@misc{rfc8663, series = {Request for Comments}, number = 8663, howpublished = {RFC 8663}, publisher = {RFC Editor}, doi = {10.17487/RFC8663}, url = {https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8663}, author = {Xiaohu Xu and Stewart Bryant and Adrian Farrel and Syed Hassan and Wim Henderickx and Zhenbin Li}, title = {{MPLS Segment Routing over IP}}, pagetotal = 17, year = 2019, month = dec, abstract = {MPLS Segment Routing (SR-MPLS) is a method of source routing a packet through an MPLS data plane by imposing a stack of MPLS labels on the packet to specify the path together with any packet-specific instructions to be executed on it. SR-MPLS can be leveraged to realize a source-routing mechanism across MPLS, IPv4, and IPv6 data planes by using an MPLS label stack as a source-routing instruction set while making no changes to SR-MPLS specifications and interworking with SR-MPLS implementations. This document describes how SR-MPLS-capable routers and IP-only routers can seamlessly coexist and interoperate through the use of SR-MPLS label stacks and IP encapsulation/tunneling such as MPLS-over-UDP as defined in RFC 7510.}, }