
Meeting Narrative Minutes | Internet Engineering Steering Group (iesg) IETF | |
Date and time | 2021-06-03 14:00 | |
Title | Narrative Minutes interim-2021-iesg-13 2021-06-03 14:00 | |
State | (None) | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2024-02-23 |
INTERNET ENGINEERING STEERING GROUP (IESG) Narrative minutes for the 2021-06-03 IESG Teleconference These are not an official record of the meeting. Narrative Scribe: Liz Flynn, Secretariat 1. Administrivia 1.1 Roll call ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Jenny Bui (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Ben Campbell (Independent Consultant) / IAB Liaison Michelle Cotton (ICANN) / IANA Liaison Roman Danyliw (CERT/SEI) / Security Area Martin Duke (F5 Networks Inc) / Transport Area Lars Eggert (NetApp) / IETF Chair, General Area Liz Flynn (AMS) / IETF Secretariat, Narrative Scribe Sandy Ginoza (AMS) / RFC Editor Liaison Benjamin Kaduk (Akamai Technologies) / Security Area Erik Kline (Google) / Internet Area Murray Kucherawy (Facebook) / Applications and Real-Time Area Warren Kumari (Google) / Operations and Management Area Cindy Morgan (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Francesca Palombini (Ericsson) / Applications and Real-Time Area Zaheduzzaman (Zahed) Sarker (Ericsson) / Transport Area John Scudder (Juniper) / Routing Area Amy Vezza (AMS) / IETF Secretariat Eric Vyncke (Cisco) / Internet Area Robert Wilton (Cisco Systems) / Operations and Management Area REGRETS --------------------------------- Jay Daley / IETF Executive Director Mirja Kuehlewind (Ericsson) / IAB Chair Alvaro Retana (Futurewei Technologies) / Routing Area Martin Vigoureux (Nokia) / Routing Area OBSERVERS --------------------------------- Zafar Ali Karen O'Donoghue Greg Wood 1.2 Bash the agenda Amy: Does anyone have anything new to add to today’s agenda? Any other changes? 1.3 Approval of the minutes of past telechats Amy: Is there any objection to approving the minutes of the May 20 teleconference? Hearing no objection. I also saw updated narrative minutes from May 20; any objection to those being approved? Hearing no objection there either. 1.4 List of remaining action items from last telechat o Alvaro Retana, Benjamin Kaduk, and Murray Kucherawy to look at updating the I-D Checklist. Murray: I haven’t touched it since last time. I’ll try to get this wrapped up; I don't think I need to wait for the next telechat, I can just last-call it to the IESG when it’s ready. I hope to do that very soon. o Warren Kumari, Deborah Brungard, Stephen Farrell, and Jay Daley to investigate ways to recruit, recognize, and retain volunteers in the IETF. Warren: I’m not sure if that’s still in progress; I will email people and try to find out what we’re doing with it. o Alvaro Retana and Martin Vigoureux to draft a note to wgchairs asking them to always confirm author/contributor status. o Alvaro Retana and Martin Vigoureux to draft text to include in the I-D submission tool warning about too many authors. Amy: Neither Alvaro or Martin V are here so we will keep these in progress for them. o John Scudder and Martin Duke to review the document shepherd templates and propose changes to include updated questions and cross-area checks. John: We can call this in progress. o Rob Wilton to draft text to expand the document shepherd write-up section on use of YANG Models. Rob: In progress. o Zahed Sarker and Michelle Cotton to draft text for prospective Designated Experts on the basics of the IANA request process and "how to be a designated expert." Zahed: Michelle and I have exchanged some emails. She will produce some text and start the process and hopefully it will be something within a week. o Michelle Cotton to add conflict of interest text to the introductory email sent to new Designated Experts. Michelle: That is done. We added a paragraph of text to make sure the experts know that if they do have any type of conflict of interest we have the option to go to the ADs to assist with review. The text was added and we’re using it from now on. o Rob Wilton to follow up with the IESG on small group project assignments regarding topics identified through the poll taken at the IESG retreat. Rob: This is sort of done, but please keep it open. I didn't have a chance to follow this up at the last informal. o Martin Duke to draft a proposal for 360 degree reviews of the IESG Members. Amy: This is on [the agenda] as a management item to discuss the text that has been produced so we’ll mark it provisionally done based on the discussion we’ll have later. o Eric Vyncke and Francesca Palombini to draft text for guidelines/ best practices for directorate reviewers. Eric V: We’ve only had our first meeting on this and still have a couple of action items to move forward. Work in progress. o The IESG to report on the RFC 8989 experiment. Amy: I’ve seen some discussion of this on the email list; is there more to do here? [Silence] Well we’ll keep this in progress for you and hopefully it will come to a conclusion. o Warren Kumari to find designated experts for RFC 8995 [IANA #1198192] Warren: I took this document over from Ignas and I don’t really know anybody who might be a good designated expert. Perhaps I can hand this to Rob? Or does anybody have any good suggestions? I can just use the authors, I guess; Brian Carpenter was one of them. Eric V: You may want to add Ignas? Warren: He wasn’t an author. Oh, it’s MIchael Richardson. Amy: I think IANA suggested Michael Richardson but you have to confirm with him if he’s willing to serve. Ben: I think Toerless also spent a lot of time going back and forth with me on that document so if you need more than one you might consider him as well. Warren: Okay, you can keep me on the hook and I’ll talk to both of them. o Zahed Sarker to find designated experts for RFC-ietf-dtn-bpsec [IANA #1198662] Zahed: I’ve just gotten confirmation from the candidates that they are willing to serve so I’ll add it to the next telechat. Amy: If you have names and they’ve agreed, when we get to management issue 6.4 we can go ahead and approve them. You can put the names of the experts in chat so we can pick them up from there. o Erik Kline to find designated experts for RFC 9031 [IANA #1198928]. Amy: This is a new action item for Erik K. 2. Protocol actions 2.1 WG submissions 2.1.1 New items o draft-ietf-6man-spring-srv6-oam-11 - IETF stream Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) in Segment Routing Networks with IPv6 Data plane (SRv6) (Proposed Standard) Token: Erik Kline Amy: I have a number of Discusses in the tracker; do we need to discuss any of those today? Erik K: I think we should, if that's okay. Zafar has been replying to many peoples’ points. I did not see a reply to John’s request to split the document so I was wondering if we should discuss splitting the document or not. I don’t know what people want to do, whether or not adding two months to split the document and go through Last Calls and come back… John: I’m certainly prepared to be in the rough on that, but I thought it should be discussed. I don’t know if anybody else had the same impression that this was really two documents that are uncomfortably stuck together in one. Rob: I put some comments in a No Objection ballot this morning. I do have some sympathy with you in terms of being two separate things, but at the same time I thought having the OAM stuff together seemed nice. I wondered whether another alternative is just to try and make it clearer in the document what text is normative, defining new stuff, and what text is illustrative, giving examples of how existing functionality works. John: I think that would be helpful. Especially since eit looked to me like it’s rough enough that it needs to, I don't know if it needs to literally be sent back to the WG or not, but it needs another pretty thorough editing pass. It seems like they could do one or the other of those pieces