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Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Block-Wise Transfer Options Supporting Robust Transmission
RFC 9177

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 9177, changed abstract to 'This document specifies alternative Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) block-wise transfer options: …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 9177, changed abstract to 'This document specifies alternative Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) block-wise transfer options: Q-Block1 and Q-Block2.

These options are similar to, but distinct from, the CoAP Block1 and Block2 options defined in RFC 7959. The Q-Block1 and Q-Block2 options are not intended to replace the Block1 and Block2 options but rather have the goal of supporting Non-confirmable (NON) messages for large amounts of data with fewer packet interchanges. Also, the Q-Block1 and Q-Block2 options support faster recovery should any of the blocks get lost in transmission.', changed pages to 41, changed standardization level to Proposed Standard, changed state to RFC, added RFC published event at 2022-03-22, changed IESG state to RFC Published)
(System) RFC published