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RFC 6346 successful: moving to Proposed Standard

Document Proposed status change RFC 6346 successful: moving to Proposed Standard
Last updated 2015-01-22
Moves to Proposed Standard RFC6346
State Dead
IESG Telechat date (None)
Responsible AD Ted Lemon
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When RFC 6346 was published in 2011, the idea of addressing the IPv4 address
exhaustion problem using Address+Port sharing was new and untried, and so it
was published as experimental.   In the intervening years, several mechanisms
for deploying A+P have been documented and implemented, and are now seeing
commercial deployment.

Consequently, it seems appropriate to declare the A+P experiment a success.  
This proposed action moves RFC 6346 to the Standards Track, as Proposed
Standard.  In order to change the boilerplate text which currently describes
the document as experimental, the document will be re-released with a new RFC
number, but with no changes other than the change to the boilerplate text.