of work at the same time. Erik K: There are certainly a bunch of comments about the general quality of the text, and insofar as we know fine to some. If it goes back to 6man, I don't know that it will get the same review as spring. We could CC spring to make sure they’re looking at it. I’m not sure what happened for this Last Call, if anyone notified spring or not. I should have looked that up. John: I would be good with either outcome I suggested or the thing Rob suggested. Like I said, I’m also prepared to be in the rough, I just wanted to make sure we talked about it. Roman: I’ll say your observation makes total sense, John. I think this is a question of what’s the effort to split it to get that outcome, and is the juice worth that squeeze? John: I guess the next thing would be to see what the authors say. Erik K: I don’t see that he’s responded to you on this particular point, or responded to your Discuss at all. I don’t know if you received anything unicast or not. John: I have not. Erik K: I can send an email to the author and we can discuss what they’d like to do. Rob: I think the author is on the call. Zafar Ali: Yes, I’m on the call. Hi. I tend to agree with what Rob mentioned that it’s better to have one place where people can see the OAM mechanism. This draft has been structured like this since the beginning. It’s what spring and 6man are trying to work, it was presented and worked with both working groups copied every time. It’s already been reviewed. I think it would take a lot of effort to go back to the WG and I personally do not feel that effort would be worth the pain. We can restructure the document, so that it is easier to read, so I’m all for that. Some restructuring can do the job and we are fully committed to doing that. Would that work for you, John? John: Yeah, as I’ve mentioned, that would be a fine resolution. Zafar: Thank you very much. Eric V: And by the way Roman, if you don’t mind, about your suggested text for privacy. Every router has got a way to do spanning, right? A service provider by law has to have a lawful intercept as well. So why is it that this is different? It’s not APN, right? Warren: With this it feels like you can target stuff to be monitored or not. There’s a difference between taking all the traffic that goes through the box and setting this particular flag for certain types of traffic, like Facebook. Eric V: When people are doing a lawful intercept, they do it for a specific subject, right? They do it for addresses. So I guess they do something based on ACL. I don't see a big difference, but I don't mind. Warren: It also feels like because this is eventually going to end up coming out of hosts, you could end up with this being set per application as well. Eric V: This is into the SRH, right? Warren: You know people are going to extend SRH into data centers. Eric V: But then you can do it as well for specific code points, or whatever. We can restart the APN discussion ehre. Warren: This is really similar to APN; you could do it in other marking bits or tunnel certain sets of things through. This is another way. We had all the discussion about spin bit and that was wildly difficult because they're kind of similar. Eric V: But it’s not limited enough because if you don’t use this you won’t get interception, right? That was my point. Roman: That’s why I framed the text that this seems like a dual use technology. There’s a ton of very helpful applicability to run your network, to do security operations, and the rest, but it could potentially be flipped around to be used for surveillance without consent of users above and beyond even lawful intercept. I just wanted to make sure that was called out and I think I proposed some text to that effect. Zafar: Roman, I responded to you in the last thirty minutes. We’ll take part of the text you have. There’s some clarification also sent to you that the copy of the packet is also sent to a local OAM process at the box, and then the local OAM process then manages it just like IPFIX does. So I hope this clarification will help but we’re totally committed to addressing your comment. Roman: Perfect. I think that’s a quite helpful clarification. The way i framed the text in the comment it still does apply, because even if you have the local OAM process, and maybe I’m misunderstanding, there’s some notion of then centralizing it after you’ve done the local processing, and I believe my comment was largely targeted saying whatever are the security properties of the thing you’re using to send it to the centralization, they may be very good, they may provide almost nothing, and you may or may not be able to watch depending on the properties of that channel. Zafar: That sounds good. I think Roman, we will take your suggested text as well. Thank you. Roman: Perfect, thanks. Erik K: And I guess we’ll continue to respond to all the points raised so far in future edits. If after all of that John still wants to split the document we can discuss it again at that time. John: I think we have a verbal agreement to follow a different route, but let’s see what the final product is of course. Erik K: Hopefully addressing all the comments and making clarifications as requested will be okay, but we’ll reevaluate when we get there. Any other important things to discuss? I think this is all addressable. Amy: It sounds like this will stay in IESG Evaluation and go into Revised ID Needed. o draft-ietf-dots-rfc8782-bis-07 - IETF stream Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Specification (Proposed Standard) Token: Benjamin Kaduk Amy: I have no Discusses in the tracker, so unless there’s an objection it looks like this is approved. Ben: The authors put out a new rev this morning, so in theory it addresses all the comments but i did not get a chance to take a look yet. Let’s leave this in AD Followup and I'll drop you a note once I have looked at it. Amy: Approved, Announcement to be sent, AD Followup. There is a downref, to add RFC 7918 to the downref registry; do we need to do that? Ben: I think it would be okay to do that. Does anybody else have a thought about that? Amy: Sounds like not. We will add that downref to the downref registry on approval of the document. o draft-ietf-ntp-port-randomization-06 - IETF stream Port Randomization in the Network Time Protocol Version 4 (Proposed Standard) Token: Erik Kline Amy: I have no Discusses in the tracker, so unless there’s an objection it looks like this is approved. Erik K: The author is still producing new versions to address the comments, I think. Amy: So it sounds like it’s approved but it needs to wait until that’s all finished. Do you want it to be Revised ID or AD Followup? Erik K: Revised ID. Amy: Okay, Approved, Announcement to be Sent, Revised ID Needed. Thank you. o draft-ietf-payload-vp9-13 - IETF stream RTP Payload Format for VP9 Video (Proposed Standard) Token: Murray Kucherawy Amy: I have a number of Discusses here, do we need to discuss any of those? Murray: I think Lars wanted to talk about his. The other ones I don’t need to cover here, I have to wait for the authors to get back. Amy: Lars has not yet joined us. Murray: I guess we can take a couple minutes. The question Lars raised is that there’s a downref to a document that [has] a Google API URL. I've never seen a downref to an external document that’s just some other document before; normally they’re RFCs at lower status. Something that’s external and doesn’t necessarily have such a status, this is the first time I’ve ever run into a case where there’s a downref of this nature. Do we basically handle things that aren’t from other standards bodies as if they were informational and deal with them that way? Is that what I should have gotten from this? Roman: To clarify, didn’t we have this exact same situation with that NETMOD document about geolocation as well? I was wondering what we do there, too. Murray: It’s more that I was