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Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Managed Attachments
RFC 8607

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
(System) Received changes through RFC Editor sync (removed Errata tag)
(System) Received changes through RFC Editor sync (added Errata tag)
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8607, changed title to 'Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Managed Attachments', changed abstract to 'This …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8607, changed title to 'Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Managed Attachments', changed abstract to 'This specification adds an extension to the Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) to allow attachments associated with iCalendar data to be stored and managed on the server.

This specification documents existing code deployed by multiple vendors. It is published as an Informational specification rather than Standards Track due to its noncompliance with multiple best current practices of HTTP.', changed pages to 34, changed standardization level to Informational, changed state to RFC, added RFC published event at 2019-06-03, changed IESG state to RFC Published)
(System) RFC published