Early Review of draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations-02
Request | Review of | draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations-02 |
Requested revision | 02 (document currently at 17) | |
Type | Early Review | |
Team | Internet Area Directorate (intdir) | |
Deadline | 2021-12-20 | |
Requested | 2021-12-03 | |
Requested by | Henk Birkholz | |
Authors | Michael Richardson , Wei Pan | |
I-D last updated | 2021-12-19 | |
Completed reviews |
Dnsdir Last Call review of -12
by Nicolai Leymann
Iotdir Telechat review of -12 by Dave Thaler (diff) Intdir Telechat review of -13 by Pascal Thubert (diff) Secdir Early review of -03 by Christopher A. Wood (diff) Genart Early review of -02 by Paul Kyzivat (diff) Intdir Early review of -02 by David Lamparter (diff) Iotdir Early review of -02 by Dave Thaler (diff) |
Comments |
This is a rather short document. Currently, the document literally includes notes that highlight the need for more expositional text. Some external hints would be beneficial, I think. There's also been a bit of a discussion about geofencing and potential issues with bundling the MUD manager with resolvers. |
Assignment | Reviewer | David Lamparter |
State | Completed | |
Request | Early review on draft-ietf-opsawg-mud-iot-dns-considerations by Internet Area Directorate Assigned | |
Posted at | https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/int-dir/V9u072sfrKAZVcCJqCPD6x9TYK0 | |
Reviewed revision | 02 (document currently at 17) | |
Result | On the right track | |
Completed | 2021-12-19 |
[I've thrown a copy of this on https://gist.github.com/eqvinox/4e3e96f117b059f65e8a449fbb71738f] Hi Michael and all, I've been poked for an Early Review of your MUD DNS draft. Here's what feedback I have at this point. (I've looked at the -02 version on the datatracker, but I don't think you've changed much in your git repo compared to that.) re. 3. Strategies to map names - plain reverse lookups. Some vendor working with cheapest available developers will sadly understand your list as "oh I just need to do my reverse maps /right/ and then it should work." I'd say "explain in detail how this can fail." is not enough, it might need to be "explain in detail how this can fail even if the vendor tries its best". - the controller doing lookups, (potentially using the same caching resolver) The MUD controller and the device using the same resolver is a neccssary requirement, but not a sufficent one. Worse even, this is essentially a Time-Of-Check-Time-Of-Use security vulnerability. An attacker may be able to distinguish device-originated DNS lookups from controller-originated lookups and give the controller a much longer list of replies while still allowing the device to function normally to cover their tracks. It's fringe (if you can break DNS like that there's probably better things you can exploit), but still. I haven't really put extensive thought into this, but the only pedantically-correct solution to me seems to be to actually track the exact DNS responses that were given to the device. re 4.1. Use of IP address literals in-protocol Nothing says the MUD file and device spec need to specify the target in the same way. It might actually be a good idea to give the device a DNS name to resolve, but just list all the IP addresses in the MUD file. The vendor should absolutely be able to do that in some cases at least (i.e. no highly dynamic changes to the addresses.) Considering all else, this might even be one of the better approaches? On a sidenote, this also means it's wrong for the firewall to try to validate SNI names when the MUD file only lists IP addresses. Technically the MUD file could also list a *different* DNS name that is guaranteed to return a superset of addresses that might be used by the device. Whether this is a good idea I don't know. (Also note this conflicts with monitoring a device's DNS lookups to track the actual responses it received.) Ultimately though what I'd like to note here is that there's 2 different objectives here. The device itself wants a useful subset of addresses to contact. But the firewall needs the superset of anything the device might need to talk to. re 5. DNS privacy and outsourcing versus MUD controllers I honestly don't understand how any device vendor can reasonably encode some specific DNS service into their device and expect it to work. If my network, whether it be home or corporate, has a policy for some specific DNS cache to be used (e.g. on some firewall appliance), a MUD file isn't going to punch a hole into my policy for that. And this really zaps all the DoT & DoH bits at the same time. And with me being from Germany I can tell you we have ISPs that give their users a checkbox to block Cloudflare DoH on their service - not even for technical merits, just because it was a publicity sh*tstorm. (Nevermind the fact that the ISPs may have their own ulterior motives.) re 6. / conclusions in general I'm not sure how far I should go here with review, I'm not involved in any discussions here and am probably missing a bunch of context. 6.5. seems a no-brainer, maybe even too weak of a conclusion. Devices /really/ should use the DNS they get told by the network. 6.1. is the MUD file a protocol too? It's not clear from the text. (I do also disagree on the conclusion, in my naive world the vendor should really be able to list all possible IP addresses for the services, and doing so is likely the most robust way. But I'm a "there is no cloud, just other people's computers" person, so maybe I expect too much of vendors.) re 7. Privacy and 8. Security: Posession of intimate devices may cause embarassment. Posession of personal healthcare devices may open people up to attacks on their life. Imagine some dissident in Atlantis being assassinated on Princess Arielle's orders by way of targeting something on the dissident's dialysis machine, pacemaker, or whatever else. But vendors will still read this as "eh, people won't care if someone has my devices". And then 5 years later they get bought up and the new owner makes sex toys off the same codebase :) And lastly: "requirements for the devices to get access to network resources that may be critical to their continued safe operation." ... I guess this is more of a comment, but I certainly hope no hospital, metalworks, sewage works, or power plant ever depends on MUD functioning correctly to ensure *safe* operation. Hope this is useful input, -David