Meeting Slides | RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG | |
Date and time | 2022-01-01 11:00 | |
Title | 2013-09-12-rsoc-minutes | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2022-06-10 |
RFC SERIES OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (RSOC) September 12, 2013 RSOC Teleconference Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Bernard Aboba Nevil Brownlee Heather Flanagan, RFC Series Editor Joel Halpern Tony Hansen Alexey Melnikov, RSOC Chair Cindy Morgan, Scribe REGRETS --------------------------------- Joe Hildebrand Bob Hinden Ray Pelletier, IAOC Liaison MINUTES --------------------------------- 0. Administrivia An agenda item on "Boilerplate" as added to the agenda as item 5. The minutes of the 27 July 2013 RSOC Retreat and the 14 August 2013 RSOC Teleconference were approved and will be posted on the IAB website. 1. Submissions and Publications 1.1. Monthly Queue Report Heather Flanagan noted that the report showing status changes by month is currently sent to the IAB, IAD, IAOC, IESG, IRTF Chair, and Independent Submission Editor. She asked if this report would be useful the RSOC as well. The RSOC agreed that monthly RSE Report with the SLAs is more useful to the RSOC, and so the RSOC chose not to receive the Monthly Queue Report. Heather Flanagan asked if the Monthly Queue Report is useful to the IAB. Joel Halpern replied that the IAB may also find more use from the SLA report. Alexey Melnikov took the action to ask the IAB whether they would like to continue to receive the Monthly Queue Report. 1.2. Current Publication Trends Heather Flanagan reported that it currently looks like fewer documents will be published this year than were last year. Heather reported that the reason for this is that fewer documents have been sent to the RFC Editor by the IESG. 2. RFC Format Design Team 2.1. Progress to Date Heather Flanagan reported that the RFC Format Design Team continues to work actively. After an early miscommunication, Robert Sparks has been added as a liaison from the IETF Tools Team to the RFC Format Design Team. 2.2. Images and Accessibility The IESG is currently discussing whether images should be considered normative or informative, but consensus has not been reached yet. The IESG has asked Heather Flanagan for a presentation that outlines the issues around accessibility with making images normative. Bernard Aboba noted that the University of Wisconsin has several experts on accessibility that may be able to help with this, and volunteered to broker an introduction for Heather. 2.3. BoF at IETF 88 Heather Flanagan reported that she is planning to propose a BOF at IETF 88 to discuss RFC tool requirements. 3. RPC and Internationalization Heather Flanagan reported that Peter-Saint Andre is planning to repeat the half-day tutorial that was presented to the RPC on internationalization, unicode, and UTF-8 in Berlin, as the entire RPC staff will be at IETF 88 in Vancouver. 4. Other updates and interesting issues 4.1. RPC and Publisher SoWs Heather Flanagan reported that the IAOC currently has the RPC and Publisher SOWs for comments. 4.2. Transfer of Copyright for Federal Contractor Authors Heather Flanagan reported that there is an outstanding question about transferring copyright when document authors are federal contractors. Heather is planning a meeting with Scott Bradner of the IETF Trust to discuss the issue. 4.3. Digital Object Identifiers Heather Flanagan reported that John Levine is revising his proposal on Digital Object Identifiers to include information about the RFC info pages on the RFC Editor website. 4.4. International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers Seminars on Publishing Industry Trends and Electronic Publishing Issues Heather Flanagan asked the RSOC if it would make sense for her to attend upcoming seminars on publishing industry trends and electronic publishing issues being planned by the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (http://www.stm-assoc.org/). The RSOC agreed that Heather should attend. 5. Boilerplate Heather Flanagan reported that the RFC Editor and the IESG are having an ongoing discussion about additional boilerplate options for IETF-stream document. Heather asked how that would be handled. Joel Halpern responded that the IESG should ask the IAB, who is in charge of boilerplate text. Adding additional boilerplate options may require an update to RFC 5741. Heather will follow up with the IESG to make sure that the question gets posed to the IAB.