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Meeting Slides RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG
Date and time 2022-01-01 17:00
Title 2019-06-10-rsoc-minutes
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2022-06-10

June 10, 2019 RSOC Meeting

Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat

 Sarah Banks (Chair) 
 Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
 Christian Huitema (IAB Lead)
 Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
 Mark Nottingham 
 Peter Saint-Andre
 Portia Wenze-Danley (IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting)

 Tony Hansen 
 Adam Roach


0. Agenda bash, minutes

  The minutes of the 2019-05-28 teleconference were approved.

1. Cluster 238 update

  Heather Flanagan reported that Cluster 238 is almost ready to be 
  released. Of the six documents remaining:

  - One document went to IETF Last Call on 2019-06-06
  - One document is currently in the RFC Editor Queue
  - Three documents have been approved by the IESG but not yet sent to 
    the RFC Editor
  - One document has active DISCUSSes that the authors are working to 

  Christian Huitema asked what the expected effect on the publication 
  queue would be.

  Heather Flanagan replied that given the number of pages involved, the 
  RPC would move straight into SLA Tier 2, and possibly even SLA Tier 3. 
  Since documents are mostly handled in the order that they are received 
  in the queue, anything that enters the queue after Cluster 238 
  releases will take longer to publish.

  Christian Huitema suggested that the RFC Editor should warn the 
  community about document processing times after Cluster 238 is 

  * Action item: Heather Flanagan will send a message to the IETF list 
    about the expected impact on publication times caused by the release 
    of Cluster 238.

2. Survey changes

  Heather Flanagan reported that she has implemented the suggested 
  changes to the survey that is sent to authors upon publication of 
  their documents. She will give a report at IETF 105 on how the 
  responses are looking.

  Heather Flanagan noted that the surveys are currently set up in a 
  SurveyMonkey account that is in her name; this should be transitioned 
  to an account that is owned by the IETF LLC or the RFC Editor.

  Mark Nottingham asked whether the RFC Editor would need to take 
  control of the existing account, or if they could set up something 
  new. Heather Flanagan replied that it would depend on how the RSOC 
  wants the data; she export the data in the current surveys. Mark said 
  that as long as the data was in some kind of machine-readable format 
  that would probably be fine.

  * Action item: Heather Flanagan to work with Portia Wenze-Danley to 
    set up a new SurveyMonkey account for the RPC surveys.

3. RSE Transition

  Heather Flanagan announced that she does not plan to renew her 
  contract as RFC Series Editor when it expires on 2019-12-31, and asked 
  how she can help with the transition.

  Mark Nottingham said that figuring out the timeline is the most 
  important step right now. Portia Wenze-Danley said that she has 
  started looking at the previous RFP, and has started putting together 
  a new timeline based on that. 

  * Action item: Portia Wenze-Danley to send the draft RFP for RFC 
    Series Editor out to the RSOC for review.

  Sarah Banks noted that the current RSE contract has provisions to 
  extend it on a month-to-month basis to help with the transition, and 
  asked Heather Flanagan how long she would be willing to extend her 
  contract. Heather Flanagan replied that three months makes sense to 
  her; that would allow the RSOC to interview potential candidates 
  during IETF 106 in November 2019, and have both the incoming and 
  outgoing RSEs attend IETF 107 in March 2020.

  Heather Flanagan added that she has sent out the current RSE operating 
  procedures, and that she welcomes any feedback on them that would make 
  the transition easier.

4. Executive session

5. AOB