caught by surprise that there even is a practice around this, and it’s something I should learn. I'll go back and look at the NETMOD thing. Roman: The only reason I ask is that I’m holding a Discuss that looks very similar to Lars’s on the other document, and it would be great if we consistently thought it through. Murray: I agree. If necessary, the things that talk about downrefs in general, RFC 3967 and an update to that, are very good at describing different maturity levels of SDOs but how do you treat something that's just somebody’s document, a PDF out there? Warren: I’m a little confused about why we would view things like this as a downref. We have the view that if you have a standards track document and it refers to an informational document, that’s a downref and we note that in the IETF Last Call. I don’t really understand what the purpose of doing something like a Last Call on this is to say there’s an external thing that’s referenced. What do we think the community is going to learn or take away from that? If this is something that people need to review and understand to implement the document, it should be normative. I don't see how it has a rating or stance or something. If it’s something you need to understand in order to do it, it’s normative, if not, it’s informational, but there’s no upref/downref because it doesn’t have a status. Murray: Right. That’s part of the question. The reason we do it this way for RFCs is because an informational document is not as mature, theoretically, as a standards track document, and for something that doesn’t have that status, we don’t want to make the conclusion that it has any particular maturity status. This should have been called out to someone that we don’t know how mature this thing that is a normative reference to this standards track document is, so the community should be clear that they accept that external thing as having the equivalent of standards track status. Warren: What I don’t understand is what do we expect “Mary” to do when she sees a Last Call come across a list of things that says there’s a downref in the standards track document? Do we think Mary will now read the document and she wouldn’t have otherwise? Other than dotting the i and crossing the t, what behavior do we think we’re going to realistically invoke from people? Murray: I don’t think it speaks to the quality of the document we’re reviewing, I think it speaks to the maturity level of something upon which it depends. You can have a standards track document with a normative ref to the outside and it might be legitimately a normative reference, but if that external document is in terrible shape then what does that say about the document we’re processing? Warren: Do we then end up in a situation where the IETF says this IEEE document we think is kind of [bad] so we’re not willing to do it as normative? We think your outside SDO document is useless so it can only be as good as informative? That feels like dangerous territory we’re walking into there. Murray: I think that’s why the whole downref thing was created in the first place; that had happened a couple of times and there needed to be a process to manage it. That’s what we’re working our way through. Warren: it marks sense kind of for standards track referring to informational kind of only sort of, but I also don't entirely get that because the way the IETF works now, most documents don’t get real outside review during IETF Last Call and I don't think this is a useful signal to anyone. I think it just adds to clutter and is going to make it less likely that people will review documents in depth. Martin D: Any downref is implicitly taking a document that has not reached consensus as a standard and essentially elevating it to that level, at least in part. It is a bit bureaucratic and I don't know if people are going to read this 100something page document, but it does give people the opportunity to recognize that we are taking this thing that hasn't reached IETF consensus and making it part of a standard. Murray: I’m not really concerned about the other two Discusses, it’s just this one that seems like a procedural point. The easy way out of this is to re-Last Call that downref and deal with it. By that point the other two Discusses will have been resolved anyway. I think that’s fine, but I also think we should probably consider cracking open whatever 3967-bis-bis would be to talk about external documents that don't come from any SDO just to provide some guidance around this. I read 3967 and the other one this morning and that wasn’t very clear. Ben: I think what 3967 and update actually say is not necessarily consistent with what we’ve been doing in practice in recent years. Murray: Which is interesting, because the second document was only published four years ago. Ben: If I recall correctly, which i might not, that was intended to give us a bit more of an escape valve and say you don’t have to run the Last Call again if you messed up here. Murray: That’s true, that’s what the second one says. I don't want to take up too much more time. Do we want to do the Last Call here? I confess I haven't gone deeply into the referenced document. We can do that or we can decide this is fine and we’ll proceed. Ben: My recollection is that Lars had followed up for this particular case and noticed the document has been around unchanged for several years and this is clearly the right reference for VP9 itself. So i think he was just leaving the Discuss point on to formally have the IESG approve it today and not necessarily to have the broader conversation. I think the broader conversation is still good, and as you say we may want to revisit the 3967. Roman: In my opinion this is the reference, there’s no other reference to point to. We’re not going to gain anything from going back to the community. And I would say ditto on the NETMOD document i keep referencing too, I think we just decide that we’re okay with it per the process. Murray: Okay. Does anyone object to me doing this: I’ll add these two comments to my Yes ballot, just so that there's a reference this happened, and go back to Lars and when he clears we can deal with the other Discusses as usual. That’s how we can record the IESG approval of this. Zahed: Lars is joining later, right? Can we come back to this one? I’d like to hear what he thinks. It’s not that clear whether he’s complaining about it. Murray: If we want to defer to later in the telechat, that’s fine. I’ll do what I said if he manages not to join. Zahed: I think what you said makes a lot of sense to do, but i was just thinking if Lars is coming back we can just check that with him. Murray: Is that okay with you Amy if we come back to this? Amy: Yes, we’re expecting Lars within the next twenty minutes. It sounds like this is going to require a Revised ID anyway, so let’s put a pin in this and move on temporarily. [Later, after Lars has joined the call] Amy: Do we want to come back to this document? Murray: We’ve already resolved everything in chat. But we should do it on the record. So I filled Lars in on what we’d been talking about and the two actions; one was just to have the IESG formally approve this because it wasn’t in the Last Call, and I think that’s where the IESG landed anyway. The second part is that we don't’ have any good guidance about how to handle non-SDO external references like this one, so I'll take up a document to amend our current downref policies to at least provide some informational guidance about how to deal with those, because we don’t have any. Lars: I think it’s overdue. We’re hitting this again and again with these references to other stuff that we want to make normative but we can’t because of the rules. Murray: I’ll put the summary of how we’re handling this specific case in my Yes ballot. Lars: I’ll clear my Discuss. Murray: There are two other Discusses so this isn’t going anywhere immediately anyway. I