Early Review of draft-ietf-detnet-controller-plane-framework-07
Request | Review of | draft-ietf-detnet-controller-plane-framework-07 |
Requested revision | 07 (document currently at 07) | |
Type | Early Review | |
Team | Routing Area Directorate (rtgdir) | |
Deadline | 2024-11-01 | |
Requested | 2024-10-18 | |
Requested by | Lou Berger | |
Authors | Andrew G. Malis , Xuesong Geng , Mach Chen , Balazs Varga , Carlos J. Bernardos | |
I-D last updated | 2024-11-04 | |
Completed reviews |
Rtgdir Early review of -07
by Daniele Ceccarelli
Comments |
This request coincides with the WG last call: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/detnet/nmjh94xheCaWN0I8JX3D7YYEgYM/ |
Assignment | Reviewer | Daniele Ceccarelli |
State | Completed | |
Request | Early review on draft-ietf-detnet-controller-plane-framework by Routing Area Directorate Assigned | |
Posted at | https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/rtg-dir/bM0yVc6UdLQIc8-vZgwrnsQL93k | |
Reviewed revision | 07 | |
Result | Has nits | |
Completed | 2024-11-04 |
Hi, Please find below the comments from my RTG-DIR review of the document. All in all the document is clear, simple to read, and i appreciate the structure with differentiation between control plane, management plane and joint requirements. Apart from section 7 that is still missing, the document is in a good shape. Please find below some nits/minor comments. - Intro: I’m not sure what you mean with this: “providing explicit routes for DetNet flows that do not immediately change with the network topology” - Intro: There is a typo here: “but not in the scope of this document). , while the control plane is primarily…” - Control plane requirement : “ * Advertise static and dynamic node and link resources such as capabilities and adjacencies to other network nodes (for dynamic signaling approaches) or to network controllers (for centralized approaches).” I would use a term different from resources, maybe characteristics? Which includes capabilities and adjacencies. - Control plane requirements * Scale to handle the number of DetNet flows expected in a domain (which may require per-flow signaling or provisioning).” I would be good to add something measurable. Just saying Scale doesn’t give a proper indication. - Section 2.3 – This statement is confusing me a bit: “ The following requirements apply to both the DetNet Controller and Management Planes” in the previous part of the text I understood that controller plane equals control plane + management plane. Which of the two is wrong? - Section 3.1 : ‘User-to-Network Interface (UNI) information is transmitted over a DetNet UNI protocol from the user side to the network side” what protocol are we talking about? A new one? - Serction 5.2.: “This document covers the general considerations for OAM.” Here you probably meant “this section” ? - 7. Gap Analysis – this section seems to be still missing. Thanks Daniele