Last Call Review of draft-ietf-mpls-spring-inter-domain-oam-13
I have reviewed the document and in general it is quite well written and easy to read. But I found some minor issues. In 4.1 where it describes all the fields, it generally specifies how many octets each field is, but for length it just says "Length is 8 octets". It would be good to state that the length field is 2 octets, and also format it as "Length: 2 octets ...." similar to how it is written for the other fields. Same for 4.2 and 4.3. In 4.1 it says "The S bit SHOULD be zero upon transmission". Why is it not a MUST? When might one not set it to zero? Apart from this I just found some minor editorial things. I'm listing them below, although I guess the RFC Editor will catch these. Abstract: "A MPLS" should be "An MPLS" Section 2: "seggregated" should be "segregated" Section 4: "various segments types", should be "various segment types" Section 4.2: "4.4is" Section 4.3: label.When Section 6.3 "IPv4 /IPv6" and "[RFC7110].According" Section 7: "Identifiers(SIDs)" Should have space Section 7.1: "head end" should probably be "head-end" Section 7.2.2: . similarly Node-SId Section 8.1 SRGB.This Section 8.2 . echo