guess we can add an action item, and I’ll give Amy wording for the action item to start tracking it. o draft-ietf-core-senml-versions-03 - IETF stream SenML Features and Versions (Proposed Standard) Token: Francesca Palombini Amy: I have no Discusses in the tracker, so unless there’s an objection it looks like this is approved. Francesca: Thank you all for the comments. This will require a revised ID. Martin D: I didn’t get a reply on my comment. It wasn’t a big one, just something to the effect that you’re burning the zero in two code points as reserved and it’s a very constrained code space. Certainly not Discuss-able but i just kind of wondered why they made that decision with how few code points there are. Francesca: I’ll make sure Carsten replies to all the comments before he pushes the new version. Thank you. Amy: Okay, this is Approved, Revised ID Needed. o draft-ietf-dnsop-iana-class-type-yang-03 - IETF stream YANG Types for DNS Classes and Resource Record Types (Proposed Standard) Token: Warren Kumari Amy: I have a couple of Discusses in the tracker; do we need to discuss any of those today? Warren: Yes please. I’ve read through Rob’s Discuss and also the author’s response and I'm not entirely sure I understand what’s going on. Hopefully Rob and I and the author can talk after and figure out how the whole obsolete deprecated mapping should work with Yang. Rob: Warren, I think that makes sense. The problem here is there’s not a great relationship. Whichever way you go is not perfect; I wonder if mapping deprecated to deprecated is closer, or safer, than mapping deprecated to obsolete. Specifically my concern is with the way Yang is evolving it’s likely stuff that’s marked as obsolete gets to the point where you can’t use it. That feels quite strong, so that’s my concern. Happy to discuss it with you offline and with the author. Warren: Excellent, thank you. Francesca? Francesca: Yes. I'd also like to get Michelle’s comment about this because it's IANA related. To recap, the document basically defines a procedure for IANA to update this sheet. I was wondering if it wouldn’t make more sense that the designated experts for the registries are tasked to do that, or at least they are consulted. IANA would check with them before that is updated. Michelle: We’re always happy to check with the experts. Francesca: This is more than the usual registration, adding an element, etc. I would like to give less work to IANA. Michelle: It’s a little bit more intense if I recall correctly, this is updating the Yang module in using a script. Warren: One concern is there are some cases where we’ve often had almost disagreements, I guess, between the IESG and the designated experts. I don’t think any of them were like DNS, but we’ve had some controversy about things like the ports registry. Also I don't know how quickly we always get responses from designated experts. Is the plan that any time there’s a change to a registry one pokes the DEs? Francesca: I checked the registry policies and most, if not all of these, are the experts will need to be checked anyway. Michelle: That's what I was just looking at, double checking to see what the registration procedures are. If it’s specification required or expert review, we’re going to go to them anyway. The only ones with first come first serve are the only registry where we wouldn't necessarily check in with them. Warren: So for specification required you’re currently checking with the designated experts anyway? Michelle: That's correct. Warren: Okay, in that case I don’t care. Zahed: I looked into the IANA registration and my thinking was that in this document it’s saying hey IANA, this registry to that RFC, and that RFC has a procedure on how do you update IANA registration. I thought that is fine, that’s not an implicit procedure. I will not just take this document and add it. Francesca: But the difference is that, right now as it's defined, IANA would ask the expert does this registration make sense, the expert would say yes, and then IANA would have the task of updating the Yang module with whatever parameters were added to the registry. I’m saying, why not give that task to the experts, or at least for the experts to check that the update is consistent with whatever is added to the registry? Rob: I don’t know if you’ve been monitoring the chat but there are a couple of other IANA-maintained registries that auto-generate Yang modules, and IANA looks after those. It’s the iana-if-types.yang, and the BGP AFI/SAFI ones. I don’t think this is necessarily pushing this outside IANA’s bounds of what they already do today. You could check with those experts but you could also check with the Yang Doctors. I don’t know whether it’s required though, because ideally these should look exactly the same between the two with instructions. Maybe it’s only worth checking if there’s any ambiguity between the two. Francesca: But if this is already done, if there are other examples it makes more sense to have it this way. Michelle: If the registration procedures have us ask an expert, we do that. Regardless of what the registration procedures are, if we have questions or we’re questioning a registration coming to us, we would ask either in the case of the Yang modules we’d ask the Doctors, or we’d end up coming to any of you as the AD to further consult. I think we’re okay on this, and as Rob pointed out we do maintain a bunch of other modules that we update and i think we’re okay on it. Francesca: Okay, thank you for the discussion. So I will clear my Discuss. Warren: Thanks for the discussion, I think this was useful. Amy: So it sounds like this is going to require a Revised ID, is that right? Warren: Yes. Amy: Okay, so this will stay in IESG Evaluation, Revised ID Needed. 2.1.2 Returning items o draft-ietf-ippm-capacity-metric-method-11 - IETF stream Metrics and Methods for One-way IP Capacity (Proposed Standard) Token: Martin Duke Amy: I have no Discusses in the tracker, so unless there’s an objection it looks like this is approved. Martin D: The authors did release a new draft this morning which I haven't had a chance to scrub for comments but it sounds like things have gone pretty well. Thanks to the authors for that. I think Eric V had a comment that landed after that draft so I’ll just follow up and make sure that they’ve answered your question and see if any changes need to be made. We can call this Approved, Announcement to be Sent, AD Followup. Amy: I also have a couple of downrefs, do these need to be added to the registry? It’s RFC 8468 and RFC 7497. Martin D: There were two? I thought there was just the one. Amy: They’re both Informational. Martin D: We waived one of them last time, right? I think 7497, if I’m not mistaken. It’s on our last agenda. Amy: I think we’ve got notes on this so we’ll look that up. If they’re unclear we’ll get back to you. Martin D: The issue was it came up to the IESG, Magnnus had a Discuss, to address the Discuss we added a normative reference to an informational draft, and so that’s why it slipped through the cracks. The second one is news to me and I’m not really sure what happened there. Amy: We know one doesn’t need to be added to the downref registry. We’ll look at the notes and if we have any questions we’ll get back to you. 2.2 Individual submissions 2.2.1 New items NONE 2.2.2 Returning items NONE 2.3 Status changes 2.3.1 New items NONE 2.3.2 Returning items NONE 3. Document actions 3.1 WG submissions 3.1.1 New items NONE 3.1.2 Returning items NONE 3.2 Individual submissions via AD 3.2.1 New items NONE 3.2.2 Returning items NONE 3.3 Status changes 3.3.1 New items NONE 3.3.2 Returning items NONE 3.4 IRTF and Independent Submission stream documents 3.4.1 New items o conflict-review-camwinget-tls-ts13-macciphersuites-00 IETF conflict review for draft-camwinget-tls-ts13-macciphersuites draft-camwinget-tls-ts13-macciphersuites-11 TLS 1.3 Authentication and