Telechat Review of draft-ietf-anima-autonomic-control-plane-16
Request | Review of | draft-ietf-anima-autonomic-control-plane |
Requested revision | No specific revision (document currently at 30) | |
Type | Telechat Review | |
Team | General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) (genart) | |
Deadline | 2018-07-31 | |
Requested | 2018-07-09 | |
Authors | Toerless Eckert , Michael H. Behringer , Steinthor Bjarnason | |
I-D last updated | 2018-07-31 | |
Completed reviews |
Secdir Early review of -13
by Liang Xia
Iotdir Early review of -18 by Pascal Thubert (diff) Rtgdir Telechat review of -13 by Joel M. Halpern (diff) Genart Last Call review of -13 by Elwyn B. Davies (diff) Genart Telechat review of -16 by Elwyn B. Davies (diff) Secdir Telechat review of -16 by Liang Xia (diff) Rtgdir Last Call review of -24 by Joel M. Halpern (diff) |
Assignment | Reviewer | Elwyn B. Davies |
State | Completed | |
Request | Telechat review on draft-ietf-anima-autonomic-control-plane by General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) Assigned | |
Reviewed revision | 16 (document currently at 30) | |
Result | Ready w/nits | |
Completed | 2018-07-31 |
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the IETF Chair. Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before posting a new version of the draft. For more information, please see the FAQ at <>. Document: draft-ietf-anima-autonomic-control-plane-16 Reviewer: Elwyn Davies Review Date: 2018-07-31 IETF LC End Date: 2018-02-26 IESG Telechat date: 2018-08-02 Summary: This document is ready but has a fair number of nits still to fix, particularly in the earlier part of the document. There are also some language issues to address which the RFC Editor will deal with. My issues from the Last Call review have been addressed. Major issues: None Minor issues: None Nits/editorial comments: General: There are three remaining examples of "intent" rather than "Intent". General: There are five instances of the construction -> "quoted text" () in s2. Need to remove -> and () in each case. This may be down to tool problems - there is a comment in the revisions list. S1, para 5: s/The ACP is designed to remains/The ACP is designed to remain/ s1, para 5: s/The details how this achieved are defined in Section 6./The details of how this achieved are described in Section 6./ s1, bullet point #1: s/supports directly/directly supports/ s1, bullet point #3: s/network/(Data-Plane) network/ S1, last para: s/Defined Networking (SDN) (see [RFC7426]), style automation/Defined Networking- (SDN-)style (see [RFC7426]) automation/ S1.1, para 2: Operational Technology is a term that is not very well-known - a reference would help. Unfortunately it seems that the text of ISA99 that defines the term is not freely available. Suggestions of a freely available alternative? s1.1, para 3: Although RPL is in the glossary in s2, this instance occurs before s2 is announced, so it would be worth adding RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks - RFC6550) s2, "ACP address": s/the ->"ACP domain certificate" ()./the "ACP domain certificate". S2, "ACP Domain": 'of nodes with ->"ACP domain' . Remove "->" and ()? s2. "ACP Loopback interface": Need to expand VRF on first use. s2, "ACP secure channel": As wrtten this equates a security association with a secure channel. Suggest: NEW: ACP secure channel: A sequence of links established hop-by-hop between adjacent ACP nodes with a security association established for each link using the ACP secure channel protocol and the ACP Domain Certificate. The channel is used to carry traffic of the ACP VRF separated from Data-Plane traffic in-band over the same links as the Data-Plane. ENDS s2, "Data-Plane": s/non-autonomic/by means other than autonomically/ s2, "GRASP": s/required/REQUIRED/ s2, "in-band (management)": fix up two instances of -> ... (). s2, "Node-ID": s/bit/bits/; Due to a missing XML introducer, the reference to s6.10.5 hasn't been translated. s2, "(virtual) out-of-band network": fix up one instance of -> ... (); s/where historically/were historically/; In next to last sentence s/out of band/out-of-band/ s2, "ULA": s/are the first 48 bit/is the first 48 bits/ s2, "(ACP) Zone": s/protocols details/protocol's details/ s3.1: s/This way/In this way/; possibly s/other processes/single instamces of other processes/??? s3.2, last para: s/like/such as/ [like: Yuck!] s3.3, para 1: s/managment/management/ s3.3, first bullet: s/out of Band/out-of-Band/ s4, ACP2: The phrase "(can block easily at edge)" needs additional explanation. s4, ACP4: s/generic. Usable/generic, that is it MUST/ s4, last para: Need to expand eACP. s5, 2nd 'Note' bullet: s/auto discovery/auto-discovery/ s5, lata para: s/This way/In this way/ s6.1, para 4: Trailing colon s/b period. s6.1.1, last para on page 20: s/":" are not/The character ":" is not/ s6.1.1, last but 2 para: s/information element it,/information element,/(probably) s6.1.2. next to last bullet: s/peers certificate/peer's certificate/; s/peers domain/peer's domain/ s6.1.3.1, last para: Expand ttl on first use. s6.1.3.5, para 4: s/ACP nodes domain certificate/ACP node's domain certificate/; s/nodes ACP/node's ACP/ s6.3, para 2: s/State Less/Stateless/ s6.11.1.1, para 1: s/reliable network reasonably fast/reliable network with reasonably fast/ s6.12: s/hop by hop/hop-by-hop/ s8.2.1, bullets 2 and 3: s/vrf/VRF/