Deterministic Networking (DetNet) YANG Data Model
RFC 9633
Revision differences
Document history
Date | By | Action |
(System) | Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created document RFC 9633, created became rfc relationship between draft-ietf-detnet-yang and RFC 9633, set title to 'Deterministic … Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created document RFC 9633, created became rfc relationship between draft-ietf-detnet-yang and RFC 9633, set title to 'Deterministic Networking (DetNet) YANG Data Model', set abstract to 'This document contains the specification for the Deterministic Networking (DetNet) YANG data model for configuration and operational data for DetNet flows. The model allows the provisioning of an end-to-end DetNet service on devices along the path without depending on any signaling protocol. It also specifies operational status for flows. The YANG module defined in this document conforms to the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA).', set pages to 126, set standardization level to Proposed Standard, added RFC published event at 2024-10-28) |
(System) | RFC published |