Integrity only Cipher Suites (ISE: Informational) Token: Benjamin Kaduk Amy: I have no Discusses in the tracker for this conflict review, so unless there’s an objection now, this is approved to go back to the ISE. I’m hearing no objections, so it looks like this is good to go. o conflict-review-dukhovni-tls-dnssec-chain-00 IETF conflict review for draft-dukhovni-tls-dnssec-chain draft-dukhovni-tls-dnssec-chain-06 TLS DNSSEC Chain Extension (ISE: Experimental) Token: Benjamin Kaduk AMY: I have no Discusses in the tracker for this conflict review, so unless there’s an objection now, this is approved to go back to the ISE. Eric V: Ben, can we say it’s related to work done in TLS and DPRIVE, even if it’s marginal to DPRIVE? Ben: Yeah, that would be fine with me. Eric V: Simply to be complete. Warren: I didn’t want to comment in the email but I do kind of remember this being discussed a bunch in DPRIVE. I don’t know if it was officially presented but it was discussed and reviewed. Ben: I’m editing the text right now. Warren: Quick question; does changing that review text invalidate all of the ballots? Amy: No. It’s just the text that will go in the announcement. Warren: Okay, good. Amy: So with the text that’s just been updated to include DPRIVE, I’m hearing no objection to approving this, so it will go back to the ISE. 3.4.2 Returning items NONE 4. Working Group actions 4.1 WG creation 4.1.1 Proposed for IETF review NONE 4.1.2 Proposed for approval NONE 4.2 WG rechartering 4.2.1 Under evaluation for IETF review NONE 4.2.2 Proposed for approval NONE 5. IAB news we can use Amy: We don’t have Martin or Mirja here, so Lars, any news we can use? Lars: A lot of the call was spent discussing the planned workshop on measurement of access networks, specifically with the goal of quantifying the goodness of user experience. This is driven by Stuart Cheshire and some other folks and I think this workshop is going forward. There’s some discussion of when it will be, and I think it will be sometime in September and there should be a call for papers out soon. This is the usual IAB style thing. There’s a little bit of a push to get this done soon because Stuart has mentioned the workshop in his Apple developer keynote, which will go live Friday. By Friday there will also be an IAB webpage on this. There were two other topics we punted; Karen gave an update on EMODIR that was helpful. It’s still mostly in transition and there’s not a whole lot more to say about that. It’s been one of my ongoing action items to understand better what the Edu Team / EMODIR are doing and who’s responsible for what. There’s a whole lot of un-clarity and I’m hoping when Joey Salazar takes over it will bring some additional clarity. 6. Management issues 6.1 AD 360 review (Martin Duke) Warren: A couple of weeks ago I sent email to all of my chairs asking for feedback, not using this text, but just that I’d love to know what I’m doing well and what I’m not. I got very few responses and the ones I did get were all that I’m doing an awesome job, we love you, which I’m sure is not true. I don’t know if that means anything for what sort of feedback and review we’re going to get from a 360 type thing. I hope that doesn’t bode poorly for the quality of feedback we’re going to get. Roman: Isn’t the feedback in a 360 review typically anonymized in an aggregate? Warren: My point is, it’s a fairly small population that we're doing the reviews across. Especially in some areas which are smaller than others. Keeping the review properly anonymous is going to be tricky. I think we should do it, I just hope we get good quality feedback. The only sort of actionable feedback I got is that one of my WGs would like me to be more involved and show up to chair meetings, so there was some. Marin D: To summarize the feedback [on the proposed document], there was a lot of wordsmithing which is fine, and some new questions. The subject for discussion is really how broadly we want to distribute this. The original draft had authors and shepherds of Internet-Drafts that have gone into review. So if you had a draft that went in front of IESG review you’d get surveys for all the ADs because they’d all in theory reviewed the document. Lars suggested that we shrink that down to shepherds, and then limit it to the actual AD reviewed documents rather than getting all these ballots. You see what’s right now in the document, and I don't know if we want to have a conversation about how broadly to distribute this. Warren makes some good points about shrinking the population down and anonymity. There's a tradeoff between survey fatigue and getting a lot of data. Lars: For this trial I’d rather keep this small, rather than spamming half the community with multiple survey links. Zahed: I think we should keep it small. I have another point; I tend to do surveys when I know the results. I do a survey and then I expect to be notified about the results. But I don’t see anything about sharing the survey results with the respondents. I’m feeling a bit like maybe there are more people like me who won’t be very interested in doing the survey if they don’t see the results back. I understand anonymity is a problem. Martin D: Not so much anonymity, but the idea that these are confidential results that are not considered Nomcom inputs, etc. Would it scratch your itch, Zahed, if we published the cumulative IESG results? Zahed: Any sort. My point is that any kind of information that did leave the survey or a gist of the results would be helpful. Ben: Sometimes you can see cases where the histograms from the numerical answers are public but the freeform text is not. I don’t know if that would make sense in this case. Zahed: Those kind of things we could do. Warren: My concern is if we start displaying some of the histograms or stuff, we end up causing people to optimize toward making things look better. I now have an incentive that the people who provide feedback are my chairs, so every time a document comes out of my WG I should just say yay chairs, you’re awesome, let me move this forward, whereas what’s probably more useful is for me to do deep review and push back on things, which makes me less popular with my chairs, which makes my scores go down. I’m worried we potentially create false incentives for people. Zahed: That you can do without sharing. The idea is that my review is only private to me, like Martin cannot see mine? Warren: If we share this with the community or with the WG Chairs or something, they look and see “Everybody likes Ben more than they like Warren, because Warren does stricter reviews and is grumpier.” Now I have an incentive to be nicer to chairs and just progress their documents without reviewing them. Zahed: I get it. But my point was that as the IESG, if we summarize all these questions as the IESG how we are doing, not really per AD or no granularity. We’ll have to summarize this on a very high level, how this IESG is doing. That could be shared without pushing to Ben vs Zahed. Lars: The only thing I can see us sharing here is something that’s rolled up to the entire IESG as a body. That might work, but it’s only really useful if we’re doing it again so we can see what the trajectory is. That we can certainly do. The idea initially was that the feedback goes to the individual ADs. We had an open question, and I can’t remember if we settled it, about whether the IESG Chair should see all the information and be able to have a global view. I don’t really care. Martin D: We didn't really settle on having a person who is knowledgeable about the IESG seeing all the feedback, but there will be an IESG summary so that you can compare yourself to the average. So everyone is doing great on AD reviews except me, for example. There’s some normalization there and we can include that as some of the feedback and discuss it as an IESG collectively if we have a problem with something. The idea you’re