Meeting Slides | RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG | |
Date and time | 2022-01-01 17:00 | |
Title | 2019-08-12-rsoc-minutes | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2022-06-10 |
RFC SERIES OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (RSOC) August 12, 2019 RSOC Meeting Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat ATTENDEES --------------------------------- Sarah Banks (RSOC Chair) Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting) Tony Hansen Christian Huitema (IAB Lead) Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting) Mark Nottingham Adam Roach Portia Wenze-Danley (IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting) REGRETS --------------------------------- Peter Saint-Andre NEW ACTION ITEMS --------------------------------- - 2019-08-12: Portia Wenze-Danley to follow up with the IETF LLC regarding a two-year extension of the RPC contract. - 2019-08-12: Sarah Banks to draft a statement of work for a person to temporarily handle the tactical aspects of the RFC Series Editor role during the ongoing community discussion about the RFC Editor Model. Target date: Send to the IAB and IETF LLC by 2019-08-19. - 2019-08-12: Mark Nottingham to check with Ted Hardie and Cindy Morgan about setting up an RSOC wiki on the IAB website. MINUTES --------------------------------- 0. Agenda bash Sarah Banks asked to add an item to approve the minutes from the 2019-07-25 RSOC meeting. Mark Nottingham asked for more time to review the minutes, so approval of those minutes will be added to the 2019-08-19 agenda instead. 1. Administrivia 1.1. Meeting minutes The following meeting minutes were approved: - 2019-06-10 RSOC meeting - 2019-07-22 RSOC meeting 1.2. Next RSOC Meeting The next RSOC meeting will be a conference call on 2019-08-19 at 2200 UTC. 1.3. F2F meeting between RSE and RPC October 7-8 in Fremont, California Heather Flanagan will have a face-to-face meeting with the RFC Production Center to go through open action items and other things that need to be documented before Heather departs at the end of the year. 1.4. draft-iab-fiftyyears Heather Flanagan reported that the community review period for draft- iab-fiftyyears has ended. Heather has posted an update that incorporates the feedback received, and asked the IAB to approve the document. Cindy Morgan noted that this will be on the IAB agenda for 2019-08-21. 2. RPC extension The RSOC agreed to request that the RPC contract be extended by two years. Heather Flanagan noted that this would be the last extension allowed by the current contract, so the RSOC would need to put the contract out to bid in 2021 for a new contract that would start in 2022. Christian Huitema noted that it would be good if the RSE and RPC contracts do not come up for renewal at the same time. The RSOC agreed with that; Sarah Banks said that once the current RPC contract renewal is finalized, any adjustments to make sure the contracts are staggered can happen on the RSE contract side. Action item: Portia Wenze-Danley to follow up with the IETF LLC regarding a two-year extension of the RPC contract. 3. RSOC proposal re RSE role The RSOC discussed how to handle the RSE role, given Heather Flanagan's planned departure at the end of the year as well as the ongoing community discussion about the RFC Editor Model. During the plenary at IETF 105, Heather Flanagan mentioned that the most important thing during that transition period will be making sure that the day-to-day tactical things continue to happen and that the RPC has someone that they can come to with any questions. Sarah Banks suggested putting out a statement of work for a temporary person to handle the tactical parts of the current RSE role after Heather Flanagan's departure. Sarah noted that this is not the process outlined in RFC 6635, but a temporary measure to ensure that RFCs continue to be published while the community has a full discussion about the RFC Editor Model. Sarah noted that the role would need to have an explicit time bound on it (e.g. two years) since it is intended as a temporary measure. However, since this is not the current process outlined in RFC 6635, the community would need to be able to provide input before proceeding with this plan. The RSOC agreed that this seems like a reasonable proposal and that they should bring it to the IAB, IETF LLC, and the community. Action item: Sarah Banks to draft a statement of work for a person to temporarily handle the tactical aspects of the RFC Series Editor role during the ongoing community discussion about the RFC Editor Model. Sarah Banks noted that she would like to be able to send the SOW out to the IAB and IETF LLC no later than 2019-08-19, so she asked the RSOC to be prompt with their reviews. If the IAB and IETF LLC agree with this approach, the proposal and draft SOW will be sent out to the community for review. Heather Flanagan noted that she has been keeping a log of the day-to- day activities she spends time on as the RSE; this could be used as input to the statement of work for the temporary tactical manager. 4. Cluster 238 update Heather Flanagan reported that two documents (draft-ietf-mmusic-ice- sip-sdp and draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-uks) continue to hold up the bulk of C238. Both documents were discussed on the 2019-08-08 IESG telechat. Once those documents are approved, it will release approximately 20 documents (1275 pages) into the RFC Editor Queue, all of which will be converted to v3. Adam Roach said that he is hoping to have those documents approved by the end of this week (2019-08-16). Heather Flanagan reported that a mailing list has been created for all of the authors involved in C238; that mailing list will be copied on all of the AUTH48 emails. Because things like terminology and definitions need to be consistent among all of the documents in the cluster, a question about one document could have implications for another document in the cluster that has different authors. Adam Roach noted that he is planning to do a post-mortem to see how such a large cluster came to be in the first place, in hopes that similar situations could be avoided in the future. 5. RFC Editor 2020 budget Heather Flanagan reported that she sent email to Portia Wenze-Danley about the RFC Editor's 2020 budget with a list of items that should be budgeted for: - 5 RSE trips (3 IETF meeting, 1 IESG retreat, 1 visit to the RPC) - 2 annual memberships (International Association of STM Publishers, Crossref) - Base RPC costs (and expectations for that to grow in 2022) - Tooling projects that will impact RPC resources (AUTH48, format) 6. AOB 6.1. RPC SLA Heather Flanagan noted that one concern for the RSOC circa 2012-2013 was how long it takes to train new editors (back then, around 18 months), because the RPC uses such a specialized set of tools and XML vocabulary. At that time, much work was done to improve tooling and document processes so that the training time could decrease. Improvements were made, but the RPC has noticed the amount of time needed to train new editors is creeping back up with the transition to v3. Sarah Banks requested that an item be added to the 2019-08-19 agenda to discuss the RPC SLA and ask clarifying questions. Sandy Ginoza from the RPC will be invited to join that meeting. Tony Hansen observed that the current SLA was a compromise. While it is significantly better than the previous SLA, there are still tweaks that could be made to account for outside factors that affect page rates (e.g. tools testing). 6.2. RPC at Face-to-Face RSOC meetings The RSOC agreed to invite the RPC to attend their face-to-face meetings. Heather Flanagan will follow up with the RPC and invite them to the lunch meeting at IETF 106. 6.3. RSOC Wiki Action item: Mark Nottingham to check with Ted Hardie and Cindy Morgan about setting up an RSOC wiki on the IAB website. 6.4. RSE Transition Sarah Banks asked Heather Flanagan if she would consider getting on a recorded WebEx meeting to discuss the RSE role and things that it would be helpful for a new person to know during the transition. The RSOC will discuss this with Heather further at their meeting on 2019-08-19.