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Meeting Slides RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG
Date and time 2022-01-01 17:00
Title 2019-11-21-rsoc-minutes
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2022-06-10

November 21, 2019 RSOC Meeting

Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat

Sarah Banks (RSOC Chair) 
Jay Daley (IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting)
Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
Tony Hansen 
Christian Huitema (IAB Lead)
Mark Nottingham 
Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
Adam Roach
Peter Saint-Andre
Portia Wenze-Danley (outgoing IETF LLC Board Liaison, non-voting)

Sandy Ginoza, RFC Production Center

  - 2019-02-19: RSOC concludes that handling the management of the v3 
    grammar will be the RFC Series Editor's call.

  - 2019-04-30: RSOC endorses Heather Flanagan asking the IAB to 
    progress draft-flanagan-fiftyyears-05 on the IAB stream.

  - 2019-07-22: RSOC agrees on the following RPC SLA exception process:

    • The RSE will notify the IETF LLC that the SLA will be missed in Q3 
      2019, and that an exception has been requested by the RPC.
    • The IETF LLC will request a report from the RPC to explain why the 
      SLA will be missed, and how resources are being used for things 
      not currently counted towards the SLA.

  - 2019-07-25: RSOC will invite the RPC to participate as non-voting 
    members in face-to-face RSOC meetings.

  - 2019-08-12: RSOC will request that the IETF LLC extend the RPC 
    contract by two years. 

  - 2019-08-12: RSOC will put out an SOW for a temporary RFC Series 
    Project Manager to handle the day-to-day tactical functions while 
    the community discusses the evolution of the RFC Editor Model.

  - 2019-08-19: RSOC will request that the IETF LLC suspend the RPC SLA 
    until after Q1 2020:

    • 2019-09-15: New format goes live
    • 2019-09-15 - 2019-10-31: Identify and fix critical bugs
    • 2019-11-01: RPC workload considered stable for new state of play
    • 2019-11-01 - 2020-01-21: RPC works in the new state of play and 
      collects input on what that means for their workload
    • 2020-01-21: RSOC proposes updated SLA

  - 2019-10-15: RSOC will make sure that "maintenance of the RFC Style 
    Guide" goes into the SOW for the next permanent RSE.

  - 2019-10-15: RSOC will make sure that "updating the AUTH48 process" 
    goes into the SOW for the next permanent RSE.

  - 2019-11-21: RSOC selected the bidder with whom the Executive 
    Director and LLC will begin contract negotiations for the Temporary 
    RFC Series Project Manager. (Name to be added once contract 
    negotiations are complete and the contract is announced.)



  - 2019-11-21: Heather Flanagan to send RSOC a list of things that 
    should be included in her 3-month contract extension to help 
    transition to the Temporary RFC Series Project Manager.

  In Progress:

  - 2019-10-15: Heather Flanagan to work with the RPC to write down 
    some guidance as to what is meant by the goal to minimize re-
    rendering of the RFC output formats.

  - 2019-10-15: Sarah Banks to follow up with the RSOC and Portia Wenze-
    Danley via email about asking the LLC to keep Heather Flanagan on 
    retainer for three months to help with the temporary RFC Series 
    Project Manager transition.

  - 2019-09-09: RSOC members to submit questions for the Q&A with 
    Heather Flanagan to be used for on-boarding future RSEs. 

  - 2019-08-12: Mark Nottingham to check with Ted Hardie and Cindy 
    Morgan about setting up an RSOC wiki on the IAB website.

1. RSE Priorities - status

  RSOC reviewed the RSE's priorities for the rest of 2019. Heather 
  Flanagan reported that the is likely to finish the following projects:

  - RFC Model process discussion
    ◦ Calls done, draft done, session done
    ◦ Next steps to be turned over to the IAB
  - 2019 vendor evaluation
    ◦ Not yet started; highest priority after IETF 106
  - RSE Operating Guide and Reading List
    ◦ Not yet started; priority after IETF 106
  - AUTH48 for Fifty Years of RFCs
    ◦ RPC does plan to start the AUTH48 on this so that we can publish 
      in 2019

  The following projects are unlikely to be finished by the end of 2019:

  - xml2rfc v3 7991bis and the v3 format
  - Publish new style guide
    ◦ Important, but not as important as publishing docs
  - Resolve the RFC 32 issue
  - Archival support for v3 (contact archival partners Computer History 
    Museum and National Library of Sweden)

2. XML Vocabulary

  Heather Flanagan reported that she has been working on the -bis 
  document for RFC 7991, 'The "xml2rfc" Version 3 Vocabulary.' Creating 
  the -bis document and associated .rng is best done using a special 
  build environment, but it is still not easy.

  There has been ongoing disagreement between the design team and the 
  tools developers about how to document the v3 vocabulary. Sarah Banks 
  suggested that mediating that would fall to whomever is chosen as the 
  Temporary RFC Series Project Manager.

3. AOB

  Sarah Banks noted that this would be Portia Wenze-Danley's last RSOC 
  meeting. The RSOC thanked Sarah for her service.

4. Executive Session - Temporary RFC Series Project Manager

  RSOC discussed the bid for the Temporary RFC Series Project Manager in 
  an executive session.

  RSOC selected the bidder with whom the Executive Director and LLC will 
  begin contract negotiations.

  RSOC will meet with the bidder on Friday, 2019-11-22 to discuss the 
  project. Cindy Morgan will reserve a meeting room at IETF 106 and send 
  out WebEx details. 

  Action item: Heather Flanagan to send RSOC a list of things that 
  should be included in her 3-month contract extension to help 
  transition to the Temporary RFC Series Project Manager.