referring to, Lars, is that someone would see the individual feedback for each person and identify trends like the survey population is biased toward European ADs, or something like that you can only see with all the data. I don’t necessarily see that we agreed to do that at all. Whoever it is that collates the data is going to have an IESG summary and then the individual reports get given to the individual ADs. Roman: I love the idea of doing the 360 reviews, I would just encourage us to be a little bit less ambitious. We’re talking a lot about pipeline management, transparency--all those things could happen down the road but right now we have nothing. I feel like it would be a great improvement just if the ADs got some feedback. Where that goes later, what are the trends, of course we want to do that, but let’s just successfully try a run at it once and then we can figure out how to do this repeatedly and share and compare. Zahed: Roman, I share your feelings. I also have this thought that you’ve been here for quite a long time but not me. The data points people have with you compared to me is almost nothing. They haven’t seen me for a year. This doesn’t make much sense for me to run it. Lars: It might not give you a very strong indication, so then you ignore it and wait until next time around. Zahed: If we start to do this kind of feedback then I hope we’re planning to do it more and more. Lars: I think the idea would be to do this yearly at least. Maybe what we'll learn is that for first time or incoming ADs the feedback isn’t very useful in their first year, and then we can decide if we might not want to do it. But I lean towards just including everybody. I think you’re going to get some feedback that will be mildly useful. Zahed: When I read this as ‘year’ I thought it was when my first year was finished. Lars: We don’t need to decide now whether we want to make something public to the community in some form. We can analyze the data and see if there’s anything of interest to the broader community and do it after the fact. Warren: Something i think would also be really useful, and this is maybe scope creep. The people who most know how we’re doing is not really our chairs, it’s also each other. I’d love it if IESG people could provide me some feedback on what I’m doing well, what I'm doing badly, etc. Martin D: That’s in here. I’m going to highlight here the current distribution list, of who gets a ballot. We’ve talked about this and there’s a little difference of opinion, but can we agree on it? Lars: I still think this is too many people. If you just do the math for shepherds of drafts, that means that every draft that went to ballot in the last twelve months will get a ballot for the AD. Martin D: The responsible AD. Lars: Either my math is wrong or there’s going to be hundreds of these. Warren: Your math is wrong, because most of them are done by chairs. Lars: But it still means that all the chairs get basically one for each AD, because each AD usually ballots. Martin D: We’re not doing IESG review as a threshold. It’s shepherds who get the survey for the responsible AD. Lars: Okay. So the second and the third bullet are basically almost the same. Martin D: Given that shepherds are usually WG chairs, basically all your chairs are going to get a ballot for you and for no one else, and then the I* people and the secretariat will get a mountain of surveys. Warren: What if we just send it to WG chairs and see what they say? If all of them say ‘this was useless because you didn't’ ask question X’ we can then update it and send it to a wider group? Lars: That’s a good suggestion. Asking the WG chairs, would this survey allow you to give the feedback you want to give the ADs? Or if not, what would you change? That would be useful before doing it. Warren: Or even after we look at the results we realize we’re missing something. Lars: We can have the questions as what Martin is writing now, and next time we can iterate. Maybe also ask if a question is useless or they didn’t know how to answer it. Martin D: The second, third, and fourth bullets are essentially going to collapse on the WG Chairs. We can simplify this by just making it chairs, which maybe eliminates a bit of staff work. Do we think shepherds who are not chairs are a significant population we’d like to catch? Francesca: I’d like to keep those. There are not that many and I think it’s good we can involve shepherds who are not chairs. Martin D: Okay, so if you are a chair of a single WG or a shepherd that operates in a single WG you will get one survey for one AD, and the secretariat, IESG, LLC, IAB will get fourteen surveys. Sounds like everyone can live with that? Okay. The other item is in the cover letter, there’s this anonymity promise and will not be shared by Nomcom promise. I do think we should clarify how this is being used, because it will probably affect how things are answered. Unfortunately I do think we need to nail down what we’re going to make public. I could live with an IESG-wide aggregate of the results, if people really want to do that, but I don’t feel strongly about it. I think we should write it down in the intro letter if that’s what’s going to happen. Lars: We could say that we’re considering publishing an IESG-level aggregate of the results. Then I would tweak it and say the detailed results will not be shared with the Nomcom, because that [aggregate] would be shared with nomcom implicitly because they’re in the community. Zahed: This would work for me. Roman: I didn’t follow, what does it mean to share with the Nomcom? Martin D: What we wanted to make clear is that Martin Duke’s survey results are not going to the Nomcom as input to their process. Warren: Why not? Martin D: Because this is a pilot, we’re not really sure what’s going to come out of this. Also the intent is to get honest, constructive feedback, and if negative feedback can get this guy fired, it may not create that dynamic. Warren: To me it always seems like Nomcom has a really hard time getting feedback about people. If all of my WG chairs think I’m a complete waste of time and space, I think that would be useful for Nomcom to know. Eric V: But then your chairs would tell the Nomcom, no? If you’re really bad they will tell. Warren: It feels much more like they’re stabbing me in the back if they go to the Nomcom, whereas if they just fill out the survey…. Lars: If the Nomcom wanted this kind of information they can ask for it. I would be concerned with giving them all the data, I could see some Nomcoms going “okay who’s the best AD?” according to these metrics. If there’s data that’s a bit more scientific looking than what they have, which is just text, they may weigh it more heavily than they should. Roman: Depending on how we want to handle it, that suggests a destruction or retention process around this. The ADs get it, the scores get computed for the aggregate, and then it disappears. Or is this now going into the HR file? Martin D: I’ve discussed this with Jay a little bit and I think we'd have the normal sensitive information procedures we have for this kind of thing. I haven’t yet nailed down with him who would do the work, whether it would be an outside contractor, which would have some advantages, or someone from the secretariat. But it’s not like the secretariat can’t handle sensitive data and not spill the beans. Roman: Where I’ve seen this done, using the external vendor is actually viewed more favorably, not because of the retention but because if you want to get honest feedback you need to be anonymous, and there was a belief if you use the external vendor you’ll be more anonymous. Martin D: Exactly. Jay and I need to work this out; we’ve had a little conversation about it but not enough. If the IESG has really strong feedback for one or the other I can communicate that. Roman: I say third party. Warren: I don’t really care on that, but I am still wondering about the Nomcom thing. If I get this feedback and decide to stand again, am I allowed to share my own feedback with the nomcom? Martin D: I don't know how we could stop you. Warren: You could say it's confidential, don’t share it. I just wondered. Martin D: I do want to say that in the long run I’m not dead set against this going to the Nomcom, I’m just a little reluctant to do it in this pilot. Warren: Fair enough. Lars: One thing we could do is we can have an action item after the Nomcom has made their selections, to ask if this type of data would have been helpful. We could anonymize it somehow and have a discussion whether we should share it in some form in the future. But my overarching principle is we should start this small. Martin D: I think I have what I need. Does anyone still need to look at this document? Then I will assume this is in decent enough shape that I can take this to Jay. Thanks everyone. 