Meeting Slides | RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG | |
Date and time | 2022-01-01 17:00 | |
Title | 2019-02-19-rsoc-minutes | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2022-06-10 |
RFC SERIES OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (RSOC) February 19, 2019 RSOC Meeting Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Sarah Banks (Chair) Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting) Tony Hansen Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting) Adam Roach Peter Saint-Andre Robert Sparks (IAB Lead) Portia Wenze-Danley (IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting) REGRETS --------------------------------- Christian Huitema GUEST --------------------------------- Alissa Cooper MINUTES --------------------------------- 0. Administrivia a. Agenda bash Robert Sparks asked to add an item to discuss the management of the v3 grammar. The item was added to the agenda under the Format update agenda item. b. Minutes The minutes of the 2019-01-17 teleconference were approved. 1. Annotated RFCs Heather Flanagan reminded the RSOC that there is an effort in progress to create copies of RFCs that are annotated with verified errata. The Tools Team has a draft RFP for this project, but they still need to decide where these annotated documents should live (rfc-editor.org or ietf.org), and whether these documents should be considered normative. Heather Flanagan suggested that the documents could live in a sandbox space on the RFC Editor website; the RSOC had no strong objections to that. Heather Flanagan expressed concern that the annotated documents might be considered normative, since they would not have gone through a consensus process. Alissa Cooper replied that the IESG had discussed this at a recent meeting, and concluded that for IETF-stream documents, verified errata is equivalent to changes that are made during AUTH48 and do not need to go through a separate consensus process. She noted that other RFC streams might view this differently, but that it would be nice if all of the streams handled this the same way. Robert Sparks noted that this would not circumvent the consensus process on the IETF stream, because errata marked as Verified are reviewed by the responsible Area Director to make sure that the errata follows what was intended during the consensus process. He suggested that the annotated documents could be presented with a disclaimer that notes that the annotated versions were generated by a developmental tool and asks any discrepancies to be reported to the appropriate Area Director or Working Group. Discussion on how to properly disclaim the annotated RFCs will continue by email. 2. Establishing an SLA change procedure Heather Flanagan reported that the meetings between the RFC Editor and the stream managers started out as an informal way to keep the lines of communication open and solicit stakeholder feedback on changes being proposed by the RFC Editor. Some institutional memory has since been lost, and with current discussions about changes to the SLA needed to account for the impact of the v3 format changes, Alissa Cooper suggested formalizing these meetings and documenting their outcomes. Heather Flanagan has created a space on the RSE wiki to post the notes from the stream managers meetings. Heather Flanagan noted that there are a few different ways to handle changes to the SLA, but that her preference is to publish the details of the process for changing the SLA on the RFC Editor website. The RSOC agreed that this was a reasonable approach; Heather will write something up and send it out to the RSOC to review before IETF 104. 3. Format update a. Tutorials and Testing Dan York will deliver an "intro to markdown" tutorial at IETF 104. Alice Russo is still looking for someone to deliver a "what's changing in v3" tutorial at IETF 104. Heather Flanagan has a call with Russ Housley and Robert Sparks on 22 February 2019 to discuss the next steps for community testing. Heather Flanagan is working on comparing the xml2rfc v3 PDF output with the Callas PDF/A-3 output. b. Handling Management of v3 Grammar Robert Sparks noted that there has been disagreement about the process for developing the bis drafts for the documents that describe the v3 grammar's output. He suggested that the decision would likely end up as the RFC Series Editor's call, but that it would be helpful if the RSOC and the IAB would support that decision. Robert Sparks agreed to write up a short recommendation from the RSOC to the IAB on how to proceed. Once the text is agreed upon by the RSOC, Sarah Banks will send it to the IAB as RSOC Chair. The IAB would then send a message out to the community. 4. Series discrepancy - status of RFC 32 Heather Flanagan reported that there is a discrepancy in the official record for RFC 32, as there are two documents that have been referred to as RFC 32; only one of them is in the RFC Editor database. Heather proposed two possible ways forward: Plan A: - Find who owns the copyright for the document that is not in the RFC Editor database and re-publish the document with a note describing what happened and why it is being republished. - Create errata against the other documents that refer to this document. Plan B: - If the copyright holder of the document that is not in the RFC Editor database cannot be found or will not give permission, create a short RFC that describes the problem and points to the document that is not in the database. - Create errata against the other documents that refer to this document. 5. RFC Series Outreach a. Fifty Years of RFCs Heather Flanagan reported that she has been unable to find someone to write about the Jon Postel years. Instead, Vint Cerf has started a timeline of key moments for the RFC Series. b. Statement to the liaisons re: RFC referencing and format Heather Flanagan reported that she has drafted a statement to go out to the various IESG and IAB liaisons to other organizations regarding the RFC format and reference guidelines. The plan is to send this out once they style guide is updated after the new format goes live. 6. 2019 RSE and RPC goals This item was deferred to the RSOC meeting at IETF 104. 7. Surveys and Evaluations a. SurveyMonkey update Heather Flanagan reported that the first surveys have been sent out. b. handling the 2018 RPC evaluation This item was deferred to the RSOC meeting at IETF 104. 8. AOB