@misc{rfc7567, series = {Request for Comments}, number = 7567, howpublished = {RFC 7567}, publisher = {RFC Editor}, doi = {10.17487/RFC7567}, url = {https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7567}, author = {Fred Baker and Gorry Fairhurst}, title = {{IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management}}, pagetotal = 31, year = 2015, month = jul, abstract = {This memo presents recommendations to the Internet community concerning measures to improve and preserve Internet performance. It presents a strong recommendation for testing, standardization, and widespread deployment of active queue management (AQM) in network devices to improve the performance of today's Internet. It also urges a concerted effort of research, measurement, and ultimate deployment of AQM mechanisms to protect the Internet from flows that are not sufficiently responsive to congestion notification. Based on 15 years of experience and new research, this document replaces the recommendations of RFC 2309.}, }