6.2 [IANA #1197181] Renewing early allocations for draft-ietf-tls-dtls-connection-id (IANA) Ben: This document is in Approved, Announcement to be Sent, AD Followup, and I just need to look at the latest I-D that was uploaded. I mostly expect this document to be with the RFC Editor before the expiration time, but we should approve the extension just in case. Amy: Any objection to approving this extension of the early allocation? Hearing none, so we will send official note to IANA. 6.3 [IANA #1198192] Designated expert for RFC8995 (IANA) Amy: This was assigned at the top of the call and we know Warren is going to check with Michael Richardson and Toerless. Warren: Toerless says yes. Can we approve him for now and add Michael later, assuming he says yes? Amy: Yes. Is there any objection to approving Toerless as the designated expert for this? Warren: And is there any objection to approving Michael Richardson when he replies later in the day to say yes? Amy: Okay, looks like Toerless is approved and Michael is approved pending his acceptance. Warren, let us know when he replies and we’ll get official note sent to IANA for both of them. [A few minutes later: Warren: Michael Richardson said yes.] 6.4 [IANA #1198662] Designated experts for RFC-ietf-dtn-bpsec (IANA) Amy: Zahed has proposed Ken McKeever and Edward Birrane. Any objection to approving them as the designated experts? Okay, we’ll send official note to IANA. 6.5 Changes in AUTH48 to draft-ietf-calext-jscalendar (Francesca Palombini) Francesca: Ben, I don't know if you saw the last emails. I sent one just before the telechat. Michael Douglass sent an email five minutes ago so you probably haven't seen that one. Ben: I saw it, but haven’t read all of the details. Francesca: Let me summarize for everyone if someone hasn’t seen this on the mailing list. I have this draft that was in AUTH48. When I did the last check before approving for the RFC Editor I realized there were changes that were not purely editorial. I talked to the chairs and authors and these changes had been discussed in the WG, but I preferred to run a second IETF Last Call just to be safe for the process, even though the changes are not major and they all make sense. I ran the IETF Last CAll and there were no comments. Now the choice is either to reopen the ballot for everyone to reread the document and ballot again, or if we could, my preference, I would get an informal no objection from the IESG. As I said in email, Murray was kind enough to provide a reference where this was done before, where the document diff was checked, there was no objection, and it was sent back to the RFC Editor. Lars: I think when we sent it back to IETF Last Call we do need to run it through the IESG again as well. Francesca: There was a previous occasion where Barry had a document and he didn’t run it through IESG and reopen the ballot. He just got an informal okay. I can post the link. Lars: That would be helpful; I had no idea that was an option. Eric V: Francesca, was the first ballot done by this IESG or a previous one? If it was done by this IESG we can simply ballot the same, right? Francesca: The thing I would like to avoid is two more weeks of waiting time. Lars: So the IESG did vote on it, but informally, and not a ballot. Right? That I think is okay. But just doing the IETF Last Call and not having the IESG okay it wouldn't work. Francesca: Of course. When I started the mail thread this was my way to ask for the IESG to okay it. After reaction from Ben I also put it on this telechat to make sure it’s not missed. Lars: I must have misunderstood what you wanted to do then. What you have in the email is fine. Francesca: It was in September of last year so everyone except those of us who are new this year has already read it. Eric V: So it’s the previous IESG, basically. Francesca: Yes. This was Barry’s document. So Ben had some comments about the diff, which I’ve answered. I think at this point we can continue discussion offline if you prefer and everybody else, you can also take a look at the diff. Everything is in the link in the IESG Agenda for today. Ben: I think I’m okay to keep talking about it offline, we don't need to spend a lot of time today. The main thing that might have further discussion is about the ID vs UUID. Fernando has a draft I’m trying to AD sponsor about the numerical IDs and security considerations. I just think we should make sure we’ve actually thought through if the server does use a sequential number, does that leak any information that’s not already available? Francesca: I did have a question about that from your comment. You said sequentially assigned integers, and I didn't find anything about the IDs being sequentially assigned. Ben: There’s no text about it, but in some of the examples, they were showing that if the first one is 1, and the second is 2, that sets a precedent for what you might expect. Given my minimal knowledge of what existing implementations do… Francesca: IDs are actually strings, they’re not integers. But it doesn't matter. I thought the sentence that was removed "Nevertheless, a universally unique identifier (UUID) is typically a good choice." was not as strong as a RECOMMENDED recommendation, and the requirements they had still stand, so I thought this was not a major change. Ben: I’m looking at some of the examples. In section 6.6 they have an event with end time zone, and they list two locations in the event and the new version of the example has the string 1 and string 2 has IDs for the location. Francesca: Okay, so if that instead of being 1, 2 was 1, 9, or something like that, would that be better? Ben: It might. I think we probably shouldn't talk about this right now. I think we should look at it more closely. Francesca: That sounds good. Let’s take it offline and I’ll ask my fellow ADs to please shout in the next two or three days. I’d like to know fairly quickly if I need to reopen the ballot, which I would rather not do but I’ll do it if I need to. If I can solve this with Ben by Tuesday next week and I don’t hear anything else I will move this back to the RFC Editor. Thank you. 6.6 [IANA #1197180] Renewing early allocations for draft-ietf-bess-evpn-optimized-ir (IANA) Amy: Martin V is the AD for the document, but he could not join us today. Can someone speak to this? Michelle: I’m pretty sure that Martin indicated that this was approved, or that he was okay with it. Let me double check. Eric V: I was about to wonder on this. The first allocation is five years ago and there’s still no specification for it, that’s a little bit weird. Is it still active? Michelle: Martin did approve this and the chairs also indicated it should be approved. I don't know the details of the progression of the document, that would be a question for Martin. As far as they told us that we should approve it, it just must be taking a really long time to get through the process. Eric V: If the chair and Martin are agreed, that's no problem. Lars: I’d actually suggest we bring