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Early Review of draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7958bis-00

Request Review of draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7958bis
Requested revision No specific revision (document currently at 06)
Type Early Review
Team DNS Directorate (dnsdir)
Deadline 2024-02-09
Requested 2024-01-30
Requested by Tim Wicinski
Authors Joe Abley , Jakob Schlyter , Guillaume Bailey , Paul E. Hoffman
I-D last updated 2024-02-06
Completed reviews Dnsdir Early review of -00 by Florian Obser (diff)
Dnsdir Last Call review of -03 by Petr Špaček (diff)
Secdir Last Call review of -03 by Klaas Wierenga (diff)
Artart Last Call review of -03 by Scott Hollenbeck (diff)
Genart Last Call review of -03 by Dan Romascanu (diff)
Dnsdir Telechat review of -04 by Petr Špaček (diff)
Dnsdir Telechat review of -05 by Petr Špaček (diff)
Dnsdir Telechat review of -06 by Petr Špaček
Secdir Telechat review of -06 by Klaas Wierenga
Assignment Reviewer Florian Obser
State Completed
Request Early review on draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7958bis by DNS Directorate Assigned
Posted at
Reviewed revision 00 (document currently at 06)
Result Ready w/nits
Completed 2024-02-06
I have been selected as the DNS Directorate reviewer for this draft. The
DNS Directorate seeks to review all DNS or DNS-related drafts as
they pass through IETF last call and IESG review, and sometimes on special
request. The purpose of the review is to provide assistance to the ADs.
For more information about the DNS Directorate, please see

I think the document is basically ready. I spotted a few nits, feel free to
ignore as many as you like.

* Abstract

> This document describes the format and publication mechanisms IANA
> intends to use to distribute the DNSSEC trust anchors.

while in "1. Introduction" we have:

> This document describes the formats and distribution methods of DNSSEC
> trust anchors that have been used by IANA for the root zone of the DNS
> since 2010.

Which one is it? Maybe this would be better:

> This document describes the format and publication mechanisms IANA
> uses to distribute the DNSSEC trust anchors.

* 1.  Introduction

> A detailed description of corresponding
> key management practices can be found in [DPS], which can be
> retrieved from the IANA Repository at <>.

It seems redundant to add a reference as [DPS] and then provide a link
in-line. Additionally the reference and in-line link are different:

Maybe just shorten it to

> A detailed description of corresponding key management practices can
> be found in [DPS].

* 2. IANA DNSSEC Root Zone Trust Anchor Formats and Semantics

> IANA publishes trust anchors for the root zone as an XML document
> that contains the hashes of the DNSKEY records.

since IANA wishes to also publish the DNSKEY itself, maybe this is better:

> IANA publishes trust anchors for the root zone as an XML document
> that contains the hashes of the DNSKEY records and optionally the keys
> from the DNSKEY records.

* Appendix A.  Historical Note

Missing text:
> The second KSK for use in the root zone of the DNS was [ MORE GOES
> HERE ].