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X.509 Certificate Extended Key Usage (EKU) for 5G Network Functions
RFC 9509

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created document RFC 9509, created became rfc relationship between draft-ietf-lamps-nf-eku and RFC 9509, set abstract to 'RFC …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created document RFC 9509, created became rfc relationship between draft-ietf-lamps-nf-eku and RFC 9509, set abstract to 'RFC 5280 specifies several extended key purpose identifiers (KeyPurposeIds) for X.509 certificates.  This document defines encrypting JSON objects in HTTP messages, using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), and signing the OAuth 2.0 access tokens KeyPurposeIds for inclusion in the Extended Key Usage (EKU) extension of X.509 v3 public key certificates used by Network Functions (NFs) for the 5G System.', set pages to 9, set standardization level to Proposed Standard, added RFC published event at 2024-03-20)
(System) RFC published