this back on in two weeks when Martin can be here because he’s at the APN interim. I agree with Eric, it’s been five years and it’s been in WG Last Call since November so I guess there is some activity. Michelle: Timing wise, it wouldn't be a problem to bring it back in two weeks. Ben: Is it in WG Last Call or submitted to the AD? Lars: It says it’s in WG Last Call, issue raised by WG substrate. Roman: That does not appear consistent with the history, the history says it’s in AD Review. Michelle: It does say AD Evaluation. This particular one looks like it’s moving along. Lars: Okay, that’s even better. Eric V: We can wait until the next telechat just to get confirmation, right? Lars: If it’s with Martin, I’m okay. Michelle: This one does look like it’s progressing. So are we going to hold this for Martin or since we see that it’s moving along and he did approve it in our ticket, do we approve it? What does everybody feel most comfortable doing? Ben: I think I’m okay approving it. Eric V: Slight preference to postpone for two weeks, but I’m okay approving it as well just to be clear and clean. Lars: If I look at the Datatracker it’s been in AD Followup for 699 days, though. Ithink the Datatracker is wrong. It says it was in Revised ID Needed and AD Followup, and that’s from last July. I don't understand why the thing says 699 days. Ben: It’s been in AD Evaluation for 699 days. Lars: It’s almost been a year in AD Followup so I would bring it back and ask Martin. Michelle: Okay, Amy, can you add this to the next call? Amy: Absolutely; we’ll keep this item on for next time when Martin is hopefully able to join us. 6.7 [IANA #1198928] Designated experts for RFC9031 (IANA) Amy: This was assigned to Erik K at the top of the call. 6.8 [IANA #1197184] Renewing early allocations for draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking (IANA) Amy: This is also Martin V’s document; Michelle, can you speak to this one? Michelle: This was initially registered in 2019, so it’s a lot newer. The initial extension was already done so this is now coming to the IESG. Since we have time on this one, it expires in July, we can move this to the next telechat also if you’d like. Lars: That’s good. Michelle: Amy, let’s move this one to the next telechat as well and we’ll wait for Martin. 6.9 [IANA #1198995] Management Item: Acceptance of media type registration from standards organization ISO (IANA) Michelle: Previously we had registered as an organization that could register standards org media types a very specific ISO group. This is to consider ISO as a whole, because we just received a request from a different group within ISO. This is to see if we can approve ISO as a whole organization that can register media types. Ben: I guess I'm surprised it was just a subgroup of ISO before and not the whole thing. Do you have the particular subgroups handy, the one that’s already listed and the new one? Michelle: The current ISO listed is ISO/IEC JTC 1. The new request that came in, it’s actually multiple requests, ISO/TC 184/SC 4. Does that help? Ben: It does. The first one is Information Technology, so that’s a fairly broad scope group in my understanding. Michelle: Are there any objections to making it so that ISO more broadly is listed? [crosstalk] Warren: ISO feels big and stable enough that I don’t think it’s likely to be abused if we add all of ISO. Michelle: The requests will still go through expert review. Ben: Right. Roman: But if we haven't’ gotten requests from large parts of ISO, and this is the first time in a while it’s occurred, why have the default allow? Warren: Some of it comes down to playing nicely with other SDOs. for every single thing you want to do we’ll triple check it and make sure that you’re playing like big boys and girls sounds different than we're both SDOs and we expect you to be sane. Lars: We don’t have full liaison status with ISO. ISO is a big thing with many different groups and a default accept seems maybe too broad. Can we maybe just not add that second group? Maybe we should ask the experts for the registry if they would default accept that other group, or if they think this is a bit odd. I would go and tell the experts, look, we got this request not from the usual group in ISO, A is the request ok and B do you think it’s a good idea for us to default accept from that group in the future? Michelle: From the specific group, or the whole group? Lars: Not the whole of ISO, the specific group who sent that new request now. Michelle: We can do that. Lars: If the experts say we can’t approve this, that’s probably a signal we don’t want to have that group in ISO be default accept in the future. Michelle: I’m looking to see if we have any other communications in that particular ticket that would help. Question; if we go back to the experts and we ask them if they’d suggest adding this particular subgroup to the list, would I have to come back to the IESG? Lars: Probably you’d have to come back to the IESG. But I suggest we do whatever the expert says, but it’s still the IESG that needs to make the decision formally. Michelle: I will follow up to the IESG mail list after I go through these tickets. I see some conversation with Ned and Alexey about approving this particular subgroup. So let me follow up to the IESG list and maybe we can sort this out over email. Ben: That sounds like a good start. As Lars says we may formally need to bring it back to the IESG, we’ll see. Michelle: The only thing that's not good about that is the request sits for another two weeks. Lars: We can do it over email, we don’t have to wait for a telechat. Michelle: Amy, I think that means we need to bring this to the next telechat just to minute a decision. Amy: Yes, and if you need official notification from us, just keep us in the loop on that email at the end of the discussion. 7. Any Other Business (WG News, New Proposals, etc.) Francesca: I was just reminded about the oblivious-http that was dispatched by secdispatch and I accepted to pick it up as responsible AD. I haven't started the chartering process but I plan to do so quickly. I’m considering also adding it to the Bofs. I want your opinion if that’s too premature. This has been in discussion for a while and there’s some community support. Lars: Do you want to ask for a placeholder for 111? Francesca: I’m considering doing that, yes. I’m sending an email now to the proponents to see if they want to have a spot there or if they’re okay with an interim. Lars: Is the plan to charter this without a Bof? Francesca: No, chartered without a Bof. It’s had enough discussion and been dispatched. Lars: So you basically want a placeholder meeting for 111. If the thing exists in the datatracker you can make a request for it. Francesca: It might be that for the next IESG telechat you’ll see this new placeholder and I don't want you to be surprised. Lars: I have a quick status update on the email addresses under discussion. I thought the LLC board was okay with the proposed statement we wanted to send to the community but then Jay rewrote it so we’re still spinning there. I’m hoping to have that resolved soon, at the very latest I guess it would resolve next week when the board has their monthly call, but I'm hoping we can do it beforehand. You’ve also seen the fundraiser is starting next week. The reason she asked for the term development is apparently that's' the term that’s used in fundraising circles for development of the fund, or the endowment. I agree there’s an unfortunate terminology overlap. Maybe we want to ask her not to assign now and we can decide on a different role based email later. Eric V: You can ask her to suggest another name. Maybe there are others. Development is too much of an overlap. Lars: Apparently that’s the term that is used in fundraising. I’ll propose we give her that personal email address but maybe we will wait on the role based one. That’s all I had.