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Last Call Review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc-04

Request Review of draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc
Requested revision No specific revision (document currently at 07)
Type Last Call Review
Team ART Area Review Team (artart)
Deadline 2024-11-19
Requested 2024-10-29
Authors Thomas Haynes , Trond Myklebust
I-D last updated 2024-11-19
Completed reviews Artart Last Call review of -04 by Carsten Bormann (diff)
Secdir Last Call review of -04 by Benjamin M. Schwartz (diff)
Assignment Reviewer Carsten Bormann
State Completed
Request Last Call review on draft-ietf-nfsv4-layoutwcc by ART Area Review Team Assigned
Posted at
Reviewed revision 04 (document currently at 07)
Result Ready w/issues
Completed 2024-11-19
(Insert ARTART review boilerplate here.)

I have been using NFS and XDR since the early 1980s, but I am not an
expert on NFSv4.2 or pNFS.

I did not find a github repository for the draft, so I'll provide
comments in a more traditional/tedious form.  (Please use the
venue/"about this document" facilities of document generation to make
the repo easy to find for reviewers.)

Any page numbers below are those in the plaintext form of the I-D.

## Major

There is an editors' note that appear to be unanswered questions:
§2 (p5):
   // Can it go into LAYOUTRETURN?
Please answer.

§3.4.2 says: The reason to
   provide these two attributes is in case of NFS4ERR_ACCESS, the
   metadata server can compare what it expects the values of the uid and
   gid of the data file to be versus the actual values.  It can then
   repair the permissions as needed or modify the expected values it has
To someone not familiar with the underlying protocols, this appears to
be very weak advice on what the metadata server should be doing here.
In particular, is such a "repair" already covered by the Security
Considerations in [RFC7862] (which is all the Security Considerations
in this document amount to)?

Also, it says:
   The mapping of NFSv3 to NFSv4 attributes shown in Table 1 also
   details which attributes the LAYOUT_WCC SHOULD be providing to the
   metadata server, [...]
Does it?  I cannot find that information.
Or is the intended meaning that *all* the attributes shown in Table 1
SHOULD be provided?
What is the limit of the SHOULD (i.e., under what specific
circumstances can that be overridden)?

(I note that there is a lower-case "should" in Section 3.4.1 (p6);
please check that this is the intended [non-2119] meaning.)

## Minor

The definitions (1.1) should probably mention any other sources of
definitions that this document relies on (e.g., for "layout").

Section 3.6 could hint at how the optionality is handled (e.g., does
the client stop sending the operation when it gets a specific error
from the server?).
(The answer may be obvious with the level of knowledge about NFSv4.2
actually required by this document, please ignore this observation

Section 3.7:
   But the positional correspondence between the elements is not
   sufficient to determine the attributes to update.
   In either case, the combination of ffdsw_deviceid, ffdsw_stateid, and
   ffdsw_fh_vers will uniquely identify the attributes to be updated.
Is this really about the specific attributes to update/to be updated
or is it actually about identifying the information object (mirror?)
in which the attributes are to be updated?

One would expect Section 4 to be boilerplate now; does this differ in
any way from similar sections in previous documents?

## Nits

Nits are given as a pair of old and new lines, if possible.

Abstract (p1)
   It does not provide a mechanism for the data server to update the
   metadata server of changes to the data part of the file.  The client
   allow the client to update the metadata server to changes on the data
Which one should it be -- update "of" or update "to"?

§1.1 (p3): ease of use
   Section 2.1 of [RFC8434]
   (enable directly linking the section reference on this citation)
(This is a recurring comment to a couple dozen other places in the
document as well.)

§2 (p4): Typo
   Because there is no contol protocol (see [RFC8434]) possible with all
   Because there is no control protocol (see [RFC8434]) possible with all

§2 (p5): consistency
Is it "flexible files layout" (plural, used here) or "Flexible File
Layout" (singular, as in abstract/introduction)?

§2 (p5): typo
   model, the metatdate server MAY make such calls anyway in order to
   model, the metadata server MAY make such calls anyway in order to

§3.4.1 (p6): typo
   data files.  While The client can send a LAYOUT_WCC at any time,
   data files.  While the client can send a LAYOUT_WCC at any time,

§3.4.2 (p7): typo
   metadata server, Both the uid and gid are stringified into their
   metadata server. Both the uid and gid are stringified into their

§3.4.2 (p7): Table 1 could use a caption

§3.5 (p9): Table 2 could use a caption, maybe moving the stray text line
   Valid Error Returns for LAYOUT_WCC
Is there anything gained from presenting this list in an essentially
single-cell table?
Maybe it could be formatted to resemble Table 12 (Valid Error Returns
for Each Protocol Operation) in Section 15.2 of [RFC8881]?

§4 (p10)): Typo
   shell script to produce the machine readable XDR description of the
   shell script to produce the machine-readable XDR description of the

§4 (p11): Typo
   code snippets belong in their respective areas of the that XDR.
   code snippets belong in their respective areas of that XDR.

§7.1 (p11): missing link
This reference seems to be hand-built and is providing an unusual citation of
the draft name (which is also missing a link): [delstid] Haynes, T. and T.
Myklebust, "Extending the Opening of Files in NFSv4.2",
draft-ietf-nfsv4-delstid-02.xml (Work In Progress), February 2023. Please use
the references from instead.

## Sorry, could not resist

§4 (p10): (would be even easier with sed -E)
   grep '^ *///' $* | sed 's?^ */// ??' | sed 's?^ *///$??'
   sed -n 's,^ *///,,p' "$@" | sed 's/^ //'