Last Call Review of draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-tcpo-v6eh-15
This is the re-review of the document. There are still several places where the draft uses [RFC1234] without giving any indication what document that is, requiring readers to have the mapping from RFC numbers to names. This will cause extra effort for new people who try to understand the this protocol. I know it is annoying for the author to have to add those things, but hopefully this document will have more readers than authors, so the one time cost of adding them will help multiple readers while reading the document. I know that there are RFCs where the number of authors is about the same than number of readers, but I hope this is not one of them... There is still no example in section 6.1 with multi-octet options, having such example would make it easier for readers to know which byte is sent first and so on.