@misc{rfc4195, series = {Request for Comments}, number = 4195, howpublished = {RFC 4195}, publisher = {RFC Editor}, doi = {10.17487/RFC4195}, url = {https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4195}, author = {Wataru KAMEYAMA}, title = {{A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the TV-Anytime Forum}}, pagetotal = 6, year = 2005, month = oct, abstract = {This document describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace that is engineered by the TV-Anytime Forum for naming persistent resources published by the TV-Anytime Forum including the TV-Anytime Forum Standards, XML (Extensible Markup Language) Document Type Definitions, XML Schemas, Namespaces, and other documents. This memo provides information for the Internet community.}, }