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Simple New Mail Notification
RFC 4146

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (changed abstract to 'This memo documents a long-standing technique, supported by a large number of mail servers, which allows …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (changed abstract to 'This memo documents a long-standing technique, supported by a large number of mail servers, which allows users to be notified of new mail. In addition to server support, there are a number of clients that support this, ranging from full email clients to specialized clients whose only purpose is to receive new mail notifications and alert a mail client.

In brief, the server sends the string "nm_notifyuser" CRLF to the finger port on the IP address (either configured or last used) of the user who has received new mail. This memo provides information for the Internet community.')
(System) Notify list changed from to (None)
Amy Vezza [Note]: 'RFC 4146' added by Amy Vezza
Amy Vezza State Changes to RFC Published from RFC Ed Queue by Amy Vezza
(System) RFC published