Last Call Review of draft-ietf-lsvr-bgp-spf-39
I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the IETF Chair. Please treat these comments just like any other last call comments. For more information, please see the FAQ at <>. Document: draft-ietf-lsvr-bgp-spf-39 Reviewer: Joel Halpern Review Date: 2024-12-05 IETF LC End Date: 2024-12-10 IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat Summary: Major issues: Minor issues: In section on the SPF Status TLV there is an odd phrasing that I think I understand, and if so should be clarified. In discussing unknown status value handling the text reads "However, a BGP SPF speaker MUST NOT use the Status TLV in its SPF computation." I presume that the NLRI and all its TLVs should not be used, as the Status is unkown, rather than just ignoring the Status? If the intention is that the NLRI is used, and the status is assumed to make this node available for SPF, please reword to make clear that the Status TLV is ignore and the node information IS USED in the SPF. (I tend to assume one errs on the side of avoiding nodes that may not be usable. Reading section 6.3 I think your intention is the obverse. Which is your call. In any case, we want everyone to understand this the same way so clarification is a good idea.) This applies to the other Status TLV descriptions as well. In section on BGP-LS-LINK NLRI Address Family Descriptor Link TLV, it is unclear if the intention is that unnumbered links must support only one of IPv4 or IPv6, or if they are permitted to support both. I would guess that the intention is to permit both, and that the advertiser simply includes two such TLVs. It would help to be clear about the case. In section 6.1 on BGP SPF NLRI Selection, I missed something in the recovvery from complete state loss. I understand how the preference for self-originated information from direct neighbors helps direct neighbors, and why that is specified. The text seems to say that takes care of all problems. I don't see how it fixes remote stale information. Suppose we have routers A and B adjacent, and Router C further away. Router A goes down so hard it loses the upper part of its sequence number, and therefore comes up with lower sequence numbers than it was using before. Router B will as we want prefer these new advertisements anyway. But now consider router C. It has in its store old advertisements from router A. The new advertisements will have lower sequence numbers, so, if I read this correctly, router C will prefer the old (stale) information. What drives convergence so C eventually prefers new information from A? (As far as I can tell, because B will prefer the new information, it may well not send A the old information, thus preventing A from updating its sequence numbers.) Nits/editorial comments: I found the first paragraph of the introduction jarring. It seemed to mix propaganda for this work with a description of something (unclear what) about current practices in MSDCs. I think it would benefit from rephrasing. I suggest a single sentence. "This document describes a technique to use BGP, BGP-LS, and the SPF technology from IGPs to provide routing for Massively Scaled Data Centers (MSDCs)." Is it my imagination or do section 5.1.1 and the first part of section 5.1.2 say exactly the same thing? I would suggest slightly adjusting the initial text in section 5.2.4 on the BGP_LS Attribute Sequence NUmber TLV. The text currently reads "A BGP-LS Attribute TLV of the BGP-LS-SPF NLRI" which caused me to go check what 1181 was defined to be. Could it instead read "A BGP-LS Attribute Sequence Number TLV of the BGP-LS-SPF NLRI" (e.g. add "Sequence Number".) Several short paragraphs in the middle of section 7.1 on processing of BGP-LS-SPF TLVs begin with the TLV name and then say " TLVs and their error handling rules are either defined in section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]. ". What is the "either"? There appears to only be the reference to section 5.2.1 of RFC 9552?