Telechat Review of draft-ietf-acme-onion-05
Hi, I've reviewed the -05 revision of this draft, noting that the -02 and -04 revisions were already reviewed by another DNSDIR member and were in good shape. I consider this draft ready, with one nit discussed below. The draft specifies how subdomains of the ".onion" Special-Use Domain Name are to be treated by the ACME protocol, including defining a new ACME verification type. Given the existing special-use designation of the .onion. name I see minimal DNS considerations from this draft. I have not given any particular consideration to the overall security implications of impact on the ACME specification of this draft - leaving that to other, more qualified directorates and reviewers. The most DNS relevant consideration in this draft from my reading is the re-use of the CAA DNS RR presentation format in section 6 for the purposes of allowing the CAA data (up until now fetched via DNS only) to be provided to a CA via the TOR protocol. My nit here is the re-use of a DNS RR presentation format through redefinition using its constituent fields, rather than by reference to the existing format definition in RFC8659. Redefining the presentation format in this way creates a synchronization risk if/when any future updates to the CAA RR that modify its presentation format occur. It would be clearer if the draft simply referred to the use of the CAA RR presentation format directly (leaving its definition in RFC8659 only) thereby allowing any future updates to it to flow through automatically; or if that is not desired, explicitly note why the presentation format is being redefined here (and perhaps consider using a different presentation format in that case in order to avoid confusion). The consequences of a future change to the CAA RR not updating this draft would be felt only by .onion names and the CA ecosystem rather than the DNS, so from a DNSDIR perspective I list this as a nit rather than a blocking issue.