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Meeting Slides RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG
Date and time 2022-01-01 16:00
Title 2018-12-13-rsoc-minutes
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2022-06-10

December 13, 2018 RSOC Meeting

Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat

- Sarah Banks (Chair) 
- Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
- Tony Hansen 
- Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
- Adam Roach
- Peter Saint-Andre
- Robert Sparks (Lead) 

- Christian Huitema
- Portia Wenze-Danley (IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting)


0. Review of minutes

  The minutes of the 8 November 2018 RSOC meeting were approved.

1. Format work update

  Heather Flanagan reported that the RPC is continuing to test the new 
  format tools. 

  Robert Sparks reported that Henrik Levkowetz plans to release a first 
  version of the RFC formatter soon. The first release will only support 
  PDF-1.3, as there have been difficulties finding a library that 
  creates PDF/A correctly.

  Robert Sparks noted that the new version of idnits should be completed 
  before the end of 2018.

  Planning for the future of xml2rfc v3 was discussed in an executive 

2. Satisfaction surveys

  Heather Flanagan reported that she and Peter Saint-Andre are 
  discussing ways to change the author satisfaction surveys, such as 
  surveying authors at the time of publication rather than sending 
  surveys out to a random sample of authors at the end of the year.
  Heather will bring a more concrete plan back to the RSOC next month.

3. Upcoming: security audit

  Robert Sparks is putting together a statement of work for a security 
  audit of the web-facing tools used by the RPC. The security audit 
  needs to be completed before the RPC can move to a public code base 
  that could leverage volunteer efforts. 

  Sarah Banks asked who would be responsible for making changes to the 
  code to remediate any issues found during the security audit.

  Robert Sparks replied that it would probably be the contractor who 
  does the analysis; that will be part of the statement of work.

  Sarah Banks asked whether this would be a one-off effort or something 
  that would be done periodically.

  Robert Sparks replied that for now, it is being treated as a one-off 
  effort. Heather Flanagan added that this could be discussed further 
  once the initial audit is complete; the RSOC might decide that they 
  want to do this periodically depending on how much the code changes 
  over time. Robert added that the initial audit will be paid for under 
  the Tools Team's budget.

4. RSOC procedures and the IAOC/IETF LLC

  Tony Hansen volunteered to review the RSOC procedures and suggest 
  updates to remove references to the IAOC.

5. Machine readable errata and hosting RFCs with errata in-line

  Heather Flanagan reported that the RPC has been working to get errata 
  into a machine-readable format, which raises the question about using 
  this material for annotated RFCs. Heather noted that previous RSOCs 
  were hesitant to host annotated RFCs on the RFC Editor website because 
  that might cause confusion between the canonical RFCs and the 
  annotated versions, but that concern could be mitigated by putting the 
  annotated versions in a sandbox space.

  Adam Roach reported that he has put together a prototype proof-of-
  concept tool that shows what inline errata could look like; this was 
  presented to the IESG at IETF 103. Adam will send out the slides from 
  that discussion to the RSOC.