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Meeting Slides RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG
Date and time 2022-01-01 15:00
Title 2017-02-13-rsoc-minutes
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2022-06-10

February 13, 2017 RSOC Meeting

Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat

 Sarah Banks (Chair)
 Nevil Brownlee
 Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
 Joel Halpern
 Bob Hinden
 Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
 Adam Roach
 Robert Sparks (Lead)

 Tony Hansen 
 Joe Hildebrand
 Ray Pelletier (IAOC Liaison, non-voting)


0. Review of minutes

  The minutes of the 11 January 2017 RSOC Meeting were approved.

1. Format work status

  Heather Flanagan reported that the newest revision of the CSS was just 
  released, and the developers are starting their work. Heather noted 
  that she expects this to be fairly quiet for the next little while, 
  but that the work is being tracked in the Tools Team.

2. Digital Preservation

  Heather Flanagan reported that the feedback received thus far on 
  draft-iab-rfc-preservation indicates that using PDF/A3 is a good idea, 
  but the community thinks that the digital version alone is 
  insufficient, and that paper copies should be maintained as well.

  The RSOC discussed whether paper copies of RFCs should be kept, noting 
  that while the costs to print out the series using archival quality 
  paper and inks and store them in a facility that specializes in 
  storing paper are relatively low, the cost to try and rebuild the 
  digital archive using only the paper copies would be very high.

  The RSOC discussed what the purpose of keeping paper copies would be; 
  if the digital archives get corrupted or become unreadable, the paper 
  copies could be used to rebuild them. However, rebuilding from paper 
  copies would not be an easy task, and the RSOC was unclear whether the 
  effort required to rebuild would be worth maintaining paper copies. 
  Several members of the RSOC were not opposed to maintaining paper 
  copies, with only one person present opining that maintaining 
  paper archives should be a requirement. Heather Flanagan agreed to 
  think about this more and present a position to the RSOC.

3. AUTH48 concerns

  Heather Flanagan reported a recent issue with an author adding text 
  not considered appropriate to the Acknowledgements section during 
  AUTH48. The issue has been resolved, but it is leading to a more 
  general discussion with the IESG about clearer guidance to the RFC 
  Editor about what changes can and cannot happen during AUTH48. To 
  date, if the change is considered technical, the RFC Editor requires 
  that the AD approve the change. If the change is editorial (i.e., Not 
  Technical), then with the approval of the authors, it can be added to 
  the document during AUTH48. 

  This topic will be discussed further with the IESG and with the RSAG 
  during IETF 98.

4. Exec session: RPC evaluation

  The RPC evaluation was discussed in an executive session.