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Mounting Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Servers
RFC 4709

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (changed abstract to 'In current Web browsers, there is no uniform way to specify that a user clicking on …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (changed abstract to 'In current Web browsers, there is no uniform way to specify that a user clicking on a link will be presented with an editable view of a Web Distinguished Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) server. For example, it is frequently desirable to be able to click on a link and have this link open a window that can handle drag-and-drop interaction with the resources of a WebDAV server.

This document specifies a mechanism and a document format that enables WebDAV servers to send "mounting" information to a WebDAV client. The mechanism is designed to work on any platform and with any combination of browser and WebDAV client, relying solely on the well-understood dispatch of documents through their MIME type. This memo provides information for the Internet community.')
(System) Notify list changed from to (None)
(System) Request for Early review by SECDIR Completed. Reviewer: Charlie Kaufman.
Amy Vezza State Changes to RFC Published from RFC Ed Queue by Amy Vezza
Amy Vezza [Note]: 'RFC 4709' added by Amy Vezza
(System) RFC published