2015-01-21: Minutes
Meeting Slides | IETF-IEEE (ietfieee) IAB ASG | |
Date and time | 2021-12-31 20:00 | |
Title | 2015-01-21: Minutes | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2022-06-10 |
IAB, IESG and IEEE 802 Executive Committee Minutes of the 21 January 2015 Virtual Meeting Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES ------------------- Alia Atlas Ben Campbell Benoit Claise Alissa Cooper Subir Das Spencer Dawkins Donald Eastlake Stephen Farrell Norman Finn Eric Gray Bob Grow Roger Marks Kathleen Moriarty Cindy Morgan Paul Nikolich Dan Romascanu Jon Rosdahl Pat Thaler Juan Carlos Zuniga REGRETS ------------------- Brian Haberman Bob Heile Dorothy Stanley MINUTES ------------------- 1. Roll Call, Agenda Bashing, Minutes Approval The minutes of the 29 September 2014 meeting were approved. Dan Romascanu noted that Juan Carlos Zuniga would report on the results of the IEEE 02 EC Privacy Recommendation Study Group and the IETF 91 Wi-Fi Privacy Experiment during item 24 of shared work items list. 2. Review of Other Action Items from Previous Meetings (not part of the shared items list) IN PROGRESS - Glenn Parsons to follow up with Adrian Farrel and the expert reviewers for the IS-IS TLV registry about getting an assignment for 802.1. - Glenn Parsons to send a detailed description of the 802.1 IS-IS TLV issue to Dan Romascanu for addition in the shared work items list. 3. 2015 Face-to-Face meeting The group discussed the potential for a face-to-face meeting in 2015, noting that the IETF and the IEEE 802 will not meet during consecutive weeks on the same continent at all during 2015 or 2016. Jon Rosdahl reported that he is currently holding a room for a face- to-face IETF/IEEE 802 leadership meeting on Saturday, 16 January 2016, immediately prior to the IEEE 802 interim meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. Dan Romascanu noted that that is a holiday weekend in the United States (Martin Luther King Day). Paul Nikolich asked whether another face-to-face meeting was necessary so soon. Benoit Claise replied that it would depend on the agenda for the meeting, but several people noted that in order to guarantee a space for the meeting, the room often must be booked far in advance of putting together an agenda, as it is unknown what the hot topics will be a year from now. Dan Romascanu asked how long the room for 16 January 2016 could be held without penalty. Jon Rosdahl replied that he would have to cancel it by November 2015. After brief discussion, the group agreed to decide by the September 2015 conference call whether to release the meeting room in Atlanta or schedule the face-to-face meeting. 4. IETF Areas Reorganization Dan Romascanu reported that the IESG is making some changes to its internal structure, including adding a third Routing Area Director. Benoit Claise added that his work as Operations and Management AD will focus on YANG models, with non-YANG-related Working Groups being managed by other ADs. He further noted that they are creating a YANG directorate, to make sure that all of the various pieces fit together. Pat Thaler noted that there are some projects in 802 that are considering YANG models. Dan Romascanu reported that the IESG will also only have one AD in the Application Area. Stephen Farrell noted that there will be no change to the NomCom cycle. Alissa Cooper added that there may be some additional shuffling between the Applications, Transport, and Real- time Applications and Infrastructure Areas after the leadership changeover in March. 5. March 2015 Meetings Dan Romascanu noted that it was still early enough in the cycles that the various PAR and BOF requests have not been sent in yet. Norm Finn reported that 802 is expecting to see PARs on cyclic queueing and forwarding and on purse string filtering and policing. Pat Thaler added that 802.3 has a couple of study groups working on 25GBASE-T and next-generation access base, but that she does not expect there to be much overlap with IETF work. For the current status and more information, please see: http://www.ieee802.org/PARs.shtml Benoit Claise reported that he is expecting to see a BOF proposal on SUPA (Shared Unified Policy Automation). Dan Romascanu observed that there may be an impact on IEEE 802 work, as they may define a layer 2 model. Norm Finn reported that he plans to request a DETNET (Deterministic Networking) BOF at IETF 92. Alia Atlas added that some of the BIER work on explicit multicast from IETF 91 may carry over to a new BOF or WG proposal for IETF 92. For the current status and more information, please see: http://trac.tools.ietf.org/bof/trac/wiki/WikiStart 6. Review of Areas of Shared Interest Between the IETF and IEEE 802 For more information, please see: http://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-uploads/2015/01/coordination-15.txt Item 3. IETF NVO3 and IEEE 802.1 DCB Pat Thaler reported that there were no changes to the current status, and that work seems to be progressing well. There are two drafts related to the NVO3 regarding possible applicability of VDP to the NVO3 hypervisor to NVE protocol: - draft-ietf-nvo3-hpvr2nve-cp-req-01 lists the requirements of the protocols - draft-pt-nvo3-vdp-vm2nve-gap-analysis-00 describes the gap between current VDP and the earlier version of requirements. Alia Atlas noted that she will be the shepherding AD for this work once Adrian Farrel steps down in March. Item 5. Enabling use of Local Addresses for virtualization and IoT Pat Thaler reported that at the 802c PAR in November, there were concerns from people who want to use the local address space, so the work did not proceed. A study group was assigned to look at the problem and is making changes to the PAR to make it more clear that this is not the only way to look at local address space. Pat added that there is also an early draft PAR on address assignment protocol that she expects to see for the July meeting. Dan Romascanu asked if it is the Internet and Operations Areas that should be reviewing this work. Pat Thaler said yes, and Juan Carlos Zuniga added that the implications for this in the Internet Area are in regards to layer 3 protocols. Item 7. IETF Ethernet MIB, ADSL MIB and IEEE 802.3 Benoit Claise reported that the document for this item is currently in the RFC Editor Queue. This item will be closed once the RFC is published. Item 9. IETF PAWS WG and 802.11, 802.19, 802.22 Dan Romascanu reported that the last document for this item is currently in the RFC Editor Queue, stuck with a dependency on another draft that is currently in Last Call. This item will be closed once the RFC is published. Item 11. IETF and IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN TG Max Riegel reported by email prior to the call that they are currently working on the initial draft for this item; once the draft is ready, it will be sent to the relevant IETF working groups for review. Item 19. Common OAM proposal / Layer Independent OAM Dan Romascanu reported that the description for this work item has been updated, as much of the work in TRILL was on the way to being completed. Donald Eastlake added that the TRILL OAM documents are in the RFC Editor Queue and should be published in the next few weeks. Dan Romascanu noted that the information will need to continue to flow between the groups, especially with the new work being undertaken by the LIME working group in the IETF. Benoit Claise will remain as the owner of this item on the IETF side; Norm Finn took an action to find someone to replace Ben Mack-Crane as owner on the IEEE 802 side. Item 21. 6tsch Neither Ted Lemon nor Bob Heile were able to attend the call. Dan Romascanu suggested adding an action item for Ted and Bob to establish a formal liaison between the 6TISCH working group and 802.15. Item 22. CAPWAP extensions in OPSAWG Benoit Claise reported that draft-ietf-opsawg-capwap-hybridmac will shortly be in the RFC Editor Queue; the other draft is not yet complete, as it does not have the tunnel information. Item 23. Naming in Layer 2 Networks Juan Carlos Zuniga reported that there is a draft being adopted in the IETF MIF working group, but that they have not yet touched on its implications on layer 2 networking. He suggested that this item remain open for another cycle to see if any progress can be made. Dan Romascanu noted that Ted Lemon will be stepping down in March, and asked Juan Carlos Zuniga to check with Ted to make sure the token gets passed to someone else. Item 24. Coordination between the IETF and IEEE 802 on Pervasive Monitoring Stephen Farrel reported that RFC 7435 on Opportunistic Security: Some Protection Most of the Time was published, and that work continues in the various working groups. Juan Carlos Zuniga reported that the IEEE 802 EC Privacy Recommendation Study Group is studying layer 2 privacy issues and considering the need for a recommended proactive applicable to the IEEE 802 protocols. The study group is chartered to run through March 2015, and he expects it to be renewed to run until July 2015. The group conducted a Wi-Fi privacy experiment at IETF 91, looking at potential issues related to DHCP pools, states in network switches, MAC address collisions, ARP/ND, IPv6 addressing, and security infrastructure. The opt-in trial was coordinated between the study group and the IETF NOC team. The slides with the results of the experiment are available at: http://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-uploads/2015/01/Zuniga-Privacy-ECSG-update.pdf Item 25. Layer2/Layer 3 Interaction for Time-Sensitive Traffic Norm Finn took an action item to provide a better description for this shared work item. Item 26. IS-IS extensions for IEEE 802.1Qca Dan Romascanu reported that the relevant I-Ds will progress after 802.1Qca is approved and goes into straw ballot. Alia Atlas added that the I-Ds are currently individual drafts that will need to go through the working group process; she will work with the relevant working group chairs to make sure they move along rapidly. Item 27. Development of YANG models in the IEEE 802 Benoit Claise reported that there was a proposal to fold existing MIB models in the IEEE into YANG models, noting that that is a huge amount of work, and it would perhaps be better to start with a generic bridging YANG model to make sure that there is the right community for this within the IEEE 802. Dan Romascanu observed that the IETF can help with education and support, but that really this process needs to happen in parallel with the development of community of knowledgeable people in the IEEE 802. Benoit Claise replied that they have started by having Andy Bierman give a tutorial on NETCONF and YANG at IETF 90. The slides from that tutorial are available at: https://www.ietf.org/edu/tutorials/90-YANG-Tutorial.pdf Glenn Parsons was given an action to nominate someone from the IEEE side to work with Benoit Claise on this. New/Additional Items Pat Thaler noted that the 802 wireless group should be asked to comment on draft-baccelli-manet-multihop-communication once it gets adopted by a working group. However, since it is currently still an individual draft, it is only something to watch rather than to act upon. 7. Review of Action Items - Pat Thaler to send pointers to the I-Ds relevant to shared item 3 (NVO3). [DONE] - Ted Lemon and Bob Heile to establish a formal liaison relationship between the IETF 6TISCH WG and IEEE 802.15. - Juan Carlos Zuniga to send the slides on the MAC privacy Study Group to Cindy Morgan for posting with the meeting materials. [DONE] - Norm Finn to provide a better description for shared item 25 (Layer2/Layer 3 Interaction for Time-Sensitive Traffic). - Glenn Parsons to nominate someone from the IEEE side to work with Benoit Claise on shared item 27 (YANG models). - Glenn Parsons to nominate someone to replace Ben Mack-Crane as the 802 contact point for shared item 19 (Common OAM proposal). - Dan Romascanu to send out a Doodle poll to schedule next conference call, week of June 8 or June 15.