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Paper: Network Management of Encrypted Traffic: Detect it don't decrypt it (Qin Wu, Jun Wu, Qiufang Ma)

Slides IAB workshop on Management Techniques in Encrypted Networks (M-TEN) (mtenws) Team
Title Paper: Network Management of Encrypted Traffic: Detect it don't decrypt it (Qin Wu, Jun Wu, Qiufang Ma)

Increased use of encryption at the transport, network, or application layer impacts how
networks are operated, managed, and secured, especially existing traffic management practices.
This …

Increased use of encryption at the transport, network, or application layer impacts how
networks are operated, managed, and secured, especially existing traffic management practices.
This position paper analyzes impacts on network management protocols and
functionalities, encrypted traffic identification process and a collection of encryption techniques
and Internet traffic categorization in the existing traffic management. Encrypted traffic
identification processes appear to be hard since Application-layer and transport-layer encryption
make the traffic class estimation more complex and less accurate and therefore might be not
effective as input information to the queue management. To make network management in
support traffic encryption, the various metadata information exchange and storage appears to be
useful, especially size and time related data. These data will be more effective to be used in the
flow based traffic identification and classification, which can detect the traffic class without
decryption. This position paper also discuss the future direction, in order to support modern data
driven traffic management at the network layer, more coordination between the management
plane and data plane or between application layer and network layer is required to support
more fine granularity network control on various different application traffic.
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Last updated 2023-11-20

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