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Meeting Slides RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG
Date and time 2022-01-01 15:00
Title 2017-05-10-rsoc-minutes
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2022-06-10

May 10, 2017 RSOC Meeting

Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat

 Sarah Banks (Chair)
 Nevil Brownlee
 Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
 Joel Halpern
 Tony Hansen 
 Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
 Ray Pelletier (IAOC Liaison, non-voting)
 Adam Roach

 Joe Hildebrand
 Bob Hinden
 Robert Sparks (Lead)


0. Review of minutes

  The minutes of the 30 March 2017 RSOC Meeting were approved.

1. Project updates

1.1. Format

  Heather Flanagan reported that a first preview release (0.9.0) of 
  'id2xml', the text-submission converter tool, has been published; the 
  Tools Development team and the RPC will be testing it over the next 
  few weeks. Once id2xml gets to version 1.0, it will be opened up for 
  broader community testing.

  The high level deliverables for the format tools are being tracked at: 

1.2. Style Guide

  Heather Flanagan reported that rather than using a search string, 
  errata URLs are now in the from of 

  Other guidelines currently being reviewed include capitalization of 
  Working Group, placement of the index, and whether to change the 
  guidance on how to reference Internet Drafts. 

  Heather Flanagan will work with Sandy Ginoza to determine which of the 
  style changes result in change requests or RFEs for xml2rfc.

2. Issues around the sub-series concept

  Heather Flanagan reported that draft-leiba-rfc2119-update is being 
  discussed by both the IESG and RSOC. There is a debate about whether 
  the proposed change is technical (under the purview of the IESG) or 
  editorial (under the purview of the RFC Series Editor).

  After discussion, the RSOC concluded that at least for IETF-stream 
  documents, this is in scope for the IESG. Heather Flanagan will follow 
  up with the IESG. Heather will raise a separate issue with the IESG 
  about how the BCP sub-series should be used.
3. IESG retreat plans

3.1. Normatively referencing open source repositories

  Alia Atlas is coordinating a discussion with the IESG on normatively 
  referencing open source repositories; this conversation will continue 
  at the IESG retreat. Heather Flanagan will suggest that the RSAG have 
  a chance to do an early review of any policy that comes out of this. 
  Heather will report back to the RSOC on this after the retreat.

3.2. Author count on RFCs 

  The issue of the number of authors allowed to be listed on an RFC will 
  be raised again at the IESG retreat. There is a draft proposal for 
  hard limits to the number of authors allowed on an IETF-stream RFC. 
  Adam Roach suggested that a warning could be added to IDNITS to help 
  with this issue.

4. Digital Preservation

  Heather Flanagan reported that the Computer History Museum is amenable  
  to adding digital RFCs to their collection. The museum will require an 
  MOU or letter of gift in order to take the collection; Heather has 
  asked them to draft something for her to send in her proposal to the 
  IETF Trust.

  The museum uses an open-source platform for managing their digital 
  archives called Archivematica. After the initial ingestion of RFCs, 
  the museum would do an annual ingest of new documents.

5. AOB

  There was no other open business and the RSOC moved into executive 