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Meeting Slides RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG
Date and time 2022-01-01 17:00
Title 2019-04-30-rsoc-minutes
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2022-06-10

April 30, 2019 RSOC Meeting

Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat

- Sarah Banks (Chair) 
- Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
- Tony Hansen 
- Christian Huitema (IAB Lead)
- Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
- Mark Nottingham 
- Adam Roach
- Peter Saint-Andre
- Portia Wenze-Danley (IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting)


0. Minutes

  The minutes of the 28 March 2019 RSOC meeting were approved.

1. SLA

  Heather Flanagan clarified some of the terms used on the SLA chart 

  - In the "Submissions" section of the chart, "Docs" refers to the 
    number of documents that were submitted during that quarter.
  - In the "Publications" section of the chart, "Docs" refers to the 
    total number of documents that were published during that quarter.
  - "Docs met SLA" refers to the number of documents that were published 
    in the time frame dictated by the SLA Tier in place during that 

  Heather Flanagan noted that the SLA only tracks the publication of 
  documents, and does not reflect other work that the RPC does, such as 
  testing the new format tools. 

  Mark Nottingham asked if this should be communicated to the community 
  to give more context. Heather Flanagan thought that would be helpful, 
  and asked for guidance on how to structure that information.

2. RPC Resource request

  The RPC resource request was discussed in an executive session.

3. RPC 2018 Evaluation

  The 2018 RPC evaluation was discussed in an executive session.

4. Format update

  The new format update was deferred to email.

5. Series discrepancy - status of RFC 32

  The discussion on the status of RFC 32 was deferred to email.

6. RFC Series Outreach

6.1. Fifty Years of RFCs 

  Heather Flanagan asked the RSOC whether they would endorse asking the 
  IAB to progress draft-flanagan-fiftyyears-05 on the IAB stream. 

  Adam Roach asked for more time to review the document.

  Action item: Sarah Banks will send an email asking the RSOC to sign 
  off on draft-flanagan-fiftyyears-05 by COB Pacific time on Thursday, 2 
  May 2019.

6.2. Statement to the liaisons re: RFC referencing and format

  The discussion of the statement to liaisons regarding RFC referencing 
  and format was deferred to email.

7. RSOC rules of order

  The discussion of the RSOC rules of order was deferred to email.

8. Report out from the IESG

  The report from the IESG retreat was deferred to email.
9. AOB

9.1. RSOC Retreat in July?

  The RSOC agreed to hold two meetings at IETF 105 (Tuesday breakfast 
  and Thursday lunch) in lieu of a retreat. 

  Action item: Once the preliminary agenda is published, Heather 
  Flanagan will send out a Doodle poll to see if there is a consecutive 
  block of time that works for the retreat rather than splitting it out 
  over a breakfast slot and a lunch slot.

9.2. 6635bis

  Sarah Banks noted that there is an ongoing discussion about draft-
  ietf-iasa2-rfc6635bis, "RFC Editor Model (Version 2)," happening on 
  the list and asked the RSOC to go review that thread. 
  One of the proposed changes is allowing the RSE to be hired as a full-
  time employee rather than a contractor. 

  There may be additional items for the RSOC to review in draft-ietf-
  iasa2-rfc4844-bis, "The RFC Series and RFC Editor."

  Action item: Sarah Banks to send an email to the RSOC asking them to 
  review draft-ietf-iasa2-rfc4844-bis.