Meeting Slides | RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG | |
Date and time | 2022-01-01 16:00 | |
Title | 2018-06-18-rsoc-minutes | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2022-06-10 |
RFC SERIES OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (RSOC) June 18, 2018 RSOC Meeting Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Sarah Banks (Chair) Nevil Brownlee Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting) Tony Hansen Bob Hinden Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting) Adam Roach Robert Sparks (Lead) Portia Wenze-Danley REGRETS --------------------------------- Joel Halpern Martin Thomson MINUTES --------------------------------- 0. Review of minutes The minutes of the 7 May 2018 RSOC meeting were approved. 1. Administrivia Heather Flanagan reminded the RSOC that members who wish to continue on the RSOC should submit their nominations. The deadline for RSOC nominations is Wednesday, 27 June 2018. Heather Flanagan noted that the RSOC will meet on Thursday during lunch at IETF 102; she has sent out a calendar invite for the meeting. 2. Format Update Heather Flanagan reported that the RPC has completed testing of the tools that have been released so far. The most pressing issue is the need to test the publication formatters; the first of those tested will be the text formatter, which is scheduled to be released sometime in the next two weeks. Heather Flanagan noted that they still need to provide feedback to the developer about what to do with markers, since they are not supported in the TinySVG profile. Nevil Brownlee reported that after looking at it, he thinks that they can proceed without using markers, so the issue is resolved. Heather Flanagan reported that the developer is finishing up the functionality of rfclint and determining what should be done with the xmldiff tool. Heather is scheduling a meeting with Robert Sparks to discuss that further. 3. RPC update - GitHub experiment Heather Flanagan reported that AUTH48 has started for draft-ietf-tls- tls13, which is the draft on which the RPC will experiment with using GitHub. The experiment process is outlined at <https://www.rfc- editor.org/rse/wiki/doku.php?id=github_auth48_experiment>. The GitHub repository being used for the experiment is at <https://github.com/ ietf/draft-ietf-tls-tls13/pull/1>. Heather expects to have a report on the findings of the experiment by IETF 102. 4. RFC Stream structure and the BoF proposal Heather Flanagan reported that the rfcplusplus BOF has been scheduled for Monday evening at IETF 102. She noted that several RSOC members have registered concerns about this topic, and asked if there was anything that the RSOC needs to do prior to the BOF. Tony Hansen asked if it would be worthwhile for the RSOC to draft a group statement to be read at the BOF. Adam Roach replied that he does not think that the RSOC would be able to come to consensus on such a statement. Sarah Banks agreed with Adam, but asked if it would be useful for those individuals making statements to do so with their RSOC hats on. Robert Sparks cautioned that individuals will need to be clear that they are not representing RSOC consensus when they speak, even if they are a member of the RSOC. Robert Sparks asked if the RSOC wanted to send something to the IAB about the process they used to get to the current BOF proposal, and how the RSOC would have liked it to be done differently. Bob Hinden agreed to propose text. 5. AOB Robert Sparks asked if the RSOC would find it valuable to have a walk- through of how the current SLA works so that people have a better idea of where the corner cases are. After discussion, the RSOC agreed to wait on this until after the current RSOC appointment cycle is completed and